The final gentleman

Chapter 450 Marginal Dermatogens and Connective Mountains

[Reading restrictions]

"Epidemic Book", a special book related to the origin of the disease and unique to the source of the epidemic, even if it is officially awarded to an individual, there are still restrictions on reading.

This limit is directly related to the purity of the individual's disease,

Individuals who initially receive the Epidemic Book can often only read the prologue. If they want to read the official chapters, they need to improve the individual's purity in terms of epidemics*.

*Purity refers to the concentration of symptoms associated with the individual and the source of the epidemic,

For example, the total number of tumors in cancer patients, the purity of pus, etc.

The death epidemic concentration, bacterial complexity, etc. of the real deceased,

The number, hardness, and depth of pain of the monk's chains.

Purity can be improved through one's own exploration, learning, and practice on the path of disease, thereby gradually unlocking the subsequent content of the Epidemic Book, without skipping reading, and preventing early exposure to later content that may cause the individual to be unable to bear it.


Among all the epidemic areas, Yousui Leather Factory is a special case.

Because of its special old-world industrial style, the leather factory has stricter purity controls on its leather slaves.

If an individual wants to improve his purity, in addition to self-study and disease cultivation, he also needs to use the high-grade skins given by the tannery to truly improve his purity.


In addition to showing his own potential, a skin slave also needs to express absolute loyalty to the leather factory and make tangible contributions before he can be gifted with a high-level skin bag and read the entire content of the skin bag Bible.

In doing so, the leather factory has undoubtedly strengthened its control over the patients, which is why the patients under the leather factory are called "slaves". Compared with individuals in other epidemic areas, they seem to have an extra shackle, restricting their freedom.

When ordinary Pi slaves try to read the "Skin Bible", the text in the official chapter cannot be fixed, and is constantly distorted and reorganized, resulting in a living garbled state.

Only with the help of advanced skin bags, clothing threads are connected to the back of the pages to fix the maggot-like living text and rearrange it, can the correct and effective content be obtained.

Forcibly reading will cause side effects, ranging from being reduced to a puddle of cortical mud to being split into cortical fibers and becoming part of the book, forever being touched and read by others.

On top of a speeding car.

William was immersed in the black Bible,

Maybe it’s because he absorbed skin travelers and got some high-grade skins.

The overall quality of the gentleman's clothing has been improved, allowing you to read the first chapter of the official content of the "Skin Bible". Although some of the text is still blurry and distorted, with the reading ability given by the epileptic brain, there is no feeling of obstruction at all.

What was described above was an eye-opener for William, including the ‘regional skin grafting’ that William had seen in his nightmares.

However, just when he was reading enthusiastically and even wanted to try skin control,

Huang Pi, who had been silent along the way, suddenly threw words at him, and even blocked his retina with a large number of yellow threads to prevent William from continuing to read.

≮Since some words and phrases in the Skin Bible are not completely stable, do not force reading. Even if your body is special and powerful, it will still be affected invisibly.

See for yourself what you look like now. ≯

At Huang Pi's reminder, William immediately got out of the reading state and was shocked on the spot. Wrinkles appeared in many parts of his body, and some parts were even very serious.

Although it is not as exaggerated as Chief Seamstress Spacey, it still looks obviously abnormal.

A large amount of wrinkled skin hangs from the elbows, and there are more than ten layers of wrinkled skin on the lower end of the cheek. The whole person looks as if he is several dozen years older.

"Damn it, Huangpi, can this be repaired?" 』

≮Despicable, really despicable~ William... I didn’t expect you to care about something as useless as appearance.

However, you can rest assured that since we have a symbiotic relationship now, I will definitely help you a little bit... This level of degradation will not affect your soul. Wait a moment and help you recover immediately. ≯

I only feel a yellow rag getting into my body. When the rag passes through the wrinkles of my body, the cortex is immediately tightened and tightened, making it even more delicate than before, and I immediately become as young as twenty years old.

"For us humans, external image is still very important, thank you Huangpi. 』

≮The next step is to formally contact the leather factory and promote the content of the contract we signed. I will not be exposed unless there are special circumstances. At most, I will only provide basic assistance in the body.

After all, I have already been exposed once in the leather factory. The origin of the factory has generated 'memory cells' against me. Once discovered, both of us will definitely die. ≯

"Well, just hide." 』

I continued to sleep all day, and when I woke up again, the waiter with the roundworm parasite had returned to the carriage, which meant that the journey had entered the final stage.

"Dear Mr. William, we have now entered the marginal area controlled by the tannery. Because the ground is covered with leather bags and grease, the speed is forced to adjust to 30%. We will arrive at the final stop - [the foot of the Connective Mountain] in about two hours.

If this is your first time going to a tannery, we suggest you open the car window and take a look at the unique scenery outside. "

He reached out and inserted his five fingers into the wall of the roundworm, and with a slight pull, the panoramic window was opened, leaving only a transparent layer of the roundworm surface.

In front of him was a plain area paved with skin, called [marginal dermatome].

The skin area where the train is currently running is slightly wrinkled, corresponding to the skin condition of a person in their fifties or sixties. Since the skin here is plain, the ground is naturally covered with hair follicle structures.

The diameter of these hair follicles ranges from 0.5 to 3m, and thick "sweat trees" grow from them. This is a spiky tree between black and white. The tips secrete sweat from time to time to cover all the hair follicles. It fills up and forms a lubricating protective layer over the surrounding skin.

The deeper it goes inward, the younger and softer the skin becomes, and the smoother it becomes.

Even trams often slip, which only increases friction and reduces speed.

There is an "underground sun" produced by Light City roaming among the marginal skin. Under the stimulation of sunlight, the secretion rate of hair will double, and the entire plain will be in a hot and humid state.

William slowly looked towards the end of the plain, where stood mountains made of chaotically arranged connective tissue, known as [Irregular Connective Mountains].

The mountains contain a large amount of elastic fiber, collagen fiber mineral resources and rare hardened keratin minerals, which are essential raw materials for leather factories.

The final destination of this trip - Yousui Leather Factory is built among the mountains.

Very strangely,

Whether in the marginal leather plains or the connective mountains, William did not see any skin slaves, or even other lives... Because of the Duke's instructions, William did not ask the Black Ascaria Company for any information about the leather factory.

As the car stopped at the foot of the mountain, the waiter opened the door with a knife.

A strong smell of blood instantly penetrated everyone's nostrils. Even the flight attendants were choked so hard that the roundworms separated from their bodies, and they quickly covered their mouths and noses. William once again put on the chain mask, used acupuncture to block the sense of smell, and used chains to inflict blood. Adsorption.

§William, something is very wrong, be careful§

Even Huang Pi, who had always been calm, became wary.

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