The final gentleman

Chapter 584 Rally

Gethsemane, the fruit orchard of Zion, is a department responsible for handling special events. The fruit pickers trained within have a common unified name - "executioner".

Even though it was moved, Gethsemane was still located in the underground area of ​​Fromoth.

When William revealed his identity and took the elevator to the underground area with Reagan, he immediately felt the strong murderous intention accumulating underground.

【Zion Incident】

If we want to talk about the department with the highest transfer rate, it must be Gethsemane.

Due to the completely different education model, the executioners of Gethsemane were extremely loyal to the organization, or to the prophet Yuri.

There is no intention to relax in the entire dungeon. All the executioners are undergoing special training to adapt to the body without skin as soon as possible and restore their original combat power as much as possible.

William is also an old acquaintance here. When walking in the dungeon, the executioners would give him a look or nod.

The closer he got to Yuri's prophet house, the aura of killing became more solemn, and even the ground was soaked in blood.

"This murderous intention is stronger than before... Did Prophet Yuri become stronger after his arm was broken off?"

As soon as William and the two arrived at the door of the prophet's house, before they had time to knock on the door, a humanoid maid opened the door directly from the inside. This maid happened to be William's 'student'. Irina, the female boss who used to sell pancakes on the lower streets, was also a key player in solving the "Nightmare Incident".

"Teacher, long time no see! Master Yuri went directly to the arena at the bottom after meeting Miss Jin. You guys should go down and have a look."

"Huh? Is there a fight?"

"It should be so. Master Yuri is not in very good health and his meals have been very irregular during this period. He is not suitable for long-term fighting. I hope you can stop it, teacher."


Take the elevator in the Prophet's House and continue to the lowest level of the city of Fromoth, which has been transformed into Yuri's underground arena.

Waves of strong pressure are constantly released at the lower end.

When the elevator reached the bottom, a strong impact hit the steel door panel and instantly shattered it.

What came into view was Yuri with only a bandage wrapped around his severed arm, and his desire to kill was completely released. The skull tie on the red shirt swayed with each swing of the knife.

He held a knife in one hand and faced Jin Zheng, who was holding a blood baby sword.

On the surface, they look evenly matched, but in some details, the one-armed Yuri is slightly more powerful than the golden one. You can even see a demon king's face formed by pure murderous intent behind Yuri.

The tumor on Jin's back gradually activates during the battle, and the wings that represent the identity of the tumor knight may bloom at any time.

However, after all, it is just a discussion, and it is not possible to come up with a real method to suppress the bottom of the box.

William also stood on the sidelines and silently commented: "Prophet Yuri is a true gentleman. With his level, he can easily join a large organization in the old world, but he chose to return to Zion and rule Gethsemane. Breeding executioners for the organization, while also monitoring every dark corner of the organization as a prophet."

The maid Irina on the side was stunned by such a battle scene. She was very worried that Yuri would be further injured. "Teacher, won't you stop them..."

"Didn't you see that Yuri was having a lot of fun? He has completely adapted to one hand, no problem, and he just needs to be released like this... If I guessed correctly, Yuri should be depressed A long time?"

William just stood aside and watched the battle quietly. When the wind blades or evil spirits generated during the battle came over, he could easily dispel them with a slap.

Fifteen minutes passed,

Yuri became stronger and stronger as he fought, and his desire to kill continued to rise. Jin was so suppressed that she could hardly breathe...just when she was about to remove the tumor on her back to show her feathered posture.

Whoosh~ A figure entered the room instantly and stood between the two of them.

"So fast." Reagan, who was also watching the game, failed to see clearly what William had just done.


William first used the gloves made of leather bags to forcefully catch the butcher knife that Yuri had chopped off. Although the soles of his feet sank into the ground, he held on firmly.

At the same time, he gently put his left hand on Jin's shoulder to convey the words.

"That's it for now, conserve your strength and fully prepare for the plan to recapture...Jin." A kind of compulsory soothing to the brain calmed down Jin.

