The final gentleman

Chapter 568 The Abyss Revealed and War Relics

Black Bee Dining Car, 3888’s highest-end restaurant.

The city lord Price also treated him as a guest, which was regarded as a celebration of William's successful completion. For the city lord, more than eighty days was nothing at all. He had long been accustomed to the passage of time.

Moreover, as a Moon Rat, he could clearly feel that the 'moon' part of William's body had been completed and amplified, making it more in line with his fantasy of the Silver Moon Queen.

However, as the delicious food was served, Price was completely immersed in it and ignored these things for the time being.

At the dining table, William, who had been crawling in the abyss for a whole week, didn't know if he had soaked in the silver liquid pool for too long, but still didn't feel very hungry, and his desire to eat was also average.

While cutting the staple food, I asked Jin who was sitting opposite.

"I remember that the Cancer Knight should be very strict. Will the Cancer Palace let you out for so long?"

Jin's mouth was not free to eat. Due to the directional proliferation of cancer cells, a temporary accessory mouth with a vocal cord structure was born on the back of his right hand.

"Ah? I went back once a month ago, and then I found an opportunity to sneak out again. Not only did the Lord not hold me accountable, but he also approved my outing.

Because I found something good in the [Land of Darkness], something that is rare and precious even if placed in the Knights of the Tumor. Although I haven't found a way to repair or use it yet, I have vaguely touched on some ways. "

"What good stuff?"

"The relics left during the invasion war... and they are relatively complete, and there are no "hidden relics" that have been stolen.

It was also thanks to Price's familiarity with this area that he led us to the Darknest Mine and discovered a hidden secret passage inside. Then, with the help of the evil sunshine given by the Thirteenth Little Sister, the seal from ancient times was forcibly dispelled, and a cave-in that had never been discovered before was found. "

William's interest shifted instantly, and the dishes in front of him no longer had any appeal. "War relics? I don't have any on me... let me see."

"I told you to show it, just show it to you? We have been waiting for William for a long time~ We are bored to death.

You can see it if you want, but you have to show me the harvest in the abyss first. I think William, you must have not only completed the path, but your contact with the Tenth Abyss must have also brought a lot of changes to you, right? "

William nodded undeniably, "The Abyss has indeed brought influence and changes to me, but if this characteristic is shown, it may have an impact on your meal."

"Can you still make us unable to eat? Stop talking nonsense and show it quickly. In exchange, I will show you the war relics I found."

"All right."

Click~ There was a crisp sound from the spine of William's back, as if the entire spine came to life, and even started to squirm slightly.

Something swims under the skin of the shoulder, and slowly moves up the neck to the face.


Jin, who was eating, slowly stopped and caught a glimpse of something with a palm structure swimming under William's skin, but it was one size larger than an ordinary person's hand.

Soon, the moving palms reached the face and drilled out directly at the temples.

The material of the palm is somewhere between jet black stone and human skin, exuding a strong abyss aura.

When the palms appearing on the left and right slowly came down, completely covering William's face and connecting into a "mask".


An indescribable aura spread out with William as the center.

Jin, who was sitting across from her, felt a sticky substance spreading over her, instantly covering the entire dining area. At the same time, there was a strange feeling under her body, forcing her to look down at the bottom of the tablecloth.

At the bottom of the dim dining table, a pale arm stretched out from the sticky substance, trying to grab her calf and climb up her body.


Jin suppressed the restlessness in his heart and returned his gaze to the table.

Unexpectedly, the delicacies on the plate were no longer there, replaced by a child's head without eyeballs, with black hair hanging down, bright red lips smeared on it, and a horrifying laughter that kept coming out.

When Jin looked at William sitting opposite again, the situation changed again.

The palm structure on William's face was no longer a "mask", but someone was actually standing behind him, helping him cover his eyes... But this person was wrapped in darkness, just when Jin wanted to see the other person's face clearly.

William, whose face was covered with only his mouth exposed, suddenly began to speak:

"Kim, how are you?"

Under the creation of a series of atmospheres and artistic conceptions, as William spoke this tone of words that did not belong to him at all.


Jin's calf exploded instantly, and he left the table with an explosive instant retreat.

Putting on the helmet, he held the Blood Infant sword in his hand... A drop of cold sweat dripped from the vent of the helmet, and he looked at William in front of him as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Not only her,

Even Lord Price, who was immersed in delicious food, was covered in hair and retreated to the edge of the restaurant.

The waiters in the restaurant area were all so frightened that they became incontinent. The black parasites in their bodies had a stress response and came out of their bodies, trying to abandon their hosts and escape alone.


The entire dining car's alarm sounded, and when security personnel wearing black exoskeleton biological suits rushed to the scene for the first time, William had already removed the abyss mask.

"It's okay, it's okay~ I just showed off my personal abilities a little bit, I'm really sorry."

Everything inside the restaurant was normal, there were no dead people or mud at all, as if everything he just saw was an illusion.

The employees of Heisui still seemed to take it very seriously. After conducting multiple inspections in different ways to confirm that there were no problems, they even sent the general manager to negotiate in person, hoping that William would try not to show such behavior in the dining car area in the future.

By the time King and Price sat back down, they no longer had much appetite.

Jin put his hands on the table and put his head in front of William, "Just... was it really you? Why do I feel that after you put on the mask, you turned into a complete stranger, and a very, very dangerous type."

"It's me, but it's also the abyss."

"Incredible~ It makes me want to get in touch with the [Tenth Abyss]."

"The risk of contacting the abyss is too high, and your personality is not suitable for you. If you really want to contact the abyss, you'd better ask Ms. Olena or Lord Cancer Palace for their opinions first.

Okay~ hurry up and show me the war relics you found. "

"I'm really in a hurry. Let me show you first."

A containment box with a rectangular parallelepiped structure and made of old world gold and proliferating tumors was placed on the table. William could tell at a glance that the box was unusual. It was obviously an advanced creation of Cancer Palace.

"Do you need to ask the waiter here to avoid it?"

Jin waved his hand, "No need to avoid it~ They won't talk nonsense. Besides, if someone really dares to steal the things from Cancer Palace, they can be used as a training ground."

Okay, I'm ready to unpack it. "

Jin picked up the box with both hands and placed it in front of himself.

A pink and slender tongue sticks out from between the mouth and is inserted into the gap in the center of the box for identity verification.

Listening to the sound of the mechanism unlocking, and accompanied by the pulling of the sticky thread, the box opened.

Because his back was to the storage box, William couldn't see the actual object for the time being, but he could vaguely smell a familiar scent.


Jin put his tongue back into his mouth and turned to the box to face William.

A 'broken sword' appeared in front of me,

The sword guard is actually in the shape of a lotus flower.

The hilt has a pagoda-like structure.

The surface of the only remaining 1/4 sword blade was engraved with a type of writing that William had seen. To be precise, it should be the writing that Yi Chen had seen before his death.

"Sanskrit, is this some kind of Buddhist instrument?"

"Ah? What is Sanskrit and Buddhism? William, what are you talking about?" Jin was confused after hearing a series of strange terms.

William did not respond to Jin's question, but looked at the broken sword and felt the divine aura remaining on its surface.

"It can't be wrong... This feeling has a certain similarity with the statue of death that Yi Chen believes in. Although it does not belong to the same kind of god, it should come from the same big world."

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