The final gentleman

Chapter 653 The criminal from three years ago

early in the morning,

The thunder stopped, but it was still raining lightly on the road.

There is not much nightlife in the small county town, and the streets are quiet, but every house basically has lights on, or candlelight. The candlelight reflected the figures on the red curtains, showing various kneeling postures.

William, Catherine and Xiaofang were sitting in the back seat of the official car, and the two police detectives were sitting in the front seat.

In normal situations like the current one where there is no need to pursue criminals, Cha Zi Lian is responsible for driving, which is safe and secure. But when encountering an emergency, he will put on an anxious face.

There was also a black plastic bag stuffed where the co-pilot's feet were, which contained the body of an evil thing that had been crushed by everyone, and was going to be taken to the crematorium for registration and burning.

There is also a small statue dedicated to police cars placed in front of the windshield.

He held the copper coin sword in one hand and pointed it towards the front, and dragged the linen bag with the other hand as if to store the evil objects in it.

For some unknown reason, the face of the statue was peeled off and covered with a special gauze. The fonts reflected on it were changing at any time.

As for the hotel owner’s shrines and statues, they were all stuffed in the trunk.

The trunk of this police car is equipped with multiple restrictions, the interior is covered with yellow charms, and the rear of the car is sprinkled with black dog blood and hung with chicken feathers. It is extremely safe.

On the way to the county railway station,

The co-pilot's anxious face also searched the Internet to find the news from three years ago that William wanted. However, the content reported in the news had been deleted and restricted to a minimum. Although it occupied the headlines, there was not much graphic description.

"Skynet is restored!" The immortal murderer is finally brought to justice! 》

On April 4, 2014, Yi*, the immortal murderer who caused a sensation across the country, was rounded up in ** City and forcibly captured alive! The national police chiefs jointly took him to the Supreme People's Procuratorate for trial, and he was sentenced to death immediately. The first president of the Supreme Court issued an order to make the death penalty public.

Five hundred witnesses from across the country were lucky enough to be chosen to come to the execution ground and spend seven days and nights watching the entire execution process and determining the last moments of the immortal murderer.

The picture attached to the news showed the arrest of the undead murderer. Although his eyes were obscured by a black mosaic, William could identify this person at a glance.

【Yi Chen】

At this time, Zha Zilian, who was driving, said:

"Back then, this immortal murderer also happened to pass by Yuyuan County. At that time, everyone in the police station seemed extremely panicked. They said they were assisting the higher-ups in the investigation, but in fact they didn't dare to go too deep into it.

Because this guy never cared about the identity of the victim, some senior police officers from the municipal and provincial bureaus had died in his hands.

As an ordinary police officer at that time, I had other ideas.

In my opinion, since you choose to be a public servant of the people, you must sacrifice yourself for others. Even if I die, I will try my best to collect clues and report the murderer's situation.

I stared at the portrait of the murderer in private for a long time, memorizing all his features in my head, and remembering every detail clearly.

I don’t know if it’s coincidence or fate,

At the end of a night shift patrol, I happened to walk to a bus terminal. Through my innate observation ability, I accidentally discovered that there seemed to be a mysterious black figure leaning on the back seat of one of the buses.

When I was about to move the flashlight over to see clearly what the black shadow was. The survival instinct suddenly restrained the movement of the wrist, forcing the rotation of the flashlight to stop.

It felt like if I could just move the flashlight and see the other person's face, I would die from it.

Finally, driven by biological instinct, I pretended everything was normal and walked away. The feeling of being watched from the back seat of the bus was always there, and it didn’t disappear completely until I had walked a full three blocks.

Although I didn't see anything, I basically had the answer in my heart. The dark figure sitting in the back seat must be the murderer.

So I was very impressed with that guy and even had some related nightmares over the years.

When I saw you in the hotel before, I was almost confused. But if you look closely, there are still many differences. After all, you have many foreign characteristics, and your eyes are completely different. "

William pretended not to know anything and responded: "Looking at the pictures on the news, they do look a bit like me... By the way, how many people did this guy kill?"

