The final gentleman

Chapter 400 Pus Lake

Lie back on the flesh-shaped seat that is completely close-fitting, with perfect spinal adaptation, and lumbar support and pillow support made of pure fat.

There are also various types of parasitic flight attendants in the train - male, female or a mixture of them all exist. They will provide all the services you want for free, even some specially customized in-depth services, such as spine opening and bone scraping, brain punching, or organ massage.

If you can't bear the deep massage, you can also get some shallow ordinary massage.


While Yi Chen adjusted his seat to 135° and lay down to rest, a flight attendant with rich mouthparts was performing a multi-point massage on his head by exposing his whisker-like mouthparts with massage functions.

In addition to various acupuncture points on the face, there are also whiskers that can be slid into the nasal cavity to directly rub the brain.

The flight attendant was also in awe when he touched Yi Chen's brain for the first time.

He had no idea that the human being in front of him, who was suspected of being deceased, actually had an alienated brain of a lunatic, merging death and lunacy. He had never seen this before after working as a flight attendant for so long.

It was also the first time for Yi Chen to experience the services of the old world, and he fell asleep unknowingly because he was so comfortable.

In the dream, he even dreamed that he turned into a brain with limbs and came to a place similar to a bathhouse. He was served by several experienced bath masters one after another, and was then arranged to a sauna. The room is used for oil injection, ear picking, etc.

When I woke up, there was actually essential oil coming out of my nostrils, and my whole brain felt refreshed like never before.


All the tentacles were retracted into the steward's mouth, and he said with his protruding mouth: "Mr. William, your destination - [Pyrophorus Lake] has arrived. Please pay a total of eight ancient coins as the full cost of this transfer."

As soon as I finished speaking,


Jin, who was soaking his feet next to him, immediately flicked over eight coins. The flight attendant also shot out the tentacles in his mouth and stuck them firmly, and completed the authenticity check in an instant.

"You two go slowly, I hope you will still choose our [Black Tape] next time."

The flight attendant took out a delicate knife with a black roundworm mark from his waist, cut an opening in the car's flesh wall, and made a gentleman-like gesture of invitation to help the two of them get out of the car.

However, only opening the door for such a short period of time,

As a "train", the giant parasite was eroded by the external environment, and many benign tumors grew, and a very strange smell spread into the carriage. This was exactly the effect of being close to the cancer palace.

The flight attendants also started cleaning work and cut out all these benign tumors. Once one of them turned into a malignant tumor, the train-level parasite that had been cultivated for countless years would be scrapped.

"This smell..."

Yi Chen stepped out of the train and decisively covered his mouth and nose with a scarf.

It's like walking into the back kitchen of a cancer hospital during a famine. Since there are no ingredients, the patients' tumors can only be collected and stewed in a large pot. Since there are not even the most basic seasonings, the original taste of the ingredients can only be retained.

However, Yi Chen was quickly attracted by the sight in front of him

The endless flesh-red lake,

Bubbles with a diameter of more than ten meters continue to occur in various areas of the lake, and flesh-colored mist rises with the bubbles.

There are still various tumor remnants floating on the lake, and they seem to want to aggregate into a tumor group.

However, during the aggregation process, they will be attracted by other tumors, causing some of the newly combined tumor groups to separate again and aggregate toward other areas.

Looking around, almost all tumor remnants are undergoing endless aggregation and separation, maintaining the 'balance' of the lake.

On Yi Chen's side, he just stood by the lake for a moment, and his leather shoes completely sank into the ground, or in other words, they were swallowed up by the cystic tissue rising from the ground.

The warm wind from the lake is constantly blowing hair and clothes,

It felt like my skin color, voice and even body odor were all assimilated by this lake.

Even if he covered his mouth with a scarf immediately and did not inhale the air containing tumor cells into his body, tumors began to grow on his exposed fingers.

at this time,


Jin first slapped Yi Chen hard on the back, knocking him back from the shock and assimilation process.

Then he took the initiative to hold hands,

When it came into contact with Jin's palm, all the tumors were suppressed.

Jin Ye quickly explained, "The massage on the train was so comfortable. I forgot that William, you don't have any cancer properties. It's quite dangerous to come here.

Bear with it for a while, and I'll inject you with a 'temporary antigen'. "

As soon as he finished speaking,

There was a tingling sensation in the palm of his hand, as if a spiky plant had penetrated his body, but the pain was like a stimulant to Yi Chen, bringing him back to consciousness.

