The final gentleman

Chapter 679 Threesome


The rebuilt O'Falostik College, the Principal's Office of the Fetal Heart Church.

Principal Deslin, who is contacting the stars, communicating across borders with the group of stars in the old world, and sharing her thoughts on the stars, is glowing with milky white light, and bright star grains are flowing all over her body.

Suddenly, a strange change in the stars made her whole body tremble, as if something bad was about to happen.

without hesitation,

Her body was directly dismantled into star particles, and her breath disappeared into the academy.

[Holy Grail Mountain - Passage Entrance]

William stood on the edge of the cliff, his silver hair falling close to his ears.

Because of the perfect fusion experience with Lorian, William's symptoms about the moon were further purified.

Not only did his hair turn silver, but even his skin turned white, and his eyes also changed slightly.

Soon I sensed that the moon was indeed on the other side of the world, so it seemed inevitable to cross the sea.

When William was about to jump off the Holy Grail Mountain,

Buzz! A familiar and intimate feeling came over me,

A tall woman wearing a crying mask slowly walked out from among the gray matter pathogens that permeated the mountain top, stepping on high heels.


"Stargazer!" Nash shouted out this title.

"William, why are you back suddenly? Aren't Reagan and King with you?"

"No~ I came back this time mainly to deal with personal matters, so I didn't call them."

"Private matter... is it urgent?"

"It's indeed a bit urgent, but I still have time to talk to you in private, principal."

"follow me."

The principal stretched out his hand to draw a circle, and actually mobilized the surrounding gray matter in the mountain to form a spatial door.

Go through the door,

The two of them appeared directly in an abandoned town