The final gentleman

Chapter 666 Escape


There has never been such an existence in William's knowledge,

Even in the old world, the highest being in the source of the epidemic area was only called the "Epidemic Lord".

The epidemic masters are not as arrogant as the so-called gods, and the dragons see the beginning but not the end. There is also no requirement for relevant patients to place disease shrines at home and worship them every day.

At most, it is managed like a small country, and every potential patient is cultivated by the elite. Moreover, epidemic masters like the Duke hang out with people from the Chamber of Commerce every day and attend neutral cities of various sizes.

William first understood the concept of God through the real memories shared by Yi Chen when he went to the Tenth Abyss.

When Yi Chen was a child, he often got into trouble, so the small dark room was like another home for him.

After gradually adapting to the darkness, silence and loneliness, Yi Chen unexpectedly discovered that this small, closed compartment actually had a "hidden compartment" that even the orphanage employees didn't know about.

However, this secret grid is not a secret passage connecting to the outside world. It is only one meter deep.

There is a very strange dark statue inside.

From then on, whenever Yi Chen was imprisoned in a small dark room, he would kneel down in front of the statue and even learned the technique of kneeling by himself through the literature in the orphanage.

Even though the statue of the god never appeared, even though he never felt the gift, Yi Chen always maintained a pure and pious heart.

It wasn't until the moment when Yi Chen calmly committed suicide that the gift truly came, and he died with grace.

Therefore, William began to be curious about the world Yi Chen lived in, curious about the corresponding things behind these statues, and curious about what kind of existence these gods were.

This time, by chance, he used Catherine's nightmare as a passage to come here. What William saw along the way were all shrines and statues. At most, they were consecrated statues like the 'Guanyin Guanyin'.

But now, a more intuitive [God] appears in front of us.

When this Buddha statue, which had been built for hundreds of years and was immersed in underwater caves all year round and received countless sacrifices and was more than 30 meters tall, split from the center, an aura spread out.

This humanoid body is the body of the Buddha Mother of the Sea of ​​Flowers in the mortal world. Although it has not yet been fully formed, it can still carry part of his divinity.

The white jade bottle that swallowed Catherine also shrank to its normal size and hung on His shoulder.

There is a special eyeball between the palms with lotus seals on the upper and lower parts. The pupils are in the shape of eight petals.

When William looked into these two eyes, his body instantly became weak. When he lowered his head, he saw that there were roots floating on the surface of his body.

The other party actually completed the seeding in the body just by "looking at each other".

At the same time, there was an extremely strong sense of oppression spreading inside his body, making William want to kneel on the futon beside him.

Snapped! William directly inserted his right hand into the body and pulled out all the roots planted in the body. The excitement brought by the pain also woke him up, and he immediately asked Yi Chen, a local expert, for his opinion.

"Yi Chen, do you want to give it a try here?"

"Without the epileptic brain, your brain is broken, right? This is other people's territory... Once the sea water rushes in, we have no chance of winning.

Follow me first and retreat to a combat area that is beneficial to us.

We have done so many bad things on other people's territory, this guy will definitely follow us, and run away before he fully wakes up! "

After saying that, Yi Chen started running at an incredible speed, returning along the original path of the cave passage.


Although William was a little surprised, he followed him immediately.

Almost at the same time that the two escaped, the temple collapsed, and a large amount of seawater poured in. The body of the Buddha Mother was also completely submerged. At the same time, she rushed into the passage under the strong pressure and chased the two.

Fortunately, William's body has continued to grow since coming to this world, and he has been fully warmed up by wrestling with the investigators. His current escape speed can be said to be quite fast.

Perhaps it was because there were no other epidemics to intervene during this period, so I was able to fully immerse myself in the abyss and the perception of the body.

William actually instinctively maintained a sense of rhythm while running.

Every time the sole of the foot lands, it falls just on the beat, corresponding to a certain melody. This greatly improves the running efficiency, and the speed is more than twice the normal state.

Not only that, the abyss in the abdomen also accelerated its rotation during this process, expelling the remains of flowers and plants in the body along with the sea water.

Moreover, there was one thing that William himself didn’t seem to feel.

That is, the connection between the body and the abyss seems to have become deeper, and the 'connection' between the two seems to be about to be implemented.

Before leaving the cave, William actually caught up with Yi Chen who was walking in front.


Yi Chen, wrapped in a yellow raincoat, suddenly turned his head and cast a surprised look, and then began to speed up at full speed, not wanting to fall behind William.

Just like that, the two of them rushed out of the cave almost at the same time and fell into the woods.

"Yi Chen, where are you going next?"

"A place that is far away from the coast and will not be disturbed by others. Although it is just a false god that has not yet formed, we still need to be cautious in our current state."

Yi Chen seemed to have known that such a situation would happen and had already identified a location in advance.

There was a burned barren mountain located outside the boundaries of Huahai Village. There were not many plants there, and even the ground was in a charred state.

Just when the two of them fled towards this barren mountain,

The beach of Huahai Village showed a miracle. All the fallen flowers scattered on the sea converged towards one point, and finally formed a blue flower platform, carrying a woman from the bottom of the sea to the shore.

All the villagers knelt down on the shore, their fish-eye structures showing absolute piety.

Every time a woman passes a villager, the white jade bottle connected to the shoulder with a flower stem will generate a strong suction force, sucking these poor guys directly into it, turning it into nutrients that nourish the woman.

These villagers are devout believers, their value is much higher than the sacrifices, and they have always passed down the bloodline of their ancestors.

When these villagers were absorbed, the body of the Buddha Mother was further completed.

The flowers growing on her face began to slowly fall, revealing a facial structure similar to that of a human being, except that there was nothing in the eye sockets but seawater was constantly flowing out.

The Buddha's mother crossed her hands with the lotus seal on her face and inserted her eyeballs into them.

When you move your palms away,

A soul-stirring and peerless face is revealed in the night,

Walking towards the barren mountain with graceful and slow steps,

Every step he takes leaves a footprint filled with seawater on the ground, and his body is constantly secreting seawater.

When she walked out of the beach, her body completely turned into sea water and dissipated.

【barren mountain】

When the two young men, who looked similar but had obvious differences in their eyes, rushed to the barren mountain as quickly as possible, they were suddenly startled, and the yellow clothes on Yi Chen also shook.

In the burned-out foothills in front of them, there was a stone well that shouldn't exist.


A moist and pale arm suddenly stretched out, and when the palm touched the ground, the scorched mountainous area began to bloom rapidly, and even water flowed from the ground.

When the flowers were blooming all over the mountain, a charming woman was already sitting at the mouth of the well.

Tsk~ Yi Chen smacked his lips, murderous intent emerged.

A yellow light and shadow directly arrived at the wellhead,

When he raised his hand, it rose like a guillotine.

The hand lifts and the ax falls,

The woman and the stone well she was sitting on were split in the middle and chopped into two halves, showing no mercy or concern for the jade.

But when the corpses scattered on the left and right fell to the ground, they kept a weird smile, hahaha~

The flowers blooming all over the mountains and fields began to laugh, and a woman's smiling face appeared on the surface of each flower, as if laughing at two mortals who did not know their own abilities.

It's a little lame, there's another chapter tonight

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