When I looked down, I saw a small red lotus blooming on the back of my hand.

After a short time, the red lotus sank into it and turned into a bright tattoo pattern.

"Jin, what is this?"

"It can make you not affected by the environment of the Cancer Palace. Any guest who comes to the Cancer Palace needs to be implanted with antigens, otherwise it will become completely cancerous and turn into a nutritional plant here in just one day at most."

After saying that, Jin raised his hand and pointed to the blood forest not far away.

The flesh-and-blood plants standing there were all swollen, and their faces and body structures could be vaguely seen on the surface.

"By the way, the Cancer Palace is on the other side of the lake? How are we going to get there?"

"Swim over." Jin said and began to take off his clothes.

"No way..." After Yi Chen swallowed his saliva, he also started to take off his clothes.

Jin, who was unbuttoning his shirt, suddenly laughed, "Haha, do you really believe it? The Pus Lake is the moat of the Cancer Palace! The liquid in it contains countless super tumors, and the flesh will be damaged once it touches it. To the extremely crazy struggle for sovereignty and nutrient absorption.

Anyone who can swim across the Lake of Pussy can be regarded as a well-known strong person in the Cancer Palace.

Taking off our clothes is just unloading the things from the 'leather factory', otherwise the ship will not take us there, let alone enter the Cancer Palace. "


Yi Chen used his control over leather to put on the spare clothes in the suitcase in just a moment.

He himself does not want to wear clothes containing "yellow skin" to go to a target area such as the Cancer Palace. Once the yellow skin is exposed, various unexpected situations may occur.

Just when Yi Chen changed his clothes and looked sideways at Jin, a rare and rare beautiful picture suddenly caught his eye.

Because the chest bandage usually used by the executioner was also made of gentleman's skin. Now it has been completely removed...except for the mask, which is completely exposed.

Coupled with the special background of the Pussy Lake, such a picture with a flesh-red color theme will be burned into the brain for a long time.

At the same time, I finally understood why Jin often needed to use bandages.

The next second, the beautiful scenery was broken.

Jin's body surface began to bubble, and various micro-tumors grew on the surface of the skin.

Finally, after the combination and assembly of the cancer cells, it turned into a loose T-shirt with the same color as Puhu, which directly covered the upper body and was paired with a pair of casual shorts.

"It feels so comfortable to not be constrained by gentleman's clothes~ William, you are so boring, you still have to wear such restrictive clothes... That's right! I almost forgot that you seem to like 'restraint' and pain-related things, come on !”

Under Jin's guidance, the two quickly arrived at a simple wooden dock.

Jin signaled Yi Chen to wait behind. She stood alone at the front of the pier, leaned down and gently stirred the thick lake water with her hands, quickly pulling out her fingers before they were completely disintegrated.

A small amount of biological pheromones are absorbed by the pus lake and quickly spread to the depths of the lake bottom.

A boatman who was born in the Lake of Pussy, grew up in the lake, and embedded in the bottom of the lake woke up quickly after ingesting pheromones.


A wooden boat covered with flesh emerged from the top,

The pustules all over his body were being pushed back into the body. The boatman, who looked tall and tall, turned his head, removed the cysts on his eyelids with his hands, and looked at the two people with blood-red eyes.

"Kim Almeida, who is this?"

"My friend, I should be qualified to take [an] outsider to the Cancer Palace."

"Come on board."

When Yi Chen followed him onto the boat, he immediately discovered that the boatman's soles were connected to the hull. In other words, the entire boat was his proliferative tissue.

When the two sat down on the boat, Jin's arm also crossed over, and then he lifted part of the mask, put his thin lips to his ears, and whispered softly:

"By the way, William~ there is one thing I haven't told you yet. Any outsider who goes to the Cancer Palace needs to be 'baptized'.

This process may be quite uncomfortable and long, and you must persevere. Only in this way can you officially enter the Cancer Palace. After all, the old world has suffered such a blow, and everyone is very vigilant.

And you also have the attribute of death, which Cancer Palace is more afraid of.

As long as you can pass smoothly, maybe the master will take a fancy to you and even give you a long-term cancer palace residence permit. "

"Jin, did you deliberately hide it before?"

"What does it matter~ You can definitely do it."

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