The final gentleman

Chapter 627 The experiment is ready

During the three days at the Black Ascaria headquarters, William and Reagan developed completely different lives.

Reagan's performance was quite positive, even several times more positive than at the Zion Power Station. The main reason was that he was completely fascinated by the biotechnology at the headquarters.

And Reagan has determined one thing. If this "biological colony technology" used in the guest room can reduce the size of the white larvae to the micron level, it will also help his "mechanical ascension."

Especially in the final stage of ascension, this swarming technology is used to allow micron-sized larvae to be distributed in various key parts of the body, and the success rate of transformation will be greatly improved.

In just three days,

As Reagan fully demonstrated his skills and knowledge, he was soon hired as an "external co-researcher" at the headquarters, allowing him to use the relevant technology and equipment of the Black Astragalus Company.

But Reagan must keep the information here absolutely confidential, and at the same time, he also needs to cooperate with the headquarters to complete some scientific research projects to bring substantial benefits.

The more revenue there is, the company will open up more permissions and provide more biological raw materials.

William's attitude was completely opposite.

In the past three days, he had not left the guest room at all. To be precise, he had not left the bathhouse. He had been completely immersed in the pool filled with black tapeworms for 72 hours.

In the early stage of the experiment, William was asked to keep an empty stomach, so he went without eating for three days and three nights and had black roundworms removed from his body, allowing his body to reach a true state of fasting.

However, he had other reasons for staying in the bathhouse.

First, with Olenna as a [student], she can easily understand the situation of the headquarters, which is much more efficient than William visiting the headquarters alone.

The second is the "roundworm experiment" that William is most concerned about and values ​​​​the most.

Since the experiment involves the intimacy between individuals and roundworms, and in the past, those who underwent experiments were the company's internal elites, that is, the leaders among parasites, but William conducted the experiment as an outsider.

So William chose to stay with the black roundworm for three days and three nights, trying to get along with this liquid black roundworm.

The time came on the fourth day,

The roundworm experiment against the outsider William has been prepared and all operators are in place.

Miss Olenna walked to the guest room faster than usual, but there was no sign of William in the room.

"Huh? Teacher, is he still taking a bath... He should know that today is the day of the experiment."

When Olenna walked through the secret passage in the house and arrived at the bathhouse, the words she had prepared in her throat suddenly got stuck because the scene that caught her eye was so stunning.

In the bathhouse pool with a diameter of ten meters, William was sitting in the center, and all the liquid black tapeworms were moving in a circular motion around him.

At this time, William gradually opened his eyes and the black roundworms around him slowly stopped and resumed their usual disorderly movements.

"Teacher, can you control these liquid black tapeworms!?"

"It's not manipulation, it's just giving them some mental guidance according to their habits... By the way, is the laboratory ready?"

"Yes! I'm just here to inform you about this. The roundworm experiment is ready. I'm just waiting for you, teacher, to arrive."


When William landed ashore, the gentleman's clothes automatically put on his body, and he had obviously lost weight because he had not eaten for three days.

"Don't call me teacher in front of others later."


Just as William was on his way to the laboratory,

Reagan, who was providing relevant guidance in other experimental areas, immediately learned of the incident and rushed over using his status as an external researcher.

Prepare to witness this expensive experiment involving the core technology of Black Ascaria in the observation room next door.

Unexpectedly, Reagan was restrained as soon as he entered the observation area, and Boss Bourne arrived here before him.

"Mr. Byrne!"

The boss still covered his head with a mask, holding his hands in front of his face and briefly speaking about the experiment:

"Reagan, you came just in time.

The roundworm experiment is a 'purification method' designed specifically for elite personnel by our company based on the promotion ceremony of [Parasite Master Nest].

This is the first time that the experimental permissions have been opened to outsiders, and they are outsiders without any parasitic attributes. The risk is high, but both of you are very special.

It's a pity that you don't seem very interested Reagan. "

"Yes, my mechanical body is not suitable for biological modification. Let's leave it to William."


The boss said nothing more and kept looking at the single-sided glass in front of him, staring at the completely enclosed laboratory inside.

After many layers of identity verification, William was finally brought to a laboratory door with a black tape mark.

"Old...Mr. William, I can only send you this far! The experiment will last for a long time. I wish you all the best. See you in ten days."

"Well, wait for my good news."

The door opens.

Several experimenters wearing special protective clothing introduced William and first went to the [Buffer Room].

It is necessary to take off all outer clothing and clean the body, and scan the entire body of the individual to confirm that they are in an empty stomach. Even a trace of food residue is unacceptable, and if necessary, a cannula will be used to drain the fluid.

But when William took off his clothes and showed his body to the detector, the experimenters all stared wide-eyed.

They had never seen such a clean, perfect vessel,

The body displayed under the biometric scanner was simply a work of art. Even Boss Bourne, who was standing in the observation room, was amazed by it, but he also saw clues about William's body.

"It should be that the body was completely reconstructed during the [Silver Turbidity] stage, and even modified with ancient genes... It is quite perfect. If such a body were placed in the previous [Parasitic Nest], I am afraid that it would take it for itself at all costs." Yes, use this to create the fourth "Holynest". 』

In the laboratory,

A man wearing black protective clothing and a special badge on his chest, whose status was obviously higher than that of ordinary experimenters, came to William.

"Mr. William, I am the person in charge of this experiment - Charlie Herbert.

Your physical condition perfectly meets the experimental conditions. Please allow me to explain to you the relevant precautions before going to the experimental area.

Due to your schedule problem, we have compressed the total duration of the roundworm experiment to "ten days".

When you arrive in the lab please go to the center circle immediately, remain standing and relax as much as possible.

At that time, we will insert special biological needles into many places throughout your body, inject at least 10 million strictly screened excellent parasite eggs into your body, and then transport the eggs to every important location in the body through medium fluid.

You will need to stay in the laboratory for the next time until the end of the experiment.

We may adjust the light and temperature in the laboratory from time to time, even play some music that may make you feel uncomfortable, or inject special gases.

In addition, you are not allowed to engage in any eating or excretion behavior, and you are not allowed to use disease abilities to kill parasites in your body. At most, you can only conduct appropriate induction.

Any intervention on parasites will affect the final results of the experiment. If Mr. William wants to get the best 'purification', please disable the disease throughout the process.

There will definitely be strong physical discomfort during the experiment, so please be patient.

If you strongly demand to terminate the experiment, you need to pay us 50,000 ancient coins as compensation for this experiment. "

The person in charge thought that William would be frightened by such a rule, but the young man in front of him was already trembling, not because of fear but because he could not suppress the excitement in his body.

"Hurry up and start~ I've been waiting for three days and three nights."

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