The final gentleman

Chapter 613 Declaration of War

≮William, you guy! ≯

The moment he cut off Greedy Grid's head, even his usually reserved yellow skin became straightened.

This was the 'Seventh Marquis', who symbolized the highest combat power among the Silver Circle patients, and was actually killed by William.

Huang Pi originally just admired William's courage and talent.

As William realized the Abyss Path, Huang Pi also began to believe that this young man might really be able to overthrow and reorganize the tannery.

But it still takes a long time to accumulate. After all, setting foot in the silver circle can only be regarded as the beginning of becoming a person with an old disease, and there is still a long way to go.

Who would have thought that as soon as William set foot on this road, he actually killed a 'Seventh Marquis' who was about to complete this journey.

Although there are many side reasons for this, including complete integration with Moonscar Lorian, including Grid being the weakest among the Seven Marquises and being targeted by William, and falling into illusions due to carelessness, etc.,

But the killing of the Seventh Marquis is an undeniable fact. Throughout the history of the old world, there has never been such an exaggerated thing.

In Huang Pi's eyes, the contract he signed with William seemed to be coming true.

≮William, he was almost incapacitated at the last moment, but you didn’t choose to educate him? If we can educate a 'Seventh Marquis', it will be of great help to our subsequent attack on the leather factory. ≯

"Facing such an opponent, if I still hold back because of the thought of enlightenment, then what's the difference between me and Grid... Being able to kill him is already very good, and his body is also useful.

Huang Pi, can you fulfill the role of "First Gentleman" and temporarily open the channel to the leather factory? Just open it for a second. 』

≮Yes, after all, the passage has just been closed not long ago, and there is still 'residual warmth'. I can barely do it...what do you want to do? It's very dangerous to do this, as the guy over there might sneak in through the gap.

If another Seventh Marquis comes, you will really die. ≯

"The passage has been closed just now. The group of blood people opposite have no idea what happened here. As for the Seventh Marquis who hold high positions, they naturally will not always guard the closed passage.

There is no danger in just turning it on for a moment.

And what I want to do is give them an important gift. 』

≮Okay! ≯

Huang Pi immediately understood William's intention and left in the form of a separate suit, arriving at the location where the First Gentleman once stood.

Whoosh! Yellow silk threads shot out from between the clothes and connected to the ground.


Weak pulses visible to the naked eye are emitted along the silk thread, and continue downwards along the ground, seemingly reaching another world.

The ground began to vibrate weakly, and the stones spread... The [channel] that had just been closed dozens of minutes ago was opened again, but the opening was very small, not even enough for a person to pass through.

William was ready. He was holding Greedy Grid's head in his hand, and through a special indoctrination invasion, his already dead and dissociated brain maintained its pure activity and did the last thing for him.

Let go and let your head fall into it.

[Old World-Yousui Leather Factory]

The upper level of the tannery factory, deep inside the manor, is where the blood people live.

In this temporarily built manor house that conforms to the aesthetics of the blood people, four marquises are sitting around the bonfire in the hall.

Each has a completely different aura and image, but their personalities complement each other and they get along very well. They usually stay together, whether they are making important decisions or venting their desires.

One of the men with fierce eyes and a giant hooked nose said:

"After Gleed passed by, not only did the situation fail to ease, but the passage was even closed... Can the indigenous humans on the other side do this?

Or is there some old world organization that is assisting that group of humans behind the scenes? "

The Marquis, who was sitting not far away and was licking the girl's back, said softly: "It shouldn't be right? The silver circle patients will be restricted when they go there, let alone help the group of humans to deal with us. .

Not to mention Glid,

That guy Gratoni is very famous in the old world, and ordinary organizations would not dare to provoke him.

Don't think too much, the passage is closed anyway, there's nothing we can do.

With Gratoni in charge there, there won't be any big problems. Although Gleed was a little weaker, with his help, the group of indigenous humans couldn't make any waves. "

At this moment, a panicked blood messenger who was responsible for reporting information to the Seventh Marquis flew into the ground in the form of a bat and landed in front of everyone.

In his hand he also held something wrapped in a leather bag.

The bag was still made of fine leather, and the marquis could not tell what was inside it for a while.

"What's the matter, so urgent?"

"Just...just now the passage connecting the human city was briefly opened, and then an object was thrown from the opposite side and was picked up by a passing skin slave.

After a short discussion, they finally decided to hand this thing over to us. "



The Blood Messenger was trembling all over and did not dare to speak directly, so he could only slowly untie the leather bag.

When they saw the stored items, the four people on the scene stood up suddenly.

What's inside is Glid's head.

What is very strange is that Gleed is obviously dead and his consciousness has completely dissipated, but his head has not turned into blood but remains intact.

Although the marquises don't like Glid who kills his own kind very much, everyone treats him well because he can often collect some good things and hand them over to the manor's treasury.

Even though Glid's strength is considered to be at the bottom among the Seven Marquises, there is currently no one at the earl level who can replace Glid.

Suddenly, the head held in the messenger's hand began to twist.

Streams of dark blood spilled out of the seven holes, and the eyeballs melted together and fell to the ground like mud.

The already dead brain was forcibly activated, and a word was forcibly imprinted on the brain.

"Hello, fellow marquises~ I wonder if I have disturbed you? I would like to take this opportunity to tell you something.

Bugs like you actually dare to come and invade my city, even kill my friends and imprison my teacher... Marquis Glied is just the first one,

Soon, I will personally go to the leather factory to execute you all.

Hurry up and enjoy your last moments.

By the way, my name is William Y. Behrens~ I say hello to all the members of the Circus of Fear.

Hahaha...hahaha! "

After saying that, the head began to laugh crazily. There seemed to be something between the skull bones that was constantly giving internal pressure, and the entire brain expanded like a balloon.

Just when it was about to explode, it was enveloped by a bloody square created by one of the marquises.


A large amount of dark matter exploded and splashed out, blocking the block.

However, the blood-colored square that was just created was completely eroded in a short period of time, and a few drops of black liquid even fell on the floor, forming a black hole that reached into the basement.

This situation changed the mood of the four marquises drastically, and they no longer had any interest in entertainment.

"The human side can actually have a relationship with the circus... Is the First Abyss behind it?

Gratoni should be able to come back. When he comes back, we can ask what is going on on the human side... This dark substance is not a death epidemic, but a kind of death that does not belong to our world.

Things get troublesome. "

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