The final gentleman

Chapter 416 Moon Circus and Humanity

This trip to the virgin forest was a decision made by Ms. Olena after seeing Yi Chen’s overall performance.

Deciding to cook raw rice into cooked rice in one go, Yi Chen and Cancer Palace were bound to a blood relationship.

Little did he know that the direction of things was completely out of control. Not only did he fail to cook the uncooked rice, but he got himself involved.

She only remembered a flash of silver light, and the fruit and sap that should not have affected her actually took effect quickly in her body, even causing the cat's disguise to fade away, summoning the human form she had abandoned.

Due to the clear distinction between offense and defense last night, Olena did not move much and reserved her physical fitness.

Now she felt the movement of Yi Chen coming out of the bathtub, and she gradually woke up from her sleep.

Gold is different,

Because my long-held wish was finally fulfilled, I masturbated the cat intensively all night long, and even gave myself more than ten injections on the way to improve all aspects of my body's abilities.

Even now when I am asleep, there are still two needles stuck in my neck that have not been withdrawn.

Jin, who had been completely drained, now sleeps almost like a corpse. The only difference is the body temperature and the constant snoring. Even if he picks it up and shakes it vigorously, he will not wake up.

When Olena realized that she was in human form, she slapped her hand on the table.

Bang~ The whole round table of meat slices was suddenly lifted up, blocking Yi Chen's view. When the tabletop fell down, she also changed back to her cat appearance.

"Don't talk to anyone about what happened last night!"


Olena waved her cat's paw, and an invisible force field directly emptied the bud room of all the fruit remnants.

There was silence for a long time, and after Olena's mind calmed down, she asked about the strange things that happened last night.

"Why did you soak your whole body into the sap bathtub, but it was Jin and I who were affected in the end? I can still remember that there seemed to be a ray of moonlight lighting up the room, forcing the breath of desire here to have an impact on me.

What exactly did you do? "

"This substance that can produce illusions just reacts with an attribute in my body..."

"What attributes?"

In order to explain clearly, Yi Chen even let the moon mark appear between his eyebrows.

The well-informed Olena recognized the meaning of this mark at a glance, with a look of disbelief in her cat eyes.

"How is it possible? This is the mark of the Moon God... The moon of the old world was completely destroyed in that war long ago, and there was not even a residue left. How did this mark come from?"

Yi Chen could only tell everything related to the moon mark, and Olena immediately gave an inference about the moon's reappearance.

"The moon is one of the basic attributes of the world. Even if it is destroyed, its original concept is preserved deep in the pathogen. When the "world infection" occurs, the pathogen will use the rules of your world and the phase of the moon to form a certain [New Moon] is formed under certain conditions.

That guy named Lorian should be the origin of New Moon. Where is he? Can you let him come over? "

“Usually it’s him who contacts me, and it’s hard for me to take the initiative to contact him.

And we haven't seen each other for a long time. That guy should be in the [Pathway]... and Lorian is also a high-quality customer of the Duke. You may be able to take advantage of this relationship if you want to meet. "


Olena knew very well that such a person who was directly related to the birth of the new moon would never be willing to be restricted to the epidemic area, so she stopped asking more questions and would talk about it if she had the opportunity to see him in the future.

Moreover, Yue is dangerous, even she dare not touch it easily.

Compared with the mysterious Yuehen, William, who is also related to the moon, is obviously more reliable.

A cat jump landed on William's shoulder again, and the topic changed.

"Now let's talk about you and the human forces behind you, William.

Guys like you should be at the top of your human organization, right? Although I heard Jin talk about a human organization called 'Gentlemen and Doctors', which produced some very powerful characters, even better than yours, I personally don't believe it.

After all, your origin is just a subordinate district directly under the tannery factory, and the 'medium' you use to connect the pathogens is only the lowest batch of goods from the tannery factory.

