The final gentleman

Chapter 598 Infiltration

【Fetal Heart Church (Academic Affairs and Administration Building)】

A main axis staircase connects each floor.

As Desline stepped onto the stairs, star particles emerged under her feet. These star particles went up the stairs in advance, reconstructing the [Principal's Office] on the top floor.

During the time he left school, the principal's office was never exposed.

"Come in, my office has never had so many people enter at the same time."

Lifting the star curtain at the end of the stairs and pushing open the office door made of deep space meteorite iron, an office exuding a strong star atmosphere appears in front of you, and you can even feel that the internal gravity can be adjusted freely.

Deslyn started her special project when she took over the campus,

With the principal's office as the "campus center", every important location on the campus is equipped with "star nodes". Whenever any abnormal situation occurs in the school, she can arrive at the first time.

Since Desline has absolute control over the campus, she is the only one who knows about this matter.

Wait until everyone enters the principal's office and closes the door.

Deslin then lightly stepped on the ground with her toes, as if a switch had been triggered. The walls and floor of the principal's office slowly faded away, and gravity slowly dropped to zero.

Everyone here feels like they are in the starry sky.

As the spokesperson of Yue, Lorian instantly adapted to this floating feeling, and even showed an expression of enjoyment.

Desline turned her gaze to the miniature planet hanging in the center of the office, slowly approaching it as if looking at her own child.

As one of her fingers gently touched the surface of the planet... Buzz!

"Star Map Expansion"

Connected by looming thin star lines, various bright star points are spread out in the principal's office. The light points are nodes, corresponding to various areas within the campus.

Deslyn can teleport directly with just a touch.

However, before teleporting, she still looked at the people behind her.

"Be prepared for battle... Based on current perception, the area where Zed is being held is personally guarded by at least two [Red Nobles].

However, this group of blood people are really incompetent, and they actually need to use the prison we set up before to imprison Zed.

If they move Zed to another area of ​​Zion, we'll need to spend more time searching, so let's go. "

Desline reached out and touched one of the star nodes.

Buzz! The deep space of the universe where the office was formed immediately collapsed towards this node. In the process, the bodies of the four-person team were disassembled into star particles and sucked into it.

What's amazing is that the state of particles does not affect the integrity of everyone, and even thinking is complete.

The next moment, these particles slowly emerged on the bottom floor of the Wellsman teaching building, temporarily floating and hiding in the space, making it easier to observe the specific situation here.

This is a place that even William has never been to. It is deeper than Zed's underground office. It was a special prison originally created when Zed lost control on campus.

Except for Desline,

The First Doctor, the Archbishop, and Asimov, who happened to be back just in time, all participated in the prison design.

In particular, Asimov's intervention made the prison design closer to that of a monastery, and even the materials used were basically the same.

The final shape of the prison is as follows:

The railings are spiral-shaped and made of ancient metal materials, with secret texts engraved between the spirals.

The railings are either vertical or parallel,

Each spiral railing seems to have its own life. Once it senses any agitation from the individual inside, the railing will turn into a spear and penetrate the prisoner's body.

However, this prison ceased to be used ten years ago.

At that time, Deslin personally guaranteed that Zed would participate in the organization's many mental assessments and successfully pass them. From then on, he moved to a more free underground office above, and even began to teach "Pathology".

But the prison is now being used again.

Zed's body was penetrated by hundreds of spiral railings. Not only did these spiral railings intersect between his spine, but there were even several that penetrated directly through his face and were inserted into his eyes, which had been deprived of vision. Three of them were also inserted into his mouth.

Zed, who was in the penetrating state, was also soaked in a huge blood vat.

This blood all comes from the central manor and is the purest and highest quality blood in New Zion.

The blood seeped into Zedd's cortical flesh with the help of the spiral railings, eroding and assimilating the whole body, performing "blood reform" at the genetic level.

