The final gentleman

Chapter 424 Capture

Except for Yi Chen, an extremely rare high-quality customer directly identified and branded by the Duke, ordinary people who want to enter the auction house need to undergo triple checks.

1. The total amount of ancient coins carried by an individual and the estimated value of the items carried must be greater than 30,000

2. Individuals need to present a certificate of power ownership and a guarantor certificate. If they cannot produce it, the limit in condition 1 will be increased by 20,000.

3. Personal physical fitness will be checked upon entry. It must be open source and have certain "rare" qualities. If not, the limit for condition 1 will be increased by 20,000.

Customers who can meet the three conditions and enter the market are naturally either rich or expensive.

Yi Chen's eyes were full of doubts.

He stared at the 'skin slave' who was whipped onto the stage. There was a large amount of gangrene tissue on the skin of his body, which was black and festering. Even if he was covered by clothing, his poor skin structure could still be seen in the gaps between his exposed neck and wrists. .

Although the gentleman's clothes Yi Chen wears are made of low-grade leather, they are mixed with yellow leather. With the concealment and camouflage of the yellow leather, it is almost impossible to be noticed by any leather slaves. At the same time, it can also sense the other person's physical condition. .

The current cortical induction told Yi Chen that the skin slave invited to the stage could die at any time, and the cortex on his body was already on the 'brink of withering'.

"Golden Mask."

When Yi Chen called out this name, a golden masked attendant in a tuxedo immediately came to the private room.

"What's the matter, dear Mr. William?"

"Why did that skin slave appear at the auction? Its physical condition is extremely bad. It is basically in a state of imminent death and may even cause regional infection."

Following Yi Chen's eyes and pointing, Golden Mask immediately responded:

"Are you talking about Mr. Achim Cross?

Indeed, during the physical examination upon entry, he was in the worst physical condition.

It seems that I came to the auction this time to buy leather-related things, but unfortunately no such auction items appeared. Now I am called to the stage for a forced auction. It is really pitiful. "

"Why do you let such a person in?"

"Because he meets the conditions~ In addition to carrying a large amount of cash, he also has very interesting things... Oh! My God, how could I leak the privacy of my guests casually? Damn it, I would make such a mistake. "

As soon as he finished speaking,

Jin Mask directly took out a golden demon-conquering pestle, held it with both hands and penetrated his head vertically, and died on the spot!

At the moment of death, the Demonic Pestle and the Golden Mask turned into golden liquid and seeped into the ground, leaving only a corpse with facial skin and bones stripped away and the brain exposed.


A group of attendants wearing gold masks came into the private room, quickly disposed of the body and cleaned the floor.

"I'm really sorry. It was my dereliction of duty at work just now. Please don't pay attention to it."


As the golden mask left, Yi Chen became more puzzled, why did such a skin slave with a lot of money end up in this situation?

"Were you exiled because you committed a serious crime in the leather factory?" Because there is no supply of fresh cortex for many years, your own skin becomes ulcerated? 』

At this time, words came from the yellow skin inside the body.

≮This kind of open-source leather slaves could still live a normal life in the old world even if they could not get supplies from leather factories. The ulcers on his body are most likely caused by trauma, some kind of permanent curse, or he went crazy while undergoing "deep disease" related to the cortex. He can only come to the Duke to try his luck, hoping to get a perfect skin bag to use for the whole body. Sexual reskin.

The exiles have been deprived of the qualification to live in the tannery, so the tannery will not impose any further punishment.

If you cross the line of 'exile punishment', it will be the death penalty, and you will be remade into a skin on the spot to maximize its value before death.

This person must have encountered one of the three situations I mentioned. You can pay close attention≯

Listening to Huang Pi's explanation, Yi Chen was thoughtful and called for the golden mask again.

"By the way, what will happen if this person has no suitable auction items and no one wants to sell him as a slave?"

"Don't worry, the starting price for slave rights is only one yuan. Even if it's a finger, someone will buy it. After all, the guests who can come to the auction site have been identified by us. Even if they are about to die, they still have value."

Yi Chen continued to ask: "If the slave rights are auctioned off, how will the items and money on him belong to him?"

