The final gentleman

Chapter 563 Perfect Creature

After explaining the matter of [composition], the pure white patient prepared to lead William to the mysterious composition room.

However, just as the patient squirmed and turned around with his cell-stacked body,

The visual nervous system connected in series between the white blood cells seemed to be pulled by some kind of pull, and it was unwilling to move away from the field of vision. It always stared at the young man who had just completed the silver turbidity in front of him, and stared at the figure of the other person.

This is the first time that the patient has encountered a situation where his own cells are not obeying his orders.

As a servant differentiated from the center of the disease, he has a fundamental worship of [disease].

During the more than two hundred years since he was differentiated, when he only met the center or saw some unparalleled root diseases, he would have an instinctive worship situation that he could not control.

The opponents are often disease masters, or some people in the silver circle who have the potential to be plague masters and have unique symptoms.

This is the first time for a patient who has just completed silver turbidity but has not yet started composing music.

Out of curiosity, the sick attendant took a closer look at the young man's physical structure after undergoing silver turbidity.

Gajigaji~ As the optic nerves gather together, layers of lenses are superimposed and fused in the body, and finally a pure white giant eye gathers in the attendant's abdomen.

See through the skin of William's human body to observe the inner structure.

"This is!!"

This was an incredible sight. What the patient saw in the eyes of the patient, William under the human skin and appearance, was simply a great work of art in the age of big creatures, enough to be exhibited in the highest level art museum and he also made his C-level debut. .


1. Skull - The shape of the human skull remains unchanged, but the inside of the skull is like a civilized grotto with densely packed text and drawings, and even looks like a complicated circuit board.

In addition, multiple small holes are drilled at equal intervals to facilitate heat dissipation of the brain.

2. Brain - As the "ancient genes" are connected to the epileptic virus, the entire black epileptic brain takes on an absolutely regular [spherical shape], the grooves of the brain become clearer, and there is even a layer of black mist on the surface.

A modified circular artery surrounds the epileptic brain like a star ring, providing the best quality blood circulation.

The entire brain structure looks like a black planet.


1. Frame structure - the outline of the cavity wall, the progressive flesh wall wiring, and the introduction of the skeleton structure of European architecture, which greatly improves the supporting role of bones and muscles on the body without losing the beauty. At a glance, it looks like Like a luxurious physical palace.

2. Organ Integration - William also created a structure called the 'Integrated Organ Chamber', which can be compared to the motherboard of a computer.

It is an internal body cavity structure composed of its own bone iron chains. Each organ can be embedded in it. It not only plays a protective role, but more importantly, enhances the connectivity between various organs, and the pelvic cavity can also protect each organ. Each organ plays a role in auxiliary enhancement.

3. Digestive system - In-depth optimization of the intestines, as the digestive organs occupy a large amount of space in the original trunk. Using the chimera of ancient genes, William made a bold decision to directly erase the entire intestine and integrate all intestinal functions into a single organ, the stomach.

In order to ensure that the digestive efficiency would not be reduced, William spent a huge amount of money on the modification of the [stomach] and failed more than 20 times.

The result was an organ called the "white gastric pouch", which no longer had the shape of a pouch, but instead had a ring structure that just surrounded the abdominal phylum.

What fills the stomach pouch is no longer gastric acid, but an ultra-high concentration of new acid. Any substance that falls into it will return to its original state for easy decomposition.

The wall of the white stomach pouch is connected to a blood vessel with a circulatory filtering function, and is equipped with a ‘gate’.

Only the completely decomposed substances can flow through the blood vessels. If there are still large molecules, they cannot pass through and will be shunted to another circulation tube and flow back to the stomach pouch.

Moreover, the gastric pouch is also supported by a comprehensive cavity. Once substances that exceed the load of the gastric pouch enter, other organs will provide assistance.

With the freeing up of intestinal space, not only does the body become lighter, but more bones and muscle tissue are created in the abdominal area to improve the core strength of the body.


Legs and feet - The two joints of the ankle and knee have been reconstructed. Through ancient genes, a very tough ligament has been obtained to cooperate with the muscle tissue to form a ring superposition. Tissue fluid will be secreted at any time to soak the joints.

The structural framework, the arrangement of muscle bundles, and the combing of nerves and blood vessels will not be described in detail.

Hands - The left and right arms are designed completely differently while maintaining the same weight and length, so that the right arm is better at close-quarters slashing and the left arm is better at shooting with a gun.

By adjusting the skeletal structure and muscle arrangement, the mobility and strength of the right arm are greatly improved, as well as the precision and adaptability of the left arm.

"This... is so beautiful!"

The patient attendant was shocked by such a physical structure. At the same time, he understood why William spent so much time, and instantly felt that the large amount of silver liquid consumed was completely worth it.

"Wait what is that!"

Because William was facing him, no back structures could be seen.

But just a moment ago, the sick waiter felt something lying on William's back, and even took a peek at him.

Logically speaking, anyone who comes to the [Transit Station - Gland Area] will have their non-body consciousness 'detained' outside, and there is no way that there will be a second consciousness other than his own in William.

"Can I see your back?"

Faced with the patient's request, William also turned around happily.

"What is this!"

I thought it might be some kind of special back structure, or William buried part of his optic nerve in his back to provide vision behind him.

However, what caught his eyes was the image of a dead body lying on his back.

To be more precise, it should be a dead individual that is 'embedded' or 'deeply adhered' to William's back, and this dead body shares a spine with William.

The arms of the dead body are buried under the skin and go up the neck, connecting the "Abyss Mask" on the face... In other words, based on the "palm structure" of the Abyss Mask as the starting point, this dead body embedded in the back was created .

Due to the corpse structure, or the existence of the 'second person', deep control of the abyss mask is achieved.

You can even store the mask inside your body by retracting your arms, revealing the mask only at critical moments.

There is another more important point,

The dead body can not only control the mask, but also serve as a carrier of consciousness.

In case of real danger and William cannot fight it alone, 'Yi Chen' that exists deep in the brain can attach itself to the dead body and achieve 'two people traveling together'.

The sense of peeping that the sick waiter felt just now came from Yi Chen.

This sense of voyeurism made him feel hairy all over, as if he was about to be dragged into the abyss of death filled with sin.

"Why do you feel that there is another level of individual consciousness in you? Logically speaking, any external consciousness other than yours should be rejected outside the gland area."

William said with an embarrassed look: "Do you feel it? That's not an outsider, but myself... I have something wrong with my brain.

Before coming to the old world, he had a complete schizophrenia before contracting any disease.

There is another me who is always ready to build an external body for him. "

“Okay…come with me.

If possible, I hope you can stay here for half a day until the composition is finished. We will take a cast of your body and display it in the gland area as a specimen of an outstanding initiate. "

I’ll update as usual on the weekends. I’ve read a lot in these chapters recently, even some ideological articles. I’m so tired from writing.

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