The final gentleman

Chapter 637 Mr. Rabbit’s Club

Mr. Rabbit's Mansion

The overall scale of the building is not particularly large, only 20% larger than William's Theater and Sisters' Gym.

However, the materials used in construction are quite particular.

It is neither a rare metal nor a special wood, but a modified special body called "retaining muscle". Its strength is even higher than many rare materials. The extremely fine details can be clearly seen on the surface of the wall. of muscle fibers.

The most important thing is that this is not a dead muscle, every muscle is alive.

Although William hasn't exercised much in recent times, he still has basic skills. Following the induction between muscles, he moved his gaze upwards and soon discovered the "master brain" that controlled the architectural muscle groups.

A cute giant rabbit head is embedded on the top of the building. The internal nerves of the rabbit head are connected at every position of the building, jointly controlling muscle groups, giving nerve induction and basic activity.

Rabbit Head also needs to eat a full five tons of high-protein food every day to provide energy for the entire club.

In addition, a large number of neon lights are hung and inlaid on the outside of the building, and a very prominent pink light sign is hung on the front of the building - [The Bunny Castle Club]

As Mr. Rabbit approached, the door of the mansion immediately contracted and opened a gap, and the two of them stepped into it together.

There is no corresponding glorious hall inside, but a small room called [Club Transfer Station]

In addition to the exits, there are six gaps in the walls around the cabin marked with highlighted arrows, but there is no explanation of where these gaps will lead.

Mr. Rabbit did not choose any gap but stretched his arms straight in front and pulled hard!

He could clearly hear the sound of flesh being torn apart, and the wall of muscles in front of him directly opened up a passage leading to his office.

"Powerful... Mr. Rabbit's every move is impeccable."

As he walked to the office, William began to concentrate and tried to imitate Mr. Rabbit's steps... He tried to make every leg lift, knee bend, foot float and landing feel exactly the same.


After taking only two steps, William was already sweating profusely, and there was tremendous pressure on his ankle, as if his leg would break if he continued to learn.

"It looks like it's just an ordinary walk, but in reality it's completely different... Every time Mr. Rabbit lifts his leg, he stretches his muscles to the maximum extent and deliberately puts pressure on the joints several times, even dozens of times.

And there is something inexplicable inside.

Is Mr. Rabbit doing even the most normal walking exercise? This is too terrible. 』

William did not give up and still learned the other party's steps.

The moment he stepped into the office, his exposed upper body was covered in sweat, his trousers were completely soaked, and his lower legs were trembling.

However, the scene in the office made William temporarily forget about the discomfort in his lower limbs.

In the pink-themed room, you can see various rabbit dolls, hand-made models, and quite cute rabbit posters everywhere. In addition, there is a special rabbit trophy placed in the bookcase behind the desk, which seems to commend Mr. Rabbit. Victory in a certain competition.

Mr. Rabbit sat back at his desk.

"William, you are very welcome to my mansion. I am Mr. Rabbit's translator. Next, until you learn "muscle language", I will be responsible for translating. "

The speaker is the 'lucky rabbit' on the desk.


"William, you don't seem to have exercised your body during this period. Although [Path] has allowed you to build a more perfect physical frame, this unpolished thing can only be regarded as a seemingly perfect piece of art for viewing at best. Just a product,

It will shatter and disintegrate at the slightest touch. "

"Yes, I have been very busy recently and haven't had time to exercise my body. Moreover, I also want to ask you for more advice on the physical level."

"Where is your former physical teacher? I think it was called Zed, the human who was able to physically defeat Mosand."

"Teacher Zed has been in the human city, and except for returning because of the Blood People incident, I have rarely had contact with him now, so I haven't learned anything more.

Moreover, I have been dealing with the abyss frequently recently, and my mind has been temporarily focused on it.

In addition, I also conveyed to the teacher what you meant, Mr. Rabbit. The teacher said that he would come over once the human affairs were settled, and that he would consider joining the circus. "


Mr. Rabbit slapped his hand on the table, causing the whole club to tremble.

"Love of talent" is a major characteristic of Mr. Rabbit. As the head of the acrobatic troupe and the second-in-command of the circus, he spends a lot of resources on cultivating talents.

Compared with the former acrobatic troupe leader Natalie sisters, they are completely two extremes.

The sisters pursue quantity because their jujitsu group needs integrity. As long as there are enough people, the integrity will be stronger.

What Mr. Rabbit pursues is the true talent elite. Any selected 'Rabbit Man' has been screened at all levels. Not only has he passed the physical test, he will also undergo various 'strict tests' within the club. Harsh special training.

Because of this, there are only twenty rabbit boys in a group.

Although William is already the chief and cannot become the Rabbit Boy, Mr. Rabbit is still very interested in him.

Perhaps in his opinion, as long as he is a member of the circus, as long as he is willing to develop his body, he is a loving family.

"William, let's get back to your question~ The abyss in your abdomen is indeed very interesting. The dynamic dance music just now actually contracted in conjunction with your body.

But your body is still on the surface. Although it can find the "rhythm" with the help of music, it is completely unable to find the way under normal conditions.

You just learned how to walk like me. If you could find the 'rhythm' instead of blindly imitating it, you wouldn't be like now, gasping for air, body heat soaring, and lower limbs weak.

Want to stay and study with me? "

"Okay." William nodded quickly.

“If you stay here, there may be some time issues.

I will ask you according to the standards of a rabbit man. You need to spend at least twelve hours a day training with me. If some items are not in place, the time may be extended.

Are you sure it won't affect anything else? After all, you are also the chief now, and you need to consider many other things, especially the various preparations before the performance. "

"Isn't there twenty-four hours in a day? There's half left, which is completely enough."

"You try it for one day first. If you can persist and meet the expected requirements, you will be allowed to officially stay and start training."

"Okay, how do I start?"

"You should have noticed at the club transfer that there are six gaps there, corresponding to the six training areas.

You need to randomly draw lots to go to two of the areas every day, participate in and complete the corresponding club activities inside, and the training is over.

The six areas are:

1. In the "Pure Wrestling Arena", individuals must remove all foreign objects and wrestle with other rabbit men who come here until the body is completely exhausted and no muscle cells can move.

2. In the "Muscle Gym", you need to use every piece of equipment in it and meet the qualified standards. If you still fail to meet one item, you need to keep using it until your body is exhausted.

3. "Music and Dance Studio", follow the rhythm to complete the corresponding dance, or perform related musical instruments until you get a score of 80 or above, otherwise you will continue to perform until your body is exhausted.

4. "Human Body Assembly Room", you need to cooperate with other rabbit men who come here to assemble the human body according to the requirements given today, and perform various difficult acrobatic sports in the assembled state.

If someone's mistake causes the structure to become disordered and the assembly to disintegrate, the other rabbit men will beat the person who made the mistake.

5. "Stimulation Drug Room", individuals need to complete a variety of natural drug injections without any side effects under the advice of Doctor Rabbit. If you cannot support yourself or even experience fainting, convulsions, etc. during the journey, the doctor will provide you with physical first aid. until all medications are injected.

*The Medication Room will only be selected once a week at most.

6. "Rabbit Games", all participants who enter the room must disguise themselves as rabbits and compete in various competitions. Rabbit boys with higher rankings than the average can be physically punished for those with lower rankings. "

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