The final gentleman

Chapter 461 Fertility Ritual

After learning the true situation of the leather factory, William also had a lot of worries in his heart.

Simply take off your clothes and soak in the bathtub, using the viscous liquid in the bathtub to calm your irritable mood and calm yourself down as soon as possible.

He put his arms on the edge of the bathtub and raised his head to look at the top.

"Huh... there are still many things that have not been done in the old world. I also want to take this opportunity to develop my ability to "birth" in the [Forest of Breeding].

After all, the iron chains in my body are integrated with the properties of plants, and I already have the potential in this regard. If the level of 'life' can be raised to create an antagonistic relationship with death, the aquarium can become more stable.

[Yi Chen] That guy can also control it better.

After leaving the Forest of Breeding, you have to start searching for a path, and even officially start your own path journey.

But the current situation in the leather factory forces me to go back to Zion, and so on! "

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Little grape!"

As William shouted, dark flesh appeared from his shoulders.

"What are you doing! I just fell into the fantasy of desire. Hundreds of types of grapes were placed in front of me. I was about to eat when you woke me up."

"Do me a favor! You have also seen the situation in the leather factory. Go back to Zion for me, and as your prophet, tell the principal about the situation in the leather factory. Be sure to beware of the appearance of 'bloody leather bags'.

The round trip shouldn't take a few days. "

"Since it won't take a few days, why don't you go there by yourself?"

"I have finally settled in the [Forest of Breeding] now. This place must not be easily accessible, not to mention that I have the attribute of death. It is all thanks to Leni to give me the opportunity to stay here.

Once you leave, it may be difficult to come back next time.

Can you help me run? The Black Ascaria train can take you directly to the [passage entrance] without any danger. "

"Okay~ Since I have the status of a gentleman, I will help you run."

He turned three and a half times in the air, and when he was about to fall, the black cloak immediately wrapped around Little Grape's body... The clothes evolved, and the eyeballs multiplied.

An eyeball prophet wrapped in a cloak of ashes was formed.

William was still lying in the bathtub, making a farewell gesture to Little Grape with one hand, and Leni personally sent Little Grape out of the forest and onto the Black Tape train.

The door film is closed.

"Huh~" William breathed a sigh of relief as he lay in the bathtub. All the visual aids and evil yang abilities disappeared. Little Putao helped him along the journey to the old world. The sudden separation was really uncomfortable.

"It shouldn't take more than a few days. I hope Zion hasn't received the blood-stained skin yet... and the newly appointed Gallon will not allow such leather to flow into the organization.

If necessary, the organization may even need to temporarily cut off ties with the leather factory and suspend the recruitment of new gentlemen.

I don't think about the rest of the things anymore, I just want to continue to grow here. If I don't have enough strength, I can't do anything... At least until the next time I go to the leather factory, I have to kill that guy. "

Recalling the golden-haired blood people who were chasing him, William's body oozed with murderous intent.


An uncontrollable violent cough came over him, and he even choked out the death liquid from his mouth.

The entire bathtub was contaminated by black liquid, and the fertility fluid was completely consumed by the corrosion of the black liquid.

William quickly put the black liquid back into his body to avoid causing damage to the room, and immediately went to the [Memory Palace] to repair the leaking aquarium.

During this period, Yi Chen always stuck to the glass surface of the water tank, with a perverted smile, and would even put his fingers between his heads to rub his brain from time to time.

When the repairs to the aquarium are completed and I return to the bathtub,

There was already one more person in the bathroom. Leni was kneeling outside the bathtub, resting her chin on her hands and watching him closely.

"You're just going to send Little Putao away?"

“Well, Black Tape Company is very efficient.

By the way, this new parasite company has a good reputation, especially the boss behind the company. According to my sisters, it seems that he is a special patient who came out of the abyss alive. He single-handedly founded this company that can squeeze into [ Lupu's moving company.

By the way, William, did you just...have death spilled over?

