The final gentleman

Chapter 51 Abandoned Clinic

The carriage stopped on the road at the foot of the mountain.

The groom wearing a metal mask warned:

"When you have completed your mission, walk three kilometers east along this road, and you will see me at the fork there.

If it takes more than a week, you will need to walk back to Zion. "


Looking up at this small hill that relies on the city of Vinard,

If it were placed in the world during Yi Chen's lifetime, it would definitely be developed into an attraction, with a cable car, some entertainment projects, and even a temple built on the top of the mountain.

However, there are no lifts or cable cars here, and even the stone steps are not paved.

The four of them could only step on the steep mountain road and hold on to the trees to experience the most primitive mountain climbing fun.

During the climb, Yi Chen also took a few bites of tree bark, and then felt the conditions among the hills by touching the plants.

Nothing happened along the way, not to mention danger, not even a small animal was seen.

Deathly silence.

Climbing on the last short section of the hillside, you can see the gaps between the trees.

A wall built of large rough stones and the front door of the clinic made of jet black steel gradually emerged.

There is a gargoyle sculpture on the wall, which is similar in style to the gargoyles in Zion City.

It's just that most of them are full of cracks and gaps, or even completely broken, losing their proper function.

"finally reached……"

Edmund stretched himself,

The seemingly scattered actions are actually adjusting the order of the team.

Dagbert, who was carrying a huge sword on his back, immediately walked to the front position.

Edmund and Juliana stood side by side, forming a solid triangle position.

This is entirely their habitual behavior.

Edmund glanced at his new teammate, "William, your visual sense is better than ours. In the early exploration stage, you will be next to Dagbert, right?"


The four of them came to the gate,

Dagbert stretched out his thick arm marked with "muscle emblem\

,"The fully extended palm fell on the surface of the iron door,

The center of gravity sinks,

Feet sinking into the ground,

Use brute force to shake the gear structure between the door bodies and push it forcefully.

Dagbert's occupation - [Hercules], selected from the blue letter.

Characteristic - "Muscle Development"

By further activating the individual's muscle potential, optimizing and rearranging muscle cells, the upper limit of the [Physique] standard increases, and the seventh standard appears - "7. Transcendence".

Allowing individuals to break through with a physical state beyond their limits to reach a higher level.

Yi Chen, who was the closest, could clearly see that when Dagbert pushed the iron door, the muscle stripes in his arms moved regularly, giving him endless power like rolling waves.

"What a strong body!"

The increase brought by [Occupation] is really terrifying~ If I had chosen the blue letter, I might have been able to control various plants in the mountains, and even 'turn roots into spears' like living corpses, and my combat effectiveness would have been greatly improved. 』

However, Yi Chen just thought about it casually. If he was asked to choose again, he would still choose the purple letter.

Step through the door.

The three-story horizontal main building comes into view.

The front yard had been leveled and there were extensive footprints from the recovery team.

The doors and windows of the main building were almost damaged;

There are some cracks in the walls,

However, the building still maintains its integrity and has a solid foundation.

The overall look is very much like an old hospital that has been left behind by the times and is completely abandoned.

Follow the main stone road and you will come to the entrance of the main building of the clinic.

A metal signboard of "Dusk-Clinlc" hangs vertically on the side of the front door.

Edmund gave action instructions at this time:

"The exploration on the first day does not need to be too careful. The main thing is to understand the structure of the clinic and find out the potential dangers... Do not act alone, and act in a small team throughout the process."


Turning on the kerosene lamp, everyone walked into the abandoned twilight clinic.


When you enter the door, you can see a large frame of Dr. Mycroft falling to the ground, and the area above the mouth is completely burned.

The counter next to the door is also in tatters, all the drawers are open, and various discarded documents are scattered on the floor.

Directly opposite the entrance is an elevator that can go directly to the 2nd and 3rd floors. The iron elevator has been severely deformed, as if there had been a fierce fight inside and it has long been unable to operate.

in addition,

It can be seen through electrical equipment such as elevators and wall lamps that the clinic once relied on electricity to operate.

Due to the lack of power, the passages leading to the left and right sides of the hall were dark with no end in sight.

"Start on the right."

After some exploration, although the abandoned clinic was extremely eerie, there was no danger in the whole process. Even Little Putao's vision didn't find anything weird.

Simple three-story hospital structure.

In addition to the elevators in the lobby, there are also corridors at the ends of the left and right sides.

The first floor is the most conventional diagnosis and treatment area.

Gentlemen who are generally injured or suffering from superficial infections will receive quick treatment here... If you also want to buy some potions, or even secret medicines, you can also conduct secret transactions here.

The left side of the second floor is the inpatient department, and the right side is the operating room.

Specifically for gentlemen who are seriously injured and may be life-threatening at any time.

There is also a set of professional judgment standards. If the injury exceeds a certain limit and the degree of disease reaches a certain standard, the clinic has the right to refuse treatment or even execute the patient in advance.

Some gentlemen who know they are hopeless may also come here to seek euthanasia and contribute their diseased bodies to the clinic as research materials.

The left side of the third floor of the clinic is the rest area for apprentices, and the right side is the storage for equipment, regular medicines and sundries.


Everyone also discovered a problem. There was no area related to the secret medicine in the entire main building.

"In the back?"

Leave through the front door of the main building and walk around the fence to the backyard.

You will find a fully metal sealed tower standing deep in the backyard, almost touching the edge of the hill.

On the way near the tower, you can see a large number of warning signs stuck in the ground, all with different words.

[Dangerous area, no outsiders are allowed to approach]

[The clinic is an important place, those who come close will be held responsible]

[The clinic has the right to directly execute anyone who enters the building without permission]

"Is this building the place where the secret medicine is made?"

The main entrance to the tower has been completely destroyed by the recovery team,

After everyone passed through a cold and dark stone passage,

Inside the tower, a rather harsh area appears in front of you, completely different from the style of the main clinic building.

[Material refining area]

Even if two months have passed,

The air is still mixed with a strong smell of blood,

The firelight released by the kerosene lamp reflected a large amount of blood stains and liquids, and actually reflected a deep red scene.

Even though most of the refining equipment has been completely destroyed, only a few equipment remains remain.

Yi Chen was still able to recreate the extremely cruel and chilling "Torture Ground" in his mind.

The reason why it is so sensitive and the degree of restoration is extremely high is Yi Chen's special training in the past six months.

Teacher Zed's 'Paradise' left a deep impression on him. Once torture, pain and other factors were involved, he would immediately notice it and have bad memories.

in addition,

There is also a circular staircase attached to the wall, leading to the [Secret Medicine Processing Area] on the upper floor and Dr. Mycroft's office.

Stay here for a long time,

Yi Chen could even imagine some of the pain and thrills of the past. A large number of patients were suffering from the pain of dying here, which puzzled him.

“Why treat the “sick” so cruelly?

Isn’t it possible to directly extract and peel off the required materials?

Is it necessary to use these nearly fatal methods to 'force' the required materials out of the patient's body? ...How on earth is the so-called "twilight silver liquid" made? "

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