The final gentleman

Chapter 587 Join forces

Lorian said uncomfortably: "Take off your mask before we talk? This image makes me very uncomfortable..."

"Who told you to think about seizing me as soon as we met?"

"It's just a joke, mainly to verify your current level William. Being able to not be affected by my illusion shows that you have grown quite well.

He is truly worthy of being a member of the circus, and worthy of being a human being that I value. "

Since William had something to ask for, he no longer cared about anything, took off his mask and returned to his normal state.

Lorian also waved and asked the nurse, whose face was covered with bandages, to make a cup of special tea for William - "Moon in a Cup", which could help clear the brain and refresh the mind, and even improve the effect of lunar syndrome in a short period of time.

Lorien didn't talk about the show, but about the past in the old world.

"William, last time I sensed the moon you released and came to the circus to find you, but I was stopped outside by a guy named Art and asked for a duel.

That guy was so powerful that he almost killed me.

This clown's strength should be among the best in the circus, right? "

"Let me think about it, if you don't count the boss, you should be ranked third, right?"

"Oh, only the members are ranked third? What kind of monsters are the first two... I think I control the new power of the moon, and I think I got a weapon from the Duke that perfectly overlaps with my destiny. It is inevitable that He could live in the upper reaches of the silver circle, but he was almost killed by this clown.

And, William, you have to be careful.

When I was dealing with this clown, I accidentally got a glimpse of his nature through illusion. This guy's ultimate goal may be to turn the entire old world into a part of his malignant growth. "

William put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall at the door of the ward, "Of course I know how bad that clown is. He is the one I am most careful about in the whole circus... Let's bring the topic back to the subject? Are you willing to act with me? It's time now I’m in a hurry, if you want to chat, you can wait until later.”

Lorian turned his gaze back to his body, "Because of that clown, my body was seriously injured. I can really try to nourish it with ancient blood.

The people you have to deal with should be the [Blood People], right? Let me briefly explain what the situation is. "

"The efficiency of verbal description is too low..."

Say it, shua!

William directly inserted his index finger into the ear hole, went straight to the brain, and pulled out a piece of brain tissue containing active memory cells...with a flick of his fingertip, he shot it towards Lorian.


Lorian was a little afraid of this dark brain tissue, so he immediately soaked it in the test tube silver liquid, washed away the black matter on the surface, and then stuffed it into his own brain to read detailed information related to Zion.

"Have your human organization encountered such big trouble? And there are also strong men from the silver circle in ancient times... The risk is too great, I won't take such a big risk just for a few bags of plasma.

Add a little more leverage, William. "

"That group of blood people have some kind of technology, maybe even an extraterrestrial treasure, which can be used to stabilize the [channel] and allow the powerful people of the Silver Circle to come to this world in advance.

If you can kill the "Seventh Marquis" who survived the ancient times and even participated in the war, you might be able to obtain treasures from another world.

As long as we both contribute the most and the thing falls into our hands, how about I take the initiative to give it to you?

This group of blood people were quite crazy when they participated in the war. They fought against the invaders at all costs. They must have killed many visitors from other worlds, and they must have something good with them. "

"Well..." Lorian rubbed his fingers, "Add one more, and I will agree to assist you humans."


"When we launch a full-scale attack on Zion, if we encounter the Seventh Marquis head-on and feel weak, William, you have to "temporarily combine" with me, just like we did when we first went to the old world. "


William took the initiative to approach the hospital bed, shook hands with Lorian head-on, and reached an agreement.

"By the way, how are you going to get here from the other side of the sea?"

Lorian's eyes slowly turned to the window, "Well, this problem~ If we put it before completing the route, it will really be a troublesome thing. I have to hurry up and take the ferry across the Gray Sea. It will take at least a month or two to meet you. , but now... wherever the moonlight shines is my territory.

I can follow the moonlight to any area it illuminates.

Now, I have reached the cave where you are. "

Snapped! Lorien snapped his fingers.

The scenes of the hospital and the moon collapsed instantly, and as a burst of moonlight flashed through his eyes, he returned directly to the cave in the mountain.

Lorian walked out of the darkness. What was different from his previous image was that his hospital gown was changed to a silver suit.

Even the hairstyle has been slightly changed. The originally scattered bangs were lifted upwards and fixed with some kind of liquid.

The moon-like eyes are also disguised as regular human eyes, exuding an aura below Kaiyuan, which perfectly fits the image of a young and talented gentleman.

"Sure enough, Lorian, you are very good at acting..."

William also relied on the epileptic brain's perfect control over his body to suppress himself to a state that was extremely close to open source.

"Lorian, I still need to remind you before setting off.

This time we are just investigating the general situation inside Zion and finding out how many powerful people from the Silver Circle are stationed inside. A full-scale attack needs to bring the intelligence back and unite the entire gentleman organization to launch it.

Therefore, there can be no mistakes in this performance, and we must respond flexibly to various unexpected situations. "

Lorian pointed to the bright moon that broke through the clouds, "Don't worry, the moonlight will complement our disguise and acting skills. It is impossible for these cruel, bloodthirsty and ignorant guys to see through the veil of the moon... Just perform to your heart's content."

In this way, facing the moonlight, the two headed towards Zion.

Along the way, he tried to adjust his facial expression, trying to show an expression of uneasiness, entanglement, and inner struggle as much as possible, indicating that he decided to join the blood people after a psychological struggle.

As soon as they arrived halfway up the mountain, a blood man in charge of patrol smelled the scent of the two of them and came over, flapping the insect wings on his back.

The bloody mouth was torn to the earlobe, and the yellowed teeth were rubbing up and down in the mouth. You could even see a string of tongue-coated straws with the function of sucking blood looming between the teeth.

There was a strong desire to eat in the eyes that stared at the two of them.

William took a step forward and said timidly:

"You...Hello, my friend Lorian and I no longer follow the original gentleman organization and are determined to become one of you. We are ready to accept the "whole-body blood reform." "

"Blood...fresh human blood."

This inferior blood citizen didn't listen to any words at all. He only wanted to suck blood and even forgot about the rules of the manor.

Suddenly, nature overcame reason.

Buzz! The insect wings flapped and rushed straight towards the two people in front of them... In the eyes of the blood people, as long as the two people were sucked dry and dealt with, there would be no violations.

William also frowned, not expecting to encounter an unusual situation right after the game started.

Just when he was about to use his epileptic brain to forcefully influence the blood people in front of him...

Snapped! There was a sudden snap of fingers.

Immediately afterwards, the blood people's bodies immediately became swollen, and then they exploded and died.

The blood carrying the blood plague bacteria splashed on the bodies of William and Lorian. Neither of them showed disgust or rushed to wipe it off, but just stood there.

Bang bang bang!

A burst of applause came from the corner of the mountain road.

A man wearing a white wig and blue noble robes came out,

She has a beautiful face, fair skin, and even looks like a woman with facial features.

"Well, I can see that you two are very determined and have made the decision to become one of us.

Very good, come with me!

As long as you can pass the "whole body blood reform", you can become my direct subordinates [Viscount Domitri Siani] and enjoy treatment in this new manor that ordinary blood people do not have. "

"Thank you, Lord Viscount..."

"Hey~ don't thank me in a hurry. When you pass the blood reform, thank me in a more cordial way! As long as you satisfy me, I may give you more opportunities."

Little Fatty has a bacterial infection and has a fever, so the update is a little late.

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