The final gentleman

Chapter 518 Little information

As the atmosphere of the whole place was lifted by this fragrant bowl of shiitake mushroom and chicken noodles,

William raised his hands again, not to issue a declaration of independence, but to tighten the muscles of both arms to give a high-five with maximum strength.


At the moment of high-fiving, a strong wind pressure carried a loud noise and spread, further gathering the audience's "attention".

“Before the lottery starts, I would like to emphasize the following points.

1. As long as it is the food you draw, you must eat it cleanly no matter what. Even a noodle or a piece of parsley must not be left behind.

2. The lottery and eating must be carried out normally, and no ability can be used to cheat. Once I am found cheating, the consequences will be very serious.

3. Eating must be completed five minutes before the end of the half-time break.

That’s all, there are still some unexpected [points] that I will add when I think of them. Now... the show begins! "

William directly threw the magic box in his hand into the air,

When the box was thrown to the highest point and fell in free fall, it actually split and fell in front of everyone, equal to the number of spectators at the scene.

Seeing the gesture of death and pain displayed by William, the 'prep chef', the audience did not dare to play tricks.

Besides, the bowl of noodles just now was really fragrant, and many people were already very hungry.

Everyone quickly pulled out the note inside,

Mapo tofu, braised fish cubes, boiled pork slices, braised pork, grilled sweet potato skins, ground three delicacies...

The names of the various dishes looked normal, and no one picked any dark dishes.

As they raised the note above their heads and displayed it publicly, soon there were poker faces pushing the food cart to bring the corresponding dishes.

The aroma hits your face the moment you open the lid of the pot.

This is food they have never seen before, food that can be considered a high-quality dish even within the circus.

The hungry audience couldn't bear the sight of such delicious food.

Some people didn't even use spoons, chopsticks or knives and forks, they just picked up the tableware and dumped it into their mouths.

But most of the audience is relatively sensible. The danger of the circus itself and the strange rules set by the young man who calls himself the reserve chef indicate that this feast may be weird.

After all, if it's just ordinary food, there's no time limit at all.


Whether the audience is eating large portions or taking small bites, they all have a strong stress reaction the moment the delicious food enters their mouths.


The unspeakable feeling of vomiting forced them to spit out the contents of their mouths and their gastric juices.

The greater or lesser amount of vomiting corresponds to the perseverance and ability of each audience member.

"What's in the food..."

The dishes looked and smelled quite amazing, but there was a strange smell the moment it was put into the mouth, or there were some ground 'small ingredients' added between the dishes.

Audiences who are proficient in vision quickly discovered the clues and saw tiny black particles among the dishes.

When they continued to zoom in, they immediately discovered that the surface of the black particles actually had brain grooves.

at this time

Snapped! William gave another high-five to get everyone's attention.

"All eyes are on me!

It seems that some of you have discovered the ‘little ingredient’ in the dish! Don’t worry, that’s the ‘brain-replenishing treasure’ I specially prepared for you.

Not only can it repair your brain, but it can also restore your fear value!

The truth about this tidbit is here. "

William directly used his fingernails as a knife to cut his skull in a circular motion.

Bang! As the skull fell to the ground, an unparalleled dark brain was revealed.

Because his brain was being stared at by so many people at the same time, William even seemed a little excited and trembled.

"Last night, at the cost of my life, I completely ground my brain and sprinkled it on different dishes as seasoning. You must not waste it."

After hearing this, the expressions of the audience became more solemn, and a few people even vomited for the second time.

"Hey~ I know my brain may taste a bit strong, but it is definitely the best supplement at the moment... Also, you must remember the rules, all dishes are absolutely not allowed to be wasted.

In other words, you must eat all the food you vomited on the ground. Even a little bit of leftovers will be considered a violation.

If anyone is dissatisfied, you can just raise your hand and I will provide you with one-on-one psychological counseling. "

As soon as he finished speaking, someone raised his hand.

It’s not because this person dares to challenge the majesty of William, the ‘preparatory chef’, but because he is a [trustee] who has been appointed in advance and is one of the substitute audience members who has been in contact with him a day ago.

When William approached this 'trustee', and they had just chatted for a few words, the other person began to bleed from his orifices, twitched all over, and his pupils shrank to a small dot.

Then he actually tore off his own skin, used it to wrap up the food scattered on the ground, and put it into his mouth as much as possible.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the audience immediately gave up the idea of ​​resisting and tried to find ways to eat the vomited dishes back into their mouths, but the nausea was even worse.

This painful feeling of often eating again stimulates their bottom line as creatures,

While they were eating on their stomachs, William would wander around in his leather shoes,

Whenever someone tries to act or refuses to eat,

This pair of leather shoes will stop next to them, and there will even be a dark eye growing on the surface of the leather shoes to spy on the eater.

This sense of oppression is like stepping on the surface of their heart with leather shoes, and fear begins to grow and flow out from the corners of the eater's mouth.

However, this is only the first phase of the show.


Under this irresistible pressure. The audience began to gradually adapt to the gastrointestinal stimulation brought by 'small ingredients', and gradually became able to eat normally.

Indeed, as William said, the brains of the audience who ate the food became clearer and the whole person became more energetic.

"Everyone, hurry up! You still have the last three minutes to eat."

William seemed to have social anxiety, urging and stamping his feet everywhere, and even licked other people's temples with his tongue to deepen the urging.


Five minutes before the intermission, most of the spectators finished their final meal, and a small number of spectators who failed to do so were 'marked'.

"Thank you very much for tasting the delicious food I carefully prepared. To be fair, those who fail to meet the standards will be punished while those who meet the standards will continue to enjoy the benefits of delicious food."

William raised his right hand high and snapped his fingers that resounded throughout the audience.


Since all the audience members have consumed epileptic ingredients, they were all influenced by their thoughts when they heard the sound of snapping fingers.

When they woke up, their consciousness had reached a dark passage.


When the sealed iron door covered with iron chains was opened, a strange aquarium appeared in front of him, and William was standing at the door.

"Hello everyone! I am your good friend, the reserve chef who has just prepared the feast for you... Now is the after-dinner entertainment session. I will serve as a temporary tour guide to take you to visit this aquarium in your brain.

You may have also noticed that there seem to be some missing viewers here.

Yes, they need to be punished for not meeting the eating requirements.

The punishment was simple, they would be made into 'merfolk' by a friend of mine to fill the aquarium. "

The people standing at the door could faintly hear the strange sounds of chopping meat, scraping skin, and grinding bones. The screams that should have come together turned into a large number of bubbles that kept rising in the water tank.

I have to keep an eye on little Ah Fei when he is sick. I don’t have enough time to avoid distractions. If there are any typos, please mark them in this chapter and I will change them when I see them.

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