“Once the slave rights auction is successful, the money and belongings on this person will be kept by our Chamber of Commerce and will be returned to him after the ten-year period is up.

If he died during ten years of slavery, this ownerless property would naturally belong to us. "


[Compulsory auction] begins,

The whole atmosphere was brought to a climax,

Generally speaking, the audience invited to the stage can bring out a precious item suitable for the auction.

Even if some people are very reluctant to give up, and may even lose the treasures they have worked so hard to obtain, they can only put them up for auction, otherwise they may lose their lives on the way if they are auctioned off and become slaves.

After all, most gamblers come to the Duke's Chamber of Commerce. Once they buy a slave with good strength, they will make the most of it, go directly to the darkest place, and even bring the slave to the Duke for gambling with a very high failure rate.

When the mandatory auctioneer took his turn, it was the sixth person, a skin slave named Achim Cross.

Yi Chen has basically confirmed through cortical induction that this person does not carry any valuables, and is even ready to buy this person's slave rights.

Who knows, an accident happened.

This man suddenly tore off the coat that wrapped his body, the leather, pads, bandages, metal armor, etc. all over his body, revealing his apoptotic skin that was ulcerated and covered with necrosis.

This scene made many patients present feel very uncomfortable.

But Yi Chen widened his eyes instead, taking the opportunity to see clearly the condition of the other person's skin, and even felt a strange throbbing feeling in his heart.

"Does this guy want to deliberately expose his bad state and try to get himself rejected? No... If you start with one coin, there are so many weird patients on the scene, including some with heavy tastes, and they will definitely choose to bid."

Just when Yi Chen was confused, something even more exciting happened.

The skin slave used his fingernails to cut the skin along the midline of his body, or slide a zipper.

When the cutting is completed,

The man quickly moved forward and walked out of the skin. The perfectly peeled gangrenous skin remained in place, still standing.

There was no blood on either the Pi slave itself or the stripped skin, or it could be said that the blood in the body had already been blocked by necrosis in most areas.

A hoarse voice came from his throat, "I will sell this high-grade skin bag infected with "pyoderma gangrenosum". It is also a limited-edition skin bag that can no longer be produced by leather factories.

Even if the skin disease worsens due to some underlying reasons, which are completely beyond my control, I believe that at this time, such skin bags can be sold at a good price.

Let the Duke appraise it. "

The Duke didn't look at it at all. He directly raised his palm to indicate that the stripped skin bag met the auction standards.

The customers in the audience also looked at each other in confusion. They didn't have much desire to buy such a skin that the skin slave couldn't control and was withering and dying.

But someone still made a bid.






Just when someone shouted out the price of one thousand, a sound of increasing the price by ten thousand suddenly came from the corner, and everyone turned to look.

The bidder turned out to be a short old man with a head three times the size of his body. There was a nameplate on his chest, which seemed to correspond to an old-world research organization.

His purpose was also very obvious, and he planned to buy this special skin bag to use as research material.

Just when he thought he could win easily,

On the third floor of the venue, a quote came from a private room of a high-quality customer, 20,000.

Directly doubled, full of aura.

The old man originally wanted to increase the price, but when he glanced at this closed private room, he immediately felt a sense of oppression from the brain level.

Obviously, the high-quality customer sitting inside has good attainments at the brain level, and the quality of his brain is even higher than the brain he has cultivated for many years.

The other party directly doubled the price, which also shows that it is bound to win.

Competing with such a high-quality customer with an excellent brain would not bring any good results in the end. The old man could only give up and raised his shrunken palm to signal that he would no longer bid.

As the Duke hammers down, the ownership of the skin falls into the hands of a mysterious high-quality customer.

Sitting in the private room, Yi Chen also smiled happily because of the success of his auction tactics, but he soon noticed a slight violation.

"Huh? I just doubled it and got it for 20,000 coins. Isn't this price the 'patent fee' that the Duke gave me..." Then Yi Chen glanced at the newly cleaned ground and remembered the scene of the golden mask committing suicide. He couldn't help but shook his head.

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