The final gentleman

Chapter 412 Black and Red

Cancer Palace, the topmost layer, is also the highest point in the old world except for evil yang.

Also known as "The Lord's Palace"

If you want to go to the palace, in addition to taking the only elevator,

You also need to pass through an endless passage filled with layers of meat.

This passage has been growing continuously, even continuing to extend regardless of the obstacles of space. Its length has long exceeded the horizontal length of the cancer palace.

In the corresponding dormitory room at the end, there is a large bed of meat cushions. It is said that this mass of meat cushions has existed since the birth of the old world. The entire Cancer Palace and the surrounding pus lake are the products of this mass of meat cushions.

But such an important core was used by the Lord as a big bed for her to rest on.

The bright red and translucent curtains cover the 'scenery' between the beds. You can vaguely see a pair of legs floating behind, but there seems to be something else.


The floating legs suddenly froze,

The toes with the hateful pictures painted on the nails hung down from the edge of the bed and touched the ground gently, feeling all the abnormal signals between the cancerous palaces and discovering something strange happening in a certain cave arena in the middle and upper area.

Sounds that were too muddy to be heard by ordinary people spread through the palace,

§Death Plague~ No, it seems that there is something else in it, a kind of death from outside the world that is not controlled by the skull. Such an interesting outsider has unfortunately been marked by the 'sister'. §

With a slash of black light rising in the arena.

With four hands and four sickles, the Blood Mantis-Figuere, who looked like a worm-like god of death, temporarily stopped suppressing Jin and looked back at his teammates behind him.

Although Marcelino's violent, bloodthirsty and arrogant character is annoying,

But he has long been used to it, and the two have been friends for many years.

"This heavy feeling of death can completely threaten the pony, and even me will be in danger... What is the origin of this person."

Just when he was distracted,

Jin, whose body was originally cut open by his scythe, actually took action separately.

Let the two thighs of his lower body wrap directly around his insect body, and red lotus vines grew out from between the thighs, tightly wrapping around Figuere.

The upper body leaps high with the help of six tentacles on the back.

With the blood baby in his hand crying wildly, a waterfall of blood was drawn in the air and slashed down suddenly.

Figuere immediately raised his four arms to block~Dang! The parry was successful... but the arm blocking the top was broken.

Jin buried her head, bit down on the broken arm, and tore it off forcefully.

at the same time,

Jin snapped his fingers and exploded his lower body!

Mushroom clouds rose in the field,

Even Jin himself was seriously injured, his abdomen was burnt black, and his whole body was blasted to the side of the arena... He relied on his tentacles to pull on the side wall of the arena, and he almost got eliminated because he left the arena.

As the mushroom cloud dispersed, the blood mantis Figuere stood still.

Even though all the flesh in his body was blown to pieces, his entire skeleton remained unchanged, and there was even a luster of flesh and blood flowing on the surface of the bones.

Moreover, the "tumor armor" on his body also exists attached to the skeleton.

Tiny tumors are growing on the surface of the bones,

Jin said with an ugly face: "Is it bone cancer? It's a rare breed. But I was lucky enough to pick up a hand and come back."

One of Blood Mantis Figuere's severed arms was caught in Jin's free left hand.

A kind of professional characteristic belonging to gold was inspired. Lotus roots wrapped around the arm. The bones and flesh were separated and rewoven, and the arm was transformed into an insect-limbed sickle and held in the hand.

At this time, the screen will switch to the panoramic view of the venue.

Even if Jin's side triggered a super explosion covering half of the court, both sides suffered heavy injuries.

But the audience’s attention was not attracted;

Even if he was slightly distracted and glanced at the explosion area, he quickly returned to his original focus.

They were all eager to see clearly what was going on with the death that streaked across the sky.

With the end of the death slash,

Hiss! The sound of blood spraying sounded,

A large number of living saw blades were thrown into the air, accompanied by blood rushing out under high pressure.

There were also some pieces of tumor armor and a severed palm... The moment Marcelino was struck, he put a hand in front of his chest, which greatly offset the damage.

The thing that was cut open by death soon turned completely black and was annihilated and dispersed.

The chainsaw roars!

Marcelino used the explosive power of his legs and feet, combined with the internal rotation of the chainsaw chain, to distance himself as if gliding.

A dark vertical slash was marked on his front.

The armor has been completely cut open. If he hadn't stretched out his hand to block part of it, the body under the armor would have been in danger. This shows how terrifying the power of this cut is.


The tumor armor quickly overflowed with the luster of flesh and blood, forcefully canceling out the death remaining at the incision, and the tiny tumors proliferated rapidly, repairing the armor as before.

Marcelino also cut off his left palm, which was stained with death.


As half of his left palm fell to the ground,

A ferocious-looking dog head suddenly jumped out of the wrist wound, and a one-meter-long living saw blade emerged from the dog's mouth to replace the original palm structure.

He calmed down completely and re-examined the opponent in front of him, especially the death weapon that the opponent took out from the suitcase.

That is a human spine with perfect curves,

The section of the tailbone was wrapped with a cloth bandage and fit perfectly into Yi Chen's palm.

The cervical spine at the other end used the death plague mist that overflowed from the gap to construct a pitch-black axe, with a strange black liquid still dripping from the ax blade.

The overall length of the weapon reaches 1.8 meters, and it is extremely heavy. It completely relies on Yi Chen's [Physique] to be able to control such a "Knight's Battle Ax" with one hand.

This is also a helpless move.

Death Ridge Lake has not yet developed a posture suitable for Yi Chen, or Yi Chen himself does not know how to develop it, so he can only choose between the 'Knight Battle Axe' and the 'Berserker Dual Axe' customized by the original owner.

Currently, one hand is needed to hold the gun, so it can only be adapted to the tomahawk posture. Although it is a bit bulkier, it is powerful.

The more Marcelino looked at such a spine, the more uneasy and shocked he became. As a person from the old world, he could easily determine the origin of the spine.

"Is this the backbone of the Plague Knight? No, the purity is a little worse... Is it the backbone of a trainee knight who is about to break through?

Is this guy a trainee knight selected from the original tomb?

Impossible. It is impossible for people from the original tomb to enter the Cancer Palace. They will be attacked just by approaching the Pussy Lake. Could it be that this guy killed the real deceased from the original tomb and is this his trophy?

It’s so interesting~ I’ve always wanted to have a duel with a dead person of the same level, but I didn’t expect that such an opportunity would come so early. "

Marcelino's fighting spirit only increased, and the dozens of chainsaws growing out of his body were making crazy noises. The rising blood-red steam even condensed into a tearing virtual image behind him.

Yi Chen looked at this scene, his eyes changed slightly, and he muttered:

"This guy is actually still getting stronger... Is it an innate characteristic? Is he strong when encountering strong people or is he naturally warlike... The longer he fights with me, the stronger he will become? It seems that the battle needs to end soon."

Before he finished speaking, the crazy Marcelino struck again,

The dog head that grew out of his left arm collided head-on with the chainsaw's Death Spine Ax blade, without any fear of the unknown death. Two brilliant rays of light, one black and one red, exploded during the collision.

Yi Chen felt the pressure from the chainsaw and used his body skills and physical precognition again.

But Marcelino was already familiar with it from the previous fights. He immediately twisted his calf and pounced on the position where the breath was transferred. He could always bite Yi Chen and keep the distance between them no more than three meters.

High-speed movement and ultra-high-frequency physical collisions,

Most of the audience's field of vision cannot even keep up with this speed. They can only see two lights and shadows, one black and one red, swimming and colliding on the field. The tearing and cutting noise seems to tear the eardrums to pieces.

Such a fierce duel also brought the atmosphere of the audience to the maximum, with constant cheers!

With the help of the tumor armor and his own combative characteristics, Marcelino used his body to resist some ax blade strikes that were difficult to avoid, and instead responded with a chainsaw.

Until...ah! ! !

A burst of violent screams sounded throughout the venue, even covering up the cheers of the audience.

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