The final gentleman

Chapter 528 Plague City Walls and Traders

Rat City-Pesters

When William heard such a city name, he couldn't help but think of the first powerful enemy he encountered when he first became a gentleman, the fallen gentleman-Mr. Li who was located under the Twilight Clinic.

William himself was also curious about what a city named after the plague would look like.

Just after the halfway point of the trip, the flight attendant in charge of this voyage approached William again. It seemed that there was something very important that required short notice.

"Mr. William, we just received a short frequency band from the head office, informing us that Rat City is also listed as a restricted area. How about we change the destination and send you to another nearby city."

"Did you just change it?"

"That's right."

"The itinerary remains unchanged. Send me as close to the Rat City as possible. I originally planned to contact the abyss on this trip, so it would be good to familiarize myself with the conditions at the edge of the abyss in advance."


The car stopped ten kilometers away from Rat City.

Even at such a distance, William could still see the general outline of Rat City. The towering city walls reached hundreds of meters and were crooked as if they were made of regular rough-cut stone.

And a large amount of 'green gas' representing the plague continues to gush out from the sky above the city, dyeing the clouds above the city green, and some clouds are still dripping with green rain, as if the sky is nauseating because of this.

The dilapidated roads are filled with fungi, and rats will crawl across them at any time.

The shapes of these rats have exceeded William's knowledge, and only a few of them are still normal.

Most rats only have their heads unchanged, and their bodies either crawl like a child, or have multiple legs like an octopus.

There was even a ball of hair covered with mouse heads rolling past, leaving behind a stinky and quickly evaporating green bacterial fluid. The smell was just like a stillborn mouse that accidentally fell into the sink and was soaked for several days. The smell.

"Since entering the old world, although various epidemic areas have symptoms, they are still relatively 'clean'. This is the first time I have come to such a truly dirty place.

Let me see what the inside of the so-called Rat City looks like. "

William, who was walking on the main road, slowly discovered a problem. Although reproduction in the old world was blocked, these rats could produce companions through 'proliferation' and were extremely efficient. This was obviously related to [cancer].

Through knowledge verification with ‘Thirteen’, it was also confirmed that Rat City is indeed under the jurisdiction of Cancer Palace, but the degree of connection is not high, and it is basically free-range.

When approaching the city along the main road and the city wall structure came into view, even the well-informed William was stunned for a moment.

The city wall is not made of stone or steel, but 'local materials'.

Due to the unscrupulous proliferation of rats, there are many deformed and short-lived rat individuals, and the number of rats that the city can accommodate is limited. The remaining weak ones must either leave or wait to die.

Therefore, a large number of corpses are produced in Rat City and its surrounding areas every day.

Burning corpses is too troublesome and not conducive to the spread of disease.

The Rat City used the corpses of dead rats as building materials and used ancestral craftsmanship to build city walls. The putrid liquid flowing out of the corpses could act as an adhesive.

In the end, the height of the city wall exceeded 100 meters, and a second city wall was even built around the perimeter.

Even patients in the old world would still feel very uncomfortable when seeing this scene and would not want to get close. Even if there was no barrier of the city wall, no one would want to attack this city.

Not only will it offend the cancer palace, but you may also be infected with the plague in the end, and even the stolen treasure box may only contain a bunch of old answers.

However, William soon noticed another problem.

There is obviously an underground sun moving not far away, but the sunlight shining on Rat City is pitiful, as if there is a layer of barrier blocking the sunlight from entering.

"Is it because of the excessive accumulation of corpses? Or is there some other reason... I always feel that this city is hiding something else besides its own severe infectious diseases.

There must be a reason why the Black Tape Company listed it as a restricted area. Maybe this city has also been affected by the unknown abyss to a certain extent, and has even changed secretly. "

Just as William stopped in front of the city wall to think, he suddenly felt a hot feeling coming from his shoulders.

Little Putao, who was taking a lunch break, woke up suddenly. Without saying anything, he opened his "Ember Eyes" without saying anything, his eyes seemed to be longing for something.

"Little Grape, what's wrong?"

"William! Ben Putao's body has a strong homology with the city in front of me. One of the core ancient corpses that make up my body may be related to these weird old world rats, or some kind of infectious disease contained in the town. .”

"Damn it~ Do you have such a strong taste?"

"Bah! What do you mean I have a heavy taste? It's obviously because the cemetery manager who raised me has a problem with his XP, okay! My body composition was determined by him.

Let’s not talk so much. Since we happen to meet each other, let’s go in and take a look. If we can find suitable grapes or a large plague gathering, maybe I can awaken the second part of me.

When the time comes, this grape's strength will be greatly increased, won't he easily take down the abyss? "


Little Grape also spit out four ancient corpse eyeballs from his mouth that symbolized his main components.

The first eyeball on the right corresponds to the activated "Eyeball Collector Gemhar". The surface is condensed with weird and cold evil energy and has a multi-pupil structure.

As for the other three, they are all in a dim state and have not yet been activated.

However, one of them slightly reflected a plague-green light similar to that of Rat City, which showed that Little Grape's induction was indeed correct.

"Little Grape, it's better for you to keep a low profile.

Since you can sense it, it is very likely that a certain rat in the city, or even a large group of rats, can also sense you. "

"What are you afraid of! Aren't you already able to fight against the Tumor Knight? This Putao can even control the Evil Yang. I'll see which mouse dares to come close. I'll treat you to a rat skewer then!"

"Why don't you, Little Putao, transform into your prophet form and we split up in the city, which would be more efficient?"

"Ahem~ People are unfamiliar with the place. It wouldn't be good to split up just after entering the city, right? Oops, I'm still a little sleepy. I'm going to continue my nap just now. If you find anything, please call me."

Seeing Little Grape retracting into his body, William didn't say much.

After adjusting my clothes a little and putting on the accustomed needle-punched mask, I officially walked into the interior of this plague city.

There is no watcher at the city gate,

The gate of Rat City looked like a huge gap gnawed by rats with their teeth. It was pouring rain inside, and there was even green rainwater overflowing from the gate.

Although there were no guards, there were several vendors standing at the door.

They all have rat heads, the only difference is whether they have hair or no hair.

Although they were wearing clothes, they were extremely dirty. Through the holes in the clothes, one could even see their skin covered with abscesses.

When they saw William, an outsider who was dressed in extraordinary clothes and even wore an exquisite mask, they immediately gathered around him.

"Sir, I provide the freshest inner membrane umbrella here, which is taken from the undivided rat-man's stomach pouch. It can effectively resist "corruption rain" and can be taken away with only 10 coins.

In addition, I also provide fully wrapped raincoats, which are more effective and only cost 30 coins. "

"Does the boss need to live in a hotel? The house was renovated from his own house. It is guaranteed to be clean and not disturbed.

And we also provide 'home service'. My wife's split individuals are all fair-skinned, beautiful, with smooth hair, and are very good at housework. How about it? Do you want to try it? My wife is great.

The charge is not high, just 20 a day. "

"Professional leads the way! Professional leads the way, you can go on any road! You can reach anywhere as quickly as possible."

William turned to look at the white rat man who was shouting and leading the way.

There are multiple small hand structures on the abdomen of its upright body. One of the eyes on its face has been gouged out. The white fur color is caused by aging. It seems to be quite reliable.

"Lead the way."

While looking at the white rat, William flicked the iron pin of the mask with his index finger.


The sound was loud, and except for the white rat who was asked to lead the way, all the other rats felt a pain from the depths of their souls.

When he recovered, the young man surrounded by them was gone.

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