After ensuring that Jin's condition was stable and the tumor on his back no longer bloomed, William slowly turned back to look at Prophet Yuri behind him.

"Mr. Yuri, long time no see!"

"William, you're back!"

As soon as Yuri saw this old friend who had discussed making maids together in the past, he immediately lifted his massacre stance. Now he no longer needs a bandage seal to control most of his murderous intentions, and he can now get rid of the constraints of a wheelchair in his daily activities.

The butcher knife was inserted back into his waist, and his palm pinched William's shoulder,

"It's really good, your body is quite strong~ It seems that you have gained a lot in the old world."


"Great! With the return of you and Jin, we can directly prepare the retake plan... This time we must kill all the blood people.

I have to go up quickly to compile the comprehensive data on Gethsemane and let Desline make arrangements quickly. "

Yuri's mood suddenly improved, and even the maid Irina beside him became excited.

Ever since Yuri was evacuated from Zion, his face has no expression. He spends all day buried in the workshop without making a sound, and often goes without eating for a day or two.

Unexpectedly, while everyone was still riding the elevator, the city's radio started to sound.

"All gentlemen who have reached the open source level are invited to go to the center of Frommouth - [Frontal Sanatorium] to participate in the comprehensive gathering of the retake plan. They must be present within ten minutes."

"Deslin is very efficient... let's go there together."

The conference room was located on the top floor of the sanatorium, and a total of 131 gentlemen were present.

Compared with previous gentlemen's gatherings, the biggest difference this time is that although everyone is wearing the same suits as before, except for William and Mandy, they do not have the attributes of leather and are just pure creations of tailors.

Gentlemen at the open source level sit on the periphery,

The gentlemen who have completed the path and reached the Silver Circle level sit at the central conference table, representing the current highest combat power of Zion and the key to the recapture plan, including:

One of the founders of the organization and the general person in charge of this conference, the first doctor-Gregory Alaus

Recognized as the first prophet, Deslyn Valdivia was also the first to have insight into the invasion of the Blood People and made a significant contribution to the evacuation and transfer.

Ruler of Gethsemane, Chief Executioner, and Prophet of Killing. Yuri.

Highly appreciated by the magician Jain, they are hailed as the most promising young prophets and the founders of the Twin Secret Cult - Marco and Martin.

In addition, there are three young people, William, King and Reagan. They are also unique in the history of Zion, and they are a special case in which all members complete the path in a small team format.

There are many gentlemen present who are stuck at the "open source limit" and are stagnant due to access issues.

Moreover, the Zion Incident brought about the skin peeling off of all members, which cut off the path forward for many gentlemen who aimed to be the 'skin apostles'.

These include the genius who once competed with William for the first gentleman, the favorite student of Wrinkly Spacey, the cross-dressing tailor-Jessica Lores, and the monster of Gethsemane, who suffers from mixed sex. Mandy Louson of Connective Tissue Diseases.

Especially the latter. He was supposed to complete the path and become the Skin Apostle a few months ago, but suddenly something like this happened.

in addition,

There is still an empty seat in front of the central round table arranged by the organization for the silver circle gentleman. I don't know who it corresponds to. It seems that he is late for some reason.

The first doctor, Gregory Alaus, also waved to the secretary beside him.

"Have you not heard from the doctors sent to contact the old world?"

"Yes, they have returned to this world, but 'the director' needs to go to [Faerun Necropolis] to pay homage to his old friends on the way due to some personal matters, so he needs to be delayed a little."

"Forget it, let's start making the plan first. Then we can just inform him of the plan directly."

Just when the first doctor was about to announce the start of the meeting, a burst of footsteps came from outside the conference room door.

The moment they heard the footsteps, many gentlemen with the title of 'doctor' present were clearly looking forward to something.

Only William groaned as if facing a formidable enemy, and the chains in his body trembled.

"Why did the people from the Monastery of Pain come to organize it?!"

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