The final gentleman

Chapter 501 One month

After getting the answer of "fear", William went straight back to the magic house.


"Why are you shouting so loudly? You're scaring me."

"Need your help!"

"Why do you want to help? Haven't you gone to Uncle Jia En's place yet?"

"Later, when I come back from Jain and enter the dream, you can directly help me shape the perfect dream about the [Orphanage].

If you can, Catherine You will also join in and follow me to experience this root fear from my childhood. "

Catherine immediately remembered the conversation at the aquarium, "You want me to become the girl with two ponytails that 'Yi Chen' said?"

"Of course you can if you want."

"Okay~ I'm thinking about what kind of nightmare room I'm going to play in at night. In that case, let's use your past memories as a blueprint. I want to see what gave you the original source of fear, William."

In this way, the month before the start of the Sabbat was packed to the brim, with almost no time for rest.

The first half of the month is mainly about abyss adaptation and fear.

William rushed to Jain's office early every day. Several times, Jain had just gotten up and was taking a shower in the bathroom. In order not to waste time, he would just look at each other in the bathroom.

After completing an hour of feeling the abyss, William fell back to his room with the help of space magic, and was helped by Catherine to fall asleep.

The two of them were substituted as 'Young Yi Chen' and 'Girl Yu Xin' respectively, and their memories were wiped in advance, so they re-experienced the life of the orphanage as children.

At the end of the dream on the first day,

Catherine sat up suddenly, her back was covered with sweat, and her speech was even a little slurred for a while.

"William, what the hell is this Black Mountain Orphanage? Why is it that those who target us are just ordinary humans, but they can bring such a huge psychological burden and primitive fear to me?

It's really similar to what 'Yi Chen' said. I really had suicidal thoughts. If this continues, I might actually commit suicide in that place.

Hope was given and extinguished immediately. It was impossible to look forward to the future in the completely blocked orphanage. Even the scenery outside the window was false.

Everyone's most vicious and insidious side is fully revealed, but they deliberately wear a mask of false friendliness.

Wow, the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it becomes, and the more I think about it, the more angry I get! Does this orphanage still exist? I'm going to go over and kill everyone inside now... No, killing is not enough! I want to soak them all in the nightmare solution, and they will never be reincarnated in the nightmare. "

"Haha~ Catherine, are you reacting so strongly? You can't go to this orphanage now."

William just smiled, and he was in good condition after falling asleep.

Because I experienced the orphanage with a new concept of fear, I had a completely new feeling. I even suddenly found that there were many things that I could learn again from the teachers.

Catherine looked askance at William beside her. Combined with her experience in the orphanage, she felt more and more that William was a hypocritical pervert wearing a mask.

"Hey~ go away, go away! No wonder you have such a perverted personality in your body. It turns out you grew up in a place like this.

Although I was miserable when I was a child, I was not tortured on a psychological level. At least I had room to escape. "

"Okay, now that the dream is over, I'm going to find Mr. Jain! I'll have to continue to trouble you, Catherine, when I need to sleep later.

Of course, if Catherine is afraid and doesn't dare to experience the orphanage as a little girl, just send me in alone. "

"Huh? Do you think I will be afraid? I have never been afraid, okay? I just feel that the humans inside are too perverted and a little angry."

Just like that, half a month of high-intensity training passed.

William has initially adapted to the fall into the abyss brought about by Jain. He can maintain his sanity for about twenty minutes in a total of one hour, and can slowly begin to understand the nature of the abyss in the darkness.

But it has not yet reached the bottom, and it has not been confirmed whether its path is related to the abyss.

On the other side of the nightmare, I slowly began to regain my old fears.

William analyzed the perverted nature of the teachers one by one, combined with the orphanage to analyze the principle of root fear, and slowly began to locate his own phobia type.

It should be noted that although Catherine almost committed suicide several times, she gradually became accustomed to living as another ordinary person in the orphanage with William every night, and even felt that her second life was starting to become interesting.

In the second half of the month,

Catherine cannot stay with William every day. She needs to rehearse as a clown, and at the same time, she has to consider ticket distribution and audience selection before the official performance.

William also changed his daily plan and took some time to come up with new food. At the same time, he also used fear perception and "mini stage" to design related performances, roughly constructing the prototype of the next performance.

Day twenty-eight.

William stopped knocking on Jain's magic door and walked directly into the black door.

Buzz! The body fell skillfully onto the bathroom toilet while still maintaining a cross-legged sitting position.

Jaen was standing in front of the dressing mirror, applying a kind of moisturizing oil that was specially produced in [Corner], which kept his complexion healthy and allowed him to remember things from the past.

His sea-blue hair hangs naturally on both sides of his shoulders, setting off his handsome face.

Jain asked first, "The Sabbat will be held tomorrow. You are a special guest. Have you thought about what to cook?"

"The shape of the dish has been determined, and the day before yesterday I went to the kitchen to try it out. Although there are still areas that need improvement, both Chef Zoke and Timmy think it is very good."

"Then I'm looking forward to it. I hope your dishes can win the favor of the boss. Let's start quickly today and spend the rest of the time preparing for the Sabbat."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Jain's eyes were refracted by the mirror and looked at William on the toilet.

There was only a sound of toilet flushing, and William's consciousness was involved in it, falling into absolute darkness.

ten minutes,

twenty minutes,

thirty minutes,

forty minutes,

Fifty-nine minutes and fifty-one seconds!

Ding ding ding~ The alarm clock rang, William woke up on the sofa, and Jain was sitting opposite, applying a facial mask.

Jia En said with a pity on his face: "It's still a little short. What a pity~ If you can hold on in the end, you can fall to the bottom, and maybe you can confirm whether your way is hidden underneath."

William wiped away the mixture of blood and brain matter that flowed from his nostrils, and drank the tea in the cup.

"Huh~ Then let's wait until the end of the Sabbat and the official performance to complete it. Anyway, we can't wait long."

"Well! Go back and have a good rest. I look forward to your performance at the Sabbat tomorrow."

"Thank you Mr. Jain."

【Magic Banquet】

One of the most important events of the Circus of Fear, an important banquet must be held before each performance. Only the main members can participate and no one can be absent. Otherwise, the circus status will be directly deprived and the person will be expelled.

Use the Sabbat to adjust the state of all members to the best to ensure the best performance in formal performances.

The banquet requires each member to prepare one of his or her best dishes. Each dish will be scored at the banquet, and everyone participating in the banquet will have the opportunity to score.

The person with the highest objective score will receive a special gift from the circus, or even be favored by the boss.

No matter how thrilling and intense the rehearsals are, the members will put down their work until the last day and focus on the preparations for the Sabbat.

Early next morning.

It was no longer William who knocked on Ja En's door, but Ja En took the initiative to call the assistant.

"William, are you ready? Let's go over."


William took a deep breath, straightened his tie one last time, and followed Mr. Jain to the kitchen.

At the same time, the personnel representing the highest level of combat power in the circus also headed towards the kitchen.

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