The final gentleman

Chapter 634 Catherine’s Swimming Pool

Nash, covered in sticky endocrine fluid and with an exaggerated smile, stuck his butt out and walked backwards against the door to leave.

When the door closed, blocking his eyes from William's,

Nash's face instantly returned to normal, even a little serious and weird, and his two stray eyes began to shake randomly.

It’s not because he was just pretending in front of William,

Instead, he received a mission that was extremely difficult in his eyes, several times more difficult than the secret missions he had performed when he was [J].

When he used to do dirty work for the circus, he occasionally handled some things with Art. He knew very well how terrifying the chief clown was.

Sometimes when we encounter extremely high-risk incidents, they can be solved as long as Art is present, without leaving any hidden dangers.

"The boss actually wants to investigate the deputy clown... However, Catherine's recent state is really weird.

It's really troublesome. If you want to find out the status of this woman, you have to get close to the clown house. You can't get any effective information just by checking outside.

Once exposed, even in my current status, I may die completely. Of course, my death is not important, what is important is that the boss will be involved.

Let me think about what I should do to be sure. "

Nash, who was walking in the aisles of the theater, took out an injection used to activate the parasite's body, inserted it into the back of his head, and injected it deep into the brain.

His whole body trembled together, and his brain expanded to twice its normal size.


Nash suddenly slapped the surface of the swollen head with a slap, directly breaking the scalp and exposing the active brain inside to balance the internal pressure.

"Yes! No matter how superb my disguise and acting skills are, it is absolutely impossible to sneak into the clown house or even monitor Catherine's life inside.

However, a few days ago, I heard from my former subordinates that [Clown House] seems to have some large-scale rectification projects recently. Catherine has changed so much recently, her factory may indeed be changed or is in the process of being changed..."

Nash immediately confirmed this through his relationship with "Poker Face". Catherine was indeed undergoing major renovations and expansions of the factory, and one of the projects in particular was very expensive.

According to Catherine's request, a special swimming pool filled with sea water was built.

A special space material is used to build the swimming pool, so that an ordinary swimming pool can achieve a beach-like effect, and some areas can even simulate a deep sea environment.

Such a special structure obviously requires the use of some of the characteristics of the circus tent, and the cost is relatively high.

The reason why the circus passed the approval and even arranged a large number of manpower to build such a swimming pool for Catherine was that she actually got third overall in her last performance.


The poker-faced group responsible for the "Deep Sea Swimming Pool" project returned to the four-person dormitory to rest. When they were completely asleep, a micron-sized gray-white amoeba crawled along the bed and into the ear of one of them.

This insect was transformed by Nash, preparing to take over the poker face through his brain. Tomorrow, he can use this identity to go to the clown house and lurk around Catherine to collect intelligence.

Who knows,

When he approached the brain, he was immediately repelled by the octopus tentacles growing on the surface of the brain.

The Poker's entire brain was affected by nightmares, and his brain grooves were filled with seawater and covered with octopus tentacles... If he wanted to forcefully parasitize, Catherine might notice him.

Nash can only give up the current goal and crawl towards clinical poker face,

However, as long as the circus members involved in the construction of the swimming pool, whether they were the lowest workers or the poker faces in charge of supervision, were all affected by the nightmare.

"When did Catherine become so cautious? Has it changed so much in just one month? It's really troublesome..."

Nash could only wait until the next morning, when all the poker faces woke up and the impact of the nightmare was minimized, before parasitizing.

There was no time to absorb too many memories, so he immediately followed the engineering team to the [Clown House].

Two factory-style buildings with different styles are located here.

Among them, the chief clown's house, which is covered with various paintings, is on lockdown. Even the door is hung with chains, and balloons with human heads are floating outside.

Once someone comes here, these balloons will open their eyes and give a visual warning.

If anyone dares to get close to the Chief Clown's factory, the balloon will directly stick to it and explode, spreading a malignant growth targeting the skull. Once a regular individual is infected, the brain will proliferate crazily and abandon the body, forming an independent human head balloon.

Looking back at the black and white factory on Catherine's side, the door is open and waiting for workers to enter.

There were even a number of weird and twisted female models standing at the door to welcome everyone.

The heads of some models were damaged and split, revealing nightmare brains woven by octopus tentacles. They were obviously creations of Catherine, and these models did not exist in the previous clown house.

Catherine was not in the welcome queue, and there was no sign of Catherine when she looked inside the factory through the gate.

Set foot in the factory,

At a glance, Nash saw the "deep sea swimming pool" expanded at the end of the factory. From a distance, it was just an indoor swimming pool measuring 50×50m, which was nothing short of ordinary.

But as we get closer to the pool,

As the sound of tidal waves reached my ears,

The surrounding factory structures were gradually faded, and the swimming pool in front of them gradually took on a beach-like structure, with various shellfish even falling on the shore.

Looking up again, there is no longer a factory wall but an endless ocean.

Not only that,

There is also a woman with a graceful figure like a mermaid swimming on the sea surface, and sometimes many octopus tentacles appear around her.

Feeling the arrival of everyone, the girl began to move towards the shore.

Uh-huh! A huge octopus suddenly jumped out of the water and slapped on the shore, splashing a lot of sea water.

When the water curtain falls,

The tentacles are no longer visible, but have turned into a long leg wrapped in black and white stockings.

Catherine was already standing on the shore,

Shake your wet hair and remove the shellfish contained in it, then tie it into a single ponytail with a rubber band.

She has not yet put on clown makeup, and her jade bones and icy skin are exquisite and translucent.

Such a scene could not help but make many people present completely stunned. Only the poker face controlled by Nash showed no interest.

"I leave the final stability of the swimming pool to you. If you need anything, please call me anytime."

After Catherine said these words politely, she took out her makeup box, put on makeup and walked out of the factory... However, her exit route happened to pass by Nash's parasitic Poker Face.

The wet soles of his feet stopped next to Poker Face.

Wet palms gently placed on shoulders,

Tick ​​tick tick~ The seawater falling from Catherine's body has formed a shallow pool of water on the ground.


She stretched out her slender tongue with a suction cup structure from her mouth, and slowly and delicately licked the poker-faced face, from the cheek to the earlobe, and even pulled out obvious threads when separating.

"Hmm~ The taste is slightly different. Mr. 4 of Hearts, are you not feeling well?"

"Ahem~ It may be related to the fact that I have been attacked by big fish in the sea area, and I have not dared to go near the deep sea for so many years. Now that I use real sea water to fill the swimming pool, it is inevitable that I will have some stress reactions.

I will get over it, thank you Lady Catherine for your concern. "

"Big fish? That's very dangerous...Thank you so much."

Catherine stepped on her wet stockings and left. Listening to the sound of footsteps, she left the factory completely. Nash controlled his body and prepared to work in the sea.


A black figure suddenly hung upside down from the top of the factory building. It was Catherine who had completed her clown makeup.

"Check again, is there really nothing wrong with you?"

Nash controlled his poker face and was scared to step back, "It's really okay."

"That's good~" Catherine spit out a black smoke-emitting tentacle from her mouth, "Ah, open your mouth! Eating this thing can shield you from the discomfort of the deep sea."


Opening her mouth and swallowing, with a large number of octopus tentacles floating all over her body, Catherine finally left after confirming that there was no problem.

Nash, who was parasitic in the brain, was covered in mucus and was almost exposed.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I have relatives from out of town coming over. Please take half a day off to take them to play. That’s all.

I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

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