The final gentleman

Chapter 64 Weapon Preparation

Early next morning

"Moon Skin (Sick)" × 1

「Hair Moon Skin」×20

The moon skins collected so far are spread on the ground at equal intervals.

Yi Chen and Edmund also took off all their upper body clothes, revealing two bodies exuding male hormones, but they were essentially different.

Edmund's muscle distribution, line outline and overall proportions are in line with contemporary aesthetics.

The muscles on Yi Chen's body are a bit strange. Not to mention that he is overall thin, the muscles in some parts are obviously shorter, and some muscles are connected together in places where they should not exist.

The lines are darker, which seems to be related to the special training in the past.

Although the overall appearance does not seem inconsistent, those who know the art must know that if you want to get this body, you must have gone through special tempering.

Dagbert, who was two meters tall, nodded repeatedly when looking at Yi Chen's special muscles.


The two began to apply the pieces of moon skin to the body surface through adhesive. When the upper body was covered, they continued to apply it to the thigh and calf areas.

Once everything is fully fitted, put the garment back on immediately.

Clothing made from "gentleman's skin" can suppress these moon skins and ensure that they will not have any pathological effects on the body.

Yi Chen said while arranging his clothes: "In this way, we will have enough capital to negotiate terms with Mr. Li."

Because of the early morning hours, the clinic will usher in the moonlight and the alternation between the inner and outer world.

For the rest of the day, everyone stayed in the theater to conduct simple simulations of the plan to be implemented.


Even with the help of theater owners,

However, there are still many uncertain points in this plan. If any [point] cannot be connected, it will greatly increase the subsequent difficulty or even directly collapse.

Even if everything goes well.

In the end, we still need to face the ‘sick gentleman-Mr. Li’.

Even though Edmund and his team had five mission experiences, they had never fought against a [severely ill person].

As the boss said, Mr. Li is closer to the moon than the moon people in the city, and can use more abilities related to the "moon". His own abilities as a gentleman will also be pathologically increased.

“The key to eradicating severely ill patients is to find the ‘pathogen core’ hidden in their bodies.

If we cannot find it in a short period of time, our physical fitness will gradually fail to keep up and we will eventually die. "

"I'll be in charge of the search."

Yi Chen and Juliana said these words almost at the same time.

"Then I'll leave it to you two. After all, you have different detection methods. You may be able to find it faster if you search together.

If the plan goes smoothly and we end up having a head-on confrontation with Mr. Li... Dagbert and I will do our best to create space for you to contact and explore. "


"By the way, the moon people are immune to silver, so the effectiveness of our weapons will be greatly reduced.

William You was still using basic weapons, which was already a bit difficult to deal with ordinary patients... let alone trying to cause harm to severely ill patients.

When the time comes, you should focus on searching for the core of the pathogen to reduce head-on collisions with Mr. Li. "

"Well, I'll take care of it."

Edmund was right.

While in the sewer, the old man caught the one-handed attack from the front with his palm.

Later, I was able to split the old man's arm.

It is also based on holding an ax with both hands, the additional strength provided by the diseased plants, the initial speed provided by sprinting at full speed, and the special vision to lock the center of the canine arm's teeth in advance.

The combination of four conditions makes the attack successful.

If you want to face a severely ill person - Mr. Li, the other party may have higher hardness, toughness or regeneration means.

It may be difficult to cause damage with just this ordinary hand ax.


The theater owner, who was serving fried sausages and potato soup to everyone, happened to hear this topic.

Yi Chen smelled a glimmer of an opportunity and immediately asked, "Boss, do you have any weapons here that are more suitable for killing enemies?"

"I don't have any ready-made ones here, but I am proficient in some crafts, and I can temporarily become a weapon craftsman with the help of my ability to perform disguises.

If you have the right materials, you can try to craft weapons.

By the way, how did you dispose of the body of the watchdog? "

"It was just 'peeled', but the body was still underneath."

"That guy's body is quite tough, and the arm combined with the pet dog has considerable destructive power... Bringing his body up will definitely be of use.

With the help of the physical materials left over from the drama and some things I kept privately, I tried to build a decent rat-slaying weapon before midnight. "

After a while,

A severely shriveled old man's body, mixed with the stench of sewerage, was moved to the foyer of the theater.

"The right arm was completely cut open. Fortunately, the arm bones are still intact... Just to make sure, you are used to using an 'axe', right?"


Yi Chen has been exercising his body for the past six months and has no research or training on weapons.

I can’t say I’m proficient,

The only thing handy was the hand ax brought from the cemetery.

"How about making it according to the proportions of the ax in your hand?"

"Okay, please, Mr. John."

Yi Chen handed over the ax that accompanied him out of the cemetery and joined the organization.

The boss dragged the body with one hand and carried the ax in the other to his private room. After a while, there was a strange sound of broken flesh and broken bones.

Every once in a while, he would run to the main hall and drag some furry corpses.

Yi Chen didn't force it... He stayed alone in a cubicle, closed his eyes and meditated, and absorbed the brains of those who were initially infected.

The time came to ten o'clock in the evening.

The theater owner, who had been busy all day, finally walked out of the room. The finished weapon was wrapped in a cloth, with blood still dripping from the lower end.

The four people gathered in the front hall of the theater smelled a strong fishy smell almost at the same time, and quickly looked at the mysterious weapon in the boss's hand.

"Although it has some flaws, it's still good overall... Give it a try, it should be better than your previous hand axe."


A special hand ax made entirely from corpses is presented in front of you, and the visual effect is quite shocking.

[Ax handle] - Made of a properly curved and slightly polished vertebrae, with bandage-like corpse skin wrapped around the palm to increase comfort and friction.

[Axe Head] - It looks like it was made by melting and compressing a large number of bones together using some kind of smelting and compression technology, using the guard dog's right arm as the main material. There are still obvious and clear bone lines on the ax surface.

[Axe Blade] - It is specially designed in the shape of a dog's mouth. It has sharp slashing properties and is also embedded with fangs. It can easily tear apart flesh-type creatures and bleed them violently.

There is still some fresh blood flowing out of it, and it seems that there are neatly planned blood vessel lines buried between the compressed bones of the ax head, giving the ax a certain vitality.

When Yi Chen took the axe, he observed carefully,

Although there are flaws in the bone connection and detail carving, it also adds a sense of roughness.

Feeling the residual warmth between the bones and the weight of the compressed bones, I couldn't help but sigh:

"nice one!"

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