Not only that, there are six "blood priests" inside the prison who have reached the open source level and are good at blood manipulation. They put their hands on the wall of the blood tank and use blood manipulation to accelerate the transformation process.

In addition, two earls remained here.

'Leech-Lady' Olinka Nichols was the countess who had doubted William's identity. She was used to covering her 'mouth and nose' with a fan no matter what she did, even when sleeping. .

Because her mouth and nose are connected as one, there are a large number of leech structures inside the mouth, which will affect her external image.

It is rumored that Olinka was the count with the humblest background. She was labeled as a "prostitute" when she was very young. Because of her unique ventriloquism, her reputation quickly spread in the manor and she gradually came into contact with some nobles.

Every blood citizen who has made a deal with Olinka will receive a small amount of blood that will not be noticed as a 'tip'.

Slowly, Olinka completed the open source without anyone's help, and even found his own way to reach this point.

‘The Most Loyal Blood-Slave (The Most Loyal)’ Field Erasti, the great steward of the New Manor (formerly the Shenpi Mansion), has full authority to manage part of the basic affairs of New Zion.

On the outside, he doesn't have any insect characteristics and looks more like a human.

He has a Mediterranean hairstyle and a medieval butler's attire. He even holds a gold dinner plate with "blood brewed wine" and "butler's bell" on it.

The four people hiding among the stars silently watched the situation in front of them, and Lorian also watched the 'corpse' in the blood tank seriously.

He couldn't feel any life, and the only thing he felt was the word corpse.

"What's so special about the corpse?"

My moon eyes cannot stimulate any light feedback from the surface of the flesh, just like a corpse that has been dead for hundreds of years and has been preserved due to its excellent antiseptic effect.

However, the transformation of the blood people is indeed very slow, which is getting more and more interesting. 』

Thinking of this, Lorian no longer planned to waste time and sent a message to the gentleman accompanying him:

"Let's do it~ Find one person to stop the scarlet noble with me, and the remaining two people will rescue this corpse-like Mr. Zed.

You made this prison, so you should know how to open it, right? Don't waste too much time or I might get impatient. "

Marco and Martin responded: "I will cooperate with you to deal with the nobles, and Principal Deslin and Reagan will save them."

"bring it on."

The stars gather together,

Lorian was the first to reveal himself, and the moonlight on the ground also penetrated down and fell on all the blood people.

"The job of a guard is very tiring. Go to sleep~"

The illusion took effect, and the six blood priests guarding beside Zed stood up and fell asleep.


Ding ding ding~ But Field, the great butler, rang the butler bell in his hand as soon as possible. To be precise, he rang it in advance the moment he saw the star particles.

This crisp and strong ringing sound instantly eliminates the influence of everyone's illusions and strengthens their thinking.

Not only that, the warning bell also reached the central manor through the blood pipe... The next second, two hideous-looking heads suddenly emerged from the blood tank, corresponding to the other two scarlet nobles, forming a 4V4 situation.


Lorian didn't want to jump into the battle so early. Looking at the troublesome situation in front of him, he couldn't help but smack his lips, "It's really troublesome... My injuries haven't fully recovered yet. I really don't want to use too much physical energy. Let's fight quickly."


Lorien snapped his fingers.

The moon hanging over Zion, ignoring the blood-stained influence, suddenly shot out a completely different beam of light, reaching the current area.

It is not used to illuminate the enemy, but falls alone on his back.

This beam of moonlight showed a strange cyan color. As it illuminated the back, a large sword that did not fit Lorian's body shape was hung on the back, and the whole person's aura also changed accordingly.

It is the "Moonlight Sword" specially supplied to Lorian by the merchants of the old world, and it seems to be directly related to the fallen [Moon] of the old world.

Little Fatty suddenly had a high fever at 3 o'clock last night (he was discharged from the hospital the day before yesterday). He rushed to the hospital at 5 o'clock. He has no fever now. He may have been infected again due to reduced immunity after discharge.

I was totally confused and I wrote a little late. If there are any typos, please correct them.

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