The final gentleman

Chapter 467 Little Grape Returns

The mother of the sheep, who had her body embedded in the fertility throne and continued to taste the cancer crystal, suddenly felt a surge of energy.

She cast her sights on the forest of fertility that was also created by her, or in other words, it was a special thinking area generated in her own brain, a thinking space infused with the concept of reproduction.

This thinking space is always open and shared, and the sheep can enter it through the physical medium (connecting column) separated from the mother.

The time you enter each time is limited. If you stay for a long time, your consciousness may become stuck in it and become part of the mother sheep.

There was no reaction to the entry of the sheep, but at the moment, a refreshing feeling that she had never experienced before came to her mind. At a glance, the mother saw the two people sitting on the top of the main tree.

Naturally, the first thing she looked at was Leni, the little lamb she loved and cared about the most.

"Huh? Leni actually found and locked "this path". It's strange... the environment of the Sheep Palace and the habits of the sheep should not let her touch such a path.

Is it because of the influence of that male? It actually made Leni calm down and gain a pure understanding of life in a state of having no desires or desires.

Forget it, since it's my own choice, I can't interfere, as long as it's related to the new students. Really, when two young people stay in the space I created, they don’t think about procreation but about enlightenment. Is there a problem in that aspect? "

The mother of the sheep slowly turned her gaze to the male young man aside with doubts. At this moment, the slit eyes on his face suddenly widened.

"This guy is a "stargazer"! ?

And his stargazer body can actually produce an effective fusion reaction with the body of a perfect birther? That's right, stars are fruits of the sky and are also part of life.

But this is the first time even I have seen such a combination.

Is it any wonder that his "birth gate" did not flow out any fertility fluid when it was opened? Is the reason why he always remains absolutely male lies in the secret coordination of the stars, and is it dyed with "platinum blood" at this moment?

It’s getting more and more interesting~ When the world’s infection ends and patients with underlying diseases are selected, there is a high probability that this guy will be on the list. It seems that my investment is correct. "

The mother-goat focused her eyes on William's abdomen.

The "Birth Gate" that symbolizes new life has been stained with a layer of platinum blood, representing the combination of stars and new life, in sharp contrast to the black blood of the sheep.

I don’t know how long it’s been,

When William woke up from the stargazing state, his consciousness also left the forest of rebirth and returned to the secret room of the dormitory.

The body was still hung on the "connecting pole", but there was a soft and clinging feeling from behind. Without looking back, one knew that Leni was clinging to the back.

Due to the large-scale physical contact, William also clearly felt that Leni became a little different.

At the same time, the other party was slowly waking up, keeping silent and staying attached, even clasping his hands between William's abdominal muscles.

Continue hanging and clinging until William speaks first,

"Leni, your feeling has changed... you have become quiet? Is there any unexpected gain?"

"I~I found the [path] that suits me best that I have been searching for all this time. This is all thanks to you... William."

"Congratulations! When are you going to start the pathway journey?" William was also surprised and did not expect that Leni actually found the pathway first.

"Just wait until you leave. After all, we don't know how long it will be before we meet again."

"Then I'm ready to set off now."

"Ah~ don't!" The arms holding his abdominal muscles suddenly tightened.

"Haha~ I'm just kidding. Although stargazing on the top of the tree has solidified my "new life" attribute, I still have to wait until Little Grape comes back. Those guys are my eyes. Without them, many things would be difficult to do. "


"How about we go down and talk some more? It feels weird being roped into this."


Leni pulled out her body very skillfully and moved her arms briefly when she landed. After all, she had been stuck on the connecting pole all night.

William was relatively slow, carefully pulling out and then staggering to the ground.

"Why is your birth gate silver-white!"

An exclamation forced William to turn around,

Leni, who was holding the clothes in her hands but not yet putting them on, covered her mouth and exclaimed, looking straight at her abdomen.

"silver white?"

When Yi Chen lowered his head and looked at the birth gate in his abdomen, he was equally surprised.

A circle of silver-white blood stains had formed around the student's door, and he suddenly remembered the key word that Principal Deslin once mentioned - "Platinum Blood".

"The principal said that many stars in the old world fell due to that disaster. Countless stargazers fell asleep as a result, and the platinum blood became thinner and thinner... Is the platinum blood the blood flowing in the bodies of the stargazers, or the blood of the stars themselves?

All in all, this thing is made rare by the fall of the stars.

Now, due to the combination of "rebirth" and "stars", the platinum blood that has stopped flowing reappears in my body?

Ask the principal when you get back, or if you're lucky enough to meet a stargazer here, you can ask directly. 』

William himself did not have many subjective feelings, but he felt that the stars were flowing more smoothly in his body, from the systemic blood flow to the regular flow centered on the Shengmen.

William pointed to the silver-white part of his abdomen and explained, "This may be related to my stargazing attribute, Leni~ Put on your clothes quickly, you will catch a cold later."

After that, he himself waved and put the clothes on his body.

Although William deliberately avoided the view, in this small and cramped secret room, there was not much room for view... Leni's lamb body, which had just begun to bloom, accidentally hit her eye sockets, and she shook her head violently to make the scene disappear. .


Just when William was about to squeeze through the exit of the flesh slit structure to leave the secret room, a strange situation happened.

When the brain has the idea of ​​leaving the secret room and feels that there is a physical obstruction in front of it.

Swish, swish, swish~

William's body actually disassembled itself like a star grain, and soon reassembled outside the secret room, omitting the process of 'passing through flesh seams'.

"What's going on? Why did my body automatically shift to the stars?

No, this is not a star transfer... There is a time interval for this transfer, and it takes about 2 to 5 seconds to complete. Star transfer can be achieved in an instant, which is more suitable for combat.

But this kind of time-interval transfer consumes almost no energy, and is as simple and spontaneous as breathing. "

A word was also generated in William's mind at the same time.

"Rebirth Teleportation"

Through the combination of the new life and the stars, a transfer technique was born,

It takes time, but the energy consumption is almost negligible.

This technique may not be useful in high-intensity battles, but it is very suitable for exploring unknown areas. William also thought of an area that he was curious about and suitable for exploration - "The Darkest Place".

Thinking of this, William quickly patted Thirteen on the shoulder,

If you really can't find a suitable way in the future, the extremely dark places of the old world and various unknown abyss may also be an option.

for the rest of the time,

William and Leni basically stayed together every day, and while they were discussing new students and exchanging experiences, they also often went for a walk through the "Black Falls" of the Sheep Palace to the forest below to learn more about this plagued area that had been deprived of qualifications.

After waiting for more than a week, the little grape in the form of a prophet finally returned, which took longer than expected.

As soon as they met Little Putao said in a serious tone:

"William! It's still too late... There are suspected infected blood people in Zion, and the situation is under control. The only problem is the condition of the first gentleman.

It can be said that the first gentleman, Garen, played almost 80% of the role in controlling the spread of the blood epidemic. The entire Shenpi Mansion was shrouded in a curtain of blood.

The remaining personnel only need to take care of their respective areas.

Since the entire city was under complete lockdown, it took me a lot of effort to sneak in and meet Principal Deslyn on campus.

The principal asked me to bring you a message, so that you don't need to worry about the status of the organization and just focus on your own journey... Although the blood epidemic has appeared, Zion still has enough power to deal with various emergencies. "

The bringing back of this information made the corner of William's mouth twitch slightly, and the thought of staying with the sheep in his heart was instantly annihilated, and some kind of murderous intention involuntarily overflowed from his body.

"Little Putao, let's go, it's time to find my way."

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