The final gentleman

Chapter 60 Beheading and Cutting

Edmund has the characteristic of "controlling bullets".

Although the current status is just a [human] and cannot yet perform advanced skills such as bullet turning, compressing power, etc., it can adjust the initial velocity of the bullet when it leaves the muzzle to a certain extent.

It is guaranteed to be able to penetrate the brain without penetrating... just enough to allow the bullet to stay between the brain tissue.

Moreover, this kind of silver bullet will compress the air and cause a small explosion after impact, causing the silver liquid to instantly overflow the skull cavity, achieving 'brain purification'.


The old man sitting in front of the campfire showed no reaction.

Wisps of silver liquid were discharged from his nasal cavity without causing any damage to the brain.

The old man was still grilling meat and took time to feed his pet dog rice grains.

Edmund, who was hiding in the dark, had an ugly expression on his face, "Immune to silver? Is this one of the characteristics of the Moonator!"


The old man's attention still stayed on Yi Chen and continued:

"Am I really being too deliberate?

I didn't expect that you self-righteous guys would be so cautious and come to clean up Vinal City again only one week apart.

In this case,

I have no choice but to kill all four of you weak guys and use them as food rations to leave the city and start a long journey.

Good-boy~ (Good boy) rice grains! Come and help me kill these rats. "

As soon as he finished speaking,

Yi Chen directly swung a horizontal slash.


When the sharp ax blade was about to hit, the old man caught it firmly with one hand, also ignoring the silver plating on the surface of the ax blade.

Yi Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "This guy is more powerful than the [abnormal patient] killed by Tiantai... Is it the physical enhancement provided by the "lunar disease"?" 』

The old man caught the ax with one hand and was still gently stroking the pet dog with the other hand.


The back of the pet dog and the back of the old man's neck actually lit up with "moon prints" at the same time, shining with silvery white light.

The fur, flesh, and tissues of the two merged rapidly,

Less than two seconds,

The Chihuahua rice grains have completely integrated into the old man's right arm...the number of muscle fibers and nerves has doubled, and at the same time, horrific changes that transcend the biological structure of the human body have begun to occur.

The palm part is completely torn apart, forming a dog-head structure.

The palm is the mouth,

Teeth between fingers,

Eyes on the back of hands,

His right arm turned into a vicious dog and bit directly towards Yi Chen who was opposite the bonfire.

Also at this time,

A cold iron light came faster behind the old man, and the giant sword slashed down!


The barbecue grill and bonfire were destroyed instantly, and nearly ten centimeters of slash marks were made on the ground.

It was Dagbert who swung the sword,

It's a pity that only some pieces of meat and wrapping cloth are left behind where the sword blade struck.


Foul-smelling blood dripped from the top.

The old man, who had a layer of skin scraped off his back, was firmly fixed on the ceiling in a deformed crawling posture.

"You guys are really obviously don't have a strong aura."

Just when the old man was looking for an opening, he was about to attack Yi Chen, who seemed to be the weakest, and defeat them one by one.

An extremely dangerous cold aura hit him instantly.

Quiet and murderous.


The old man who climbed to the top instinctively swerved to avoid.

A dagger stabbed deeply into his back...if he hadn't reacted in time, his spine would have been severed and he would have lost his mobility.

at the same moment,

The old man's self-aware right arm suddenly bit the assassin behind him.


Miss Anna's coat and inner shirt were torn open, revealing an almost perfect female waistcoat line, but she was not injured because she dodged in advance.

"You guys..."

At this time, the old man also fully realized that this group of seemingly young humans, except for Yi Chen, seemed to be difficult to deal with.

Resolutely give up the idea of ​​using one against many,

Ignoring the dagger stuck in my back,

White hair grew on the lower limbs, and the muscles expanded and strengthened. They quickly crawled away along the top of the fast that it even looked like a smear to the naked eye.

Just when the old man thought he could easily get rid of these young people,


A burst of brisk footsteps followed.

The old man looked down and saw that the young man he thought was the weakest was chasing behind him. He was running at a speed not slower than him.

Not only that,

The woman who fought with a dagger followed closely behind, not losing much speed.

"This guy is actually so fast!

But it’s okay, if you chase me at this speed, the formation will be completely stretched... When this guy is completely alone, just kill him. "

Just as the old man was thinking about his plan,


Suddenly there was a gunshot in the passage! The sound was so loud that it almost shattered the eardrums.

It was completely different from the previous shot that shot into the old man's head.

Moreover, the target of the muzzle is no longer the head, but the [right foot].

The rotating large-caliber bullet directly penetrated the sole of the foot, destroying the calf bone along with it. It collided and exploded at the knee, and the entire right leg became a bloody mess.

Impeded crawling,

The old man almost fell from the top because of this shot.

The originally fast crawling stopped because of this,

At this moment,

Yi Chen, who was sprinting at full speed, perfectly connected with a kneeling jump, almost reaching the old man with a broken leg hanging from the top.

Who knows,

The old man hanging at the top ignored the injury to his right leg, turned his head suddenly, and stared with silver bloodshot eyes.

"You kid, you can't even chop off my left hand, but you still insist on catching up... If you want to die so much, just become my food."


The canine's right arm was torn open to the maximum extent, revealing sharp teeth that could bite through the body, locking the incoming young man!

At the same time.

Yi Chen, who was jumping in mid-air, held an ax with both hands instead.


Plant roots sprouted from the palm of his hand and were wrapped around the ax handle. A faint green energy could even be seen surging among the roots.

【Visual enhancement】

The biting canine arm was completely slowed down in the field of vision,

Weakness hunting.

The weakest part of the dog's mouth was captured by Yi Chen! Determine the next perfect slashing path.

Yi Chen's back was like drawing a bow, bending to the maximum... and suddenly releasing!

Driving the power of every muscle in the body, focusing on both arms, he unleashed the most powerful mid-air slash!


Cut open the dog's mouth!

Continue cutting along the arm bones, dividing the entire canine arm into two parts, all the way to the shoulders.

Yi Chen, who had delivered a perfect slash, also moved in front of the old man.

Face to face.

Not waiting for the other party to scream in pain.

Yi Chen and the black balls on his shoulders stared with wide eyes.


A flood of spiritual power washed directly into the old man's consciousness.

eyes dull

The old man dragged his exploded right leg and chopped off right arm from the top.

It hasn’t landed yet.

Miss Anna took a slight step and rode directly on the old man's back.

With the dagger inserted in the back, centered on the "moon mark" on the neck, the skin that met the standards was cut off.


When the cortex containing the "Moon Seal" is completely peeled off.

The old man's body twitched wildly, all the silver hair on his head fell off, and his silver eyes dimmed.

Total death!

After Yi Chen landed, he immediately squatted next to the body and used plant roots to examine the body.

"Can peeling off the skin with the moonmark cause death?"

Of course, Yi Chen's examination has another purpose - [Brain]

Having had a ‘first taste’ experience,

He no longer peels off the brain, but controls the roots to enter the cranial cavity and directly absorbs the cerebral spinal fluid... It feels like drinking coconut milk.

While drinking, his eyes shine.

Although the intelligence attribute has not been improved,

But he got a series of memory scenes about [Old John Theater] and information about the Moonizer inside.

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