Don't you have complete control over death within your body? I remember when we first met in the village, you didn't seem to be in this situation? "

"Maybe it has something to do with my visit to the original tomb? I stayed in the original tomb for too long, which caused death to have an internal impact on me."

William didn't explain much, and naturally he wouldn't mention anything about 'Yi Chen'.

"William, do you want to learn about fertility?"


Leni quickly waved her hands and explained: "No... I don't mean to have children. Although we can also help you create reproductive organs to reproduce offspring, what I am talking about is a disease attribute.

Because your body is very strange, it obviously has such a strong death attribute, but the black umbilical cord I gave you can stay in your body safely, and you have even regarded it as your "home", completely unaffected by death.

So I guess William, you might be able to master the fertility attribute as well, so that you can in turn curb death.

Before the sheep flock declined, in addition to increasing the fertility rate in the old world, the sisters would often run around the Bonfire Mountains to suppress the dead. "

"How to do?"

"Are you really interested? I was just saying casually. After all, these two attributes are completely contradictory. Once learned, it may cause great harm to your body, and may even cause death in your body to become more uncontrollable."

“How will you know if you don’t try?

Besides, since the umbilical cord has stayed safely inside my body for so many years, there must be a reason for it. "

"Okay, let's wait until mom comes back..."

"No need to wait any longer, can you take me to [Get Started] first? If you can complete the most basic introduction, then when your mother comes back, I may be able to communicate better, right?

Moreover, I can see that Leni, you are very powerful now, should you be looking for your own [path]? "

"Well! Mom asked me to choose for a while and find the best way before starting the journey... That's okay! William, come with me. If you want to get started, you must first go through a fertility ritual.

You should be forewarned that this ritual is rarely performed on males, even in the heyday of the flock, let alone on outsiders like you.

Since the fall of Evil Yang and us being deprived of our qualifications as a plague area, we have never performed rituals for males or outsiders.

Only sheep native to the [Forest of Fertility] can perform fertility rituals after they are released from the wild.

Failure may result in 'permanent naturalization'. "

"Permanent naturalization is?"

"It just returns to the most primitive embryonic form, which can never hatch."

"Hey~ Well, you take me to the ceremony room first to see what it's like, and I will make my own judgment on whether to perform the ceremony."


William quickly put on his clothes and followed Leni up the passages of the Sheep Palace.

Arriving at the upper part of the skull area, there is a straight passage, and at the end is a secret room that exudes strong vitality.

Standing at the door was a "black sheep" with a pair of pointed horns, a large body, and thick sheep hooves.

Its hooves are equipped with special reinforced parts, and its head also wears a wooden mask similar to that of a shaman. The whole thing exudes an aura that transcends open source.

"Sister Leni, what is this?"

Following Leni's detailed explanation and the umbilical cord emerging from William's body, the woman moved her huge body away.

"An outsider, a male, and with the attribute of death... this is the first time such an attempt has been made! Leni, have you explained the 'naturalization issue' to him clearly?"

"Well, William will take a look first, and he may not necessarily perform the ceremony."

"Okay~ let's go in and take a look! Anyway, no one has performed the ceremony for a long time. It's boring to stay here every day."

As the plus-size black sheep was released, William followed Leni into the "Fertility Ceremony Room". As soon as he stepped in, he was stunned before taking two steps.


Smells with stench,

Amniotic fluid was constantly leaking from the wall, and the floor was covered with a shallow layer of milk.

A dazzling array of embryonic bodies are scattered throughout the secret chamber, large and small, and each one contains a baby, waiting for death but unable to die.

Black Sheep's voice came from behind, "These are the naturalized bodies whose ritual failed. Due to the 'vital concentration', they will heal automatically even if they are crushed, and eventually become part of the ritual room.

Their consciousness has long been dispersed, and there is no such thing as pain. They only need to regard them as decorations or failures to motivate themselves.

If possible, hook the umbilical cord to the center suspension and begin hanging. "

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