The final gentleman

Chapter 405 Hunger and Struggle


A giant plaque is hung at the end of the street. After the plaque, it corresponds to the mouth of the flesh-shaped cave extending downward, pointing to an unknown consumption area.

There are still two guards standing at the entrance of the cave carrying huge abscesses on their backs.

The area you will go to next has certain restrictions. Only cancer patients whose identity or personal funds meet certain standards are eligible to enter.

Lady Olena walked ahead with her cat tail raised, and the guards quickly gave way.

The previous street scenes no longer exist, replaced by independent competition venues built inside the cave.

A large number of cancer patients are wandering between different venues with bags of ancient coins, choosing the games they want to watch and placing bets.

There are many types of competitions, and the competitions near the entrance are relatively mild, and there are generally no serious injuries or deaths.

For example, a growth competition is being held in a large area,

The contestants begin to proliferate after hearing the starting gun. When the area is completely filled with their proliferative tissue, the referee will accurately measure the "proliferation status" of each contestant.

Finally, a comprehensive score is given based on the volume of hyperplasia, the quality and distribution of the hyperplasia tissue, and the external appearance.

There is also a competition called Nutritional Intake. The organizer will prepare a huge amount of food for the contestants and require them to finish eating within a fixed time. Finally, the status of digestion and absorption will be judged based on changes in their body shape.

Watching these games made Yi Chen's scalp numb, and he even happened to encounter an accident during the game.

A contestant in a hyperplasia competition forcibly expanded the size regardless of the stability of the growth. Eventually, the size was too large and was squeezed by many parties, and he exploded like a balloon.

The scene was filled with various organizations and laughter.

Such accidents are very common. Although you lose the game, if you can make the sponsors happy, you may even get a larger tip bonus than the first place.

However, the above are all small and medium-sized competitions, and Ms. Olena did not pay attention to them at all, and continued to go deeper along the cave passage.

As the smell of blood continued to grow stronger, Jin couldn't help but ask: "Master, where are we going?"

"Heading to the deepest, most valuable playing field for the biggest bet I've made an hour ago.

Later, several guys with similar identities to me will arrive to engage in a different kind of slave battle.

From now on, you are not allowed to call me by my name, you can only address me as 'Master', and we will return to the original status after we leave here.

If you win, I will give you 50% of the coins for your free disposal, and even provide you with some special consumption channels. "

Continuously descend along the cave passage that slopes downward at 15°, and finally reach the deepest level, which corresponds to a fighting arena embedded in giant flesh walls.

The auditorium, which can accommodate 50,000 people, is currently packed with seats, and cheers are ringing from the entire venue.

There are still three weird cancer patients on the field engaged in the final showdown. Their body regeneration speed has been extremely slow, and the final winner is about to emerge.

Yi Chen quickly caught a strange point,

Judging from the battle traces and blood stains on the field, these three people were definitely not the only ones fighting. Where were the other contestants? Was he purged out after the defeat or...

Yi Chen quickly thought of the name of this cave area - [Hunger and Struggle], and then looked at the swollen bodies of the remaining three people, especially the highly bulging abdomen, and had a very bad feeling.

Ms. Olena landed directly on Yi Chen's shoulders with a cat jump and said to the two of them: "Next, you will be my slaves and participate in a two-person hunger wrestling competition."

At this time, Jin and Yi Chen's concerns became completely different.

Jin didn't care about the game at all, but was thinking about a question back and forth.

"Why did Master choose to stand on William's shoulders instead of mine?" 』

Yi Chen asked with a bad look on his face: "Don't the rules of the game require that the loser be eaten?"

But Ms. Olena gently pressed William's lips with her flesh pad, "Don't use vulgar words like 'eat', what happened here is called [Hunger Evolution].

All contestants will be 'extracted' before the start of the competition, evacuating all food and nutritional residues from their bodies and competing on a completely empty stomach.

By absorbing the nutrients of the defeated, you can continuously strengthen and even evolve during the battle, and finally win.

This kind of hunger battle can awaken the instinct of cancer patients and is one of the biggest pastimes of cancer patients. "

"Can I not choose to absorb others, but simply defeat them?"

"Okay~ As long as you can do it."

"That's fine."

Jin on the side did not listen to a word of the conversation between Yi Chen and Ms. Olena.

"Ah~ Why can Master keep talking to William and look so gentle? I really want this too." 』

At this time, Ms. Olena jumped and landed in the circular corridor on the side. She raised her cat tail and motioned for the two of them to follow.

"Let's sign up first, and then we'll see what kind of slaves the guys who are betting against me bring over. They must be some more powerful cancer patients."

While following Ms. Olena to the backcourt,

Jin quietly came close to Yi Chen's side, even pressing his whole body against it. The soft and clinging feeling coming from under the swollen clothes could almost cover Yi Chen's entire upper right arm.

The reason for being so close is just to inhale the 'master's scent' that remains on Yi Chen's shoulders.

"By the way, William, what were you and Master talking about just now? Did you talk about the rules of the game or something? Please tell me quickly."

"Didn't you listen? It's like this..."

After Yi Chen's explanation, a scary smile appeared under Jin's mask.

"Hunger wrestling? It's a competition that fits the characteristics of cancer patients. No wonder it's so popular.

Just in time, in this way, I can replenish some proto-cancer energy to the red lotus in my body, and Master seems to attach great importance to this game. I think our opponents will all be great nutritional supplements. "

Backcourt registration area,

Under the recommendation of Ms. Olena, Yi Chen and Jin began to fill in the registration list and sign to confirm that they would participate in the two-player mode of hunger wrestling.

Jin didn't even look at the content on the paper and signed his name in blood.

Yi Chen read the details carefully and signed his name after confirming that there were no problems.

At this moment, a bubbling sound came from behind:

"Olena, is this the human slave you brought? With such a small body, can it really participate in the hunger competition?"

A bloated man holding a large intestine cigarette in his mouth and wrapped in a black velvet coat walked into the backcourt sign-in area. He had no neck structure due to excessive swelling.

His ten fat fingers were all wearing rings, inlaid with expensive cancer crystals in different colors.

The slave cancer follower behind him actually revealed the open source framework and seemed to be extremely confident in his strength.

One relief is a flesh ball, the other is a split arm,

The bodies of the two were huge, and one of them had a huge man whose arms were split into bite structures. He even had to bend down to enter the sign-in room.

When seeing contestants like Yi Chen and Jin, a lot of saliva quickly oozed from their mouths, eager to taste this delicious food from another world.

Ms. Olena scratched the side of her ear with her hind legs and said disdainfully, "Gyles, I hope you won't be as stingy as before tonight and come out with more money. I am a human slave that I found with great difficulty." , the audience will definitely be more enthusiastic.”

Gales rubbed his fat chin and said, "I'm still the same. I'll just take whatever you want in the middle."

When this person left, Ms. Olena jumped on Yi Chen's shoulder again, deliberately leaned close to his earlobe and asked in a low voice:

"How about it? Judging from the slaves this guy brings, what is your winning rate?"

Yi Chen did not give a specific probability, but nodded slightly, "We should be able to win."

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