Being able to cultivate human beings like you and Jin already exceeds the value of the community itself. "

“The leather as a medium is indeed not very good, but the leather factory does not restrict our development and allows us to combine various diseases. Moreover, the skin given to us will not produce any mental enslavement or influence, and retains the basis of our humanity as human beings... Perhaps it is these two reasons that lead to many strong people there.

Even though I have open sourced it, I often get beaten up.

The reason why I followed Jin to the old world this time was because he was defeated in an important game. "

"Diversity development and humanity preservation? It's indeed interesting...but there must be other reasons that promote the special elitism of your small group.

I didn’t expect that you came here because you were defeated. So, are there really many strong people in this lower-level dependent area? So how does the strongest human being in your impression compare with the three tumor knights just now? "


Since Yi Chen had never seen the founder of the organization take action, when he heard the word "strongest", the first thing that popped into his head was Teacher Zed who had been guiding his physical growth.

"It should be a lot more powerful..."

"How much is no less?"

"Judging from the breath, you should be able to barely fight one against three?"

"Are you kidding me? Do you know the value of the Cancer Knight? Although those three people were polite to me, it was only because I had helped them. They were all cancer patients recognized by the Lord. "

"I only have a rough estimate. That person is a teacher who specializes in teaching me how to use my body. He once made a member of the circus suffer."

"Circus? Is the circus you are talking about the same as the circus I understand?"

"It should be true. There is a core member of the circus who happens to be from Cancer Palace. As the main clown, he calls himself "Art". Jin has felt malignant tumors in the human body since then, and it should not be wrong. "

Yi Chen then talked about the whole story of the nightmare incident, leaving Ms. Olena completely stunned.

"Your teacher was able to completely torture and kill a deputy clown of the circus and the third leader of the acrobatic troupe... Moreover, your organization almost broke out into conflict with the magician who crawled out of the abyss and a pervert like Art. .

It really makes me more and more curious. "

"Ms. Olena, if you have the opportunity, you are always welcome to come to Zion as a guest."

"Besides, the Cancer Palace has recently imposed strict restrictions on people's travel, and I can't go out yet... Your kid is really not afraid of death, and you actually took the initiative to get in touch with the circus."

"Although Art is not quite right, the deputy clown and magician I came into contact with seem to be okay."

"The "Circus of Fear" is a new organization in our old world. It only appeared after the war broke out. It was put together by various weird talents. It traveled around the old world to perform and recruit personnel at the same time.

The circus will not appear in the epidemic area or neutral city, but will often appear in an uninhabited suburb, and the surrounding sick people's residences will often receive "tickets".

Rumor has it that anyone who walks into the circus will have a hard time coming out alive. Even so, people who receive 'tickets' will still go there in an endless stream.

I personally have not been there due to risk issues, because I know very well what kind of guy Art is, and an organization that allows that guy to belong to a safe place must be extremely dangerous.

If you really want to get in touch with the circus, I suggest you ask the Duke for his opinion. "

"Well, once I leave the virgin forest, I will be ready to set off to the Duke's place.

By the way, Ms. Olena, I have one last question. You used to use cancer transfer to parasitize consciousness on weaker patients, go to our world, and live in various human cities.

By the way, apart from humans like me and Jin who come from the leather factory dependent area, have you seen other humans, or has the Cancer Palace accepted other humans who are not from the leather factory dependent area? "

"No, the humans I come into contact with are either ordinary, or are infected by the gray realm, or they are the so-called 'gentlemen' trained by the leather factory.

The humans accepted by Cancer Palace are also from your organization. Jin is the only one who survived. The rest were not fully recognized by Cancer Palace and were eventually cut off from contact. "

"There's none……"

Yi Chen frowned. Such an answer made him guess that among the five continents in the human world, only the fourth continent where the G\u0026D organization is located still has humans surviving.

But one cannot draw direct conclusions.

After all, there may also be human organizations in other continents that are interfered by the epidemic zone, but they are not as free as leather factories, but are managed in a slavish manner.

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