"How could I, a county police officer, know such top secrets, but based on chats and discussions among my colleagues, I can confirm that he killed at least hundreds of people... However, there is another rumor.

Although most people don’t believe it, I believe it after experiencing that night.

Rumor has it that the people targeted by the Immortal Killer have a certain degree of 'malignancy', or that those who are impure in heart are prone to malignancy.

In other words, only people who have developed viciousness but are well disguised will become his targets.

Because among the people he killed, many of the deceased were found to have some shady things, big or small.

He seems to be able to see through the "mask" on everyone's face.

Just like that night at the bus stop, I felt like my body, heart, and thoughts in my entire brain were being penetrated, as if I was going to die at any moment.

But I'm not dead,

And thinking back carefully about what happened that night, the reason why I believed that I would die was entirely due to the description of the murderer in the case and the layers of psychological pressure.

In fact, I didn't feel any murderous intention from the bus, it was more of a warning. "

William touched his chin and whispered softly, "Do you specialize in killing people who might become evil?"

"No one will care about this statement. In everyone's eyes, he is just a madman who kills people indiscriminately."

William continued to ask, "Since he is called the 'Immortal Murderer', he should have some kind of immortality, right? Is such a guy really dead in the end?"

"At least the five hundred people who came from all over the country to watch the execution said that he was dead, but it was really unclear whether he was dead or not... At least, the immortal murderer has never appeared in society since then.

Many similar cases followed, but the methods were relatively crude and they were quickly determined to be imitators. All of them are ultimate fans of the undead killers, and even hope that the court can execute the equivalent of a public death penalty on them.

Since this person never appeared again, it didn't matter whether he was dead or alive. "

"Yeah. By the way, the 'immortality characteristic' of this immortal killer also comes from a statue, right? Can such a statue still be seen on the market today?" William took the opportunity to ask the question he was most concerned about.

“I don’t know this.

However, what he came into contact with was a god carrier that should be classified as a "forbidden statue" by the country. Apart from him, few people could kneel down in front of such a forbidden statue and survive.

Even if someone could obtain a gift from such a forbidden space, he would become a living dead and would not be able to maintain the integrity of humanity like him.

"Forbidden images" are strictly controlled by the country and cannot be touched by police officers like us. They can usually be seen in advanced research institutes or special areas. "


When the conversation came to this point, the co-pilot's anxious face also bumped the policeman next door with his elbow, indicating that he was talking too much.

【Yuyuan Railway Station】

Four soft sleeper tickets were handed to William, and he warned: "The four tickets are all in the same room, and there will be no contact between outsiders and you. Try not to cause trouble, and get off at the terminal station or at the stop on the way."

"Thank you, see you again when you have the chance."

"Better see you bye~ We still have many cases to deal with."

Saying goodbye to the police detective, William and his group walked onto the green train and found the corresponding carriage room.

Close the door and lock it,

Draw the curtains,

When the train started, Fangfang unloaded the children's schoolbag that she got from nowhere and took out the "Guanyin Guanyin" with a yellow symbol on it.

The two detectives drove back to the police station. When they opened the trunk, they suddenly felt something strange, as if the space had been slightly changed.

The shrine bound by the ink rope is still there, but the statue inside is missing, and there is also a letter left.

≮I borrowed the statue for a little while and will definitely return it if I have a chance in the future≯

"Good guy~ We distracted our attention through chatting, and then the [exotic] ​​who can change the geometric space completed the exchange, and even managed to hide from the barrier I set. It's really extraordinary... He actually left a piece of paper thoughtfully strip."

"Want to chase? Maybe we can catch up." He had already sat in the driver's seat with a anxious expression.

"No need... let them take it away~ Anyway, the incident in the urban village was handled by the old chief before. If we take it out now to reverse the case, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Although I was certainly distracted by the chat, I was also observing them.

The lady's face was somewhat vicious and paranoid, but also mixed with a little kindness and innocence.

And the guy named William probably won't do anything bad... That's it for now, go back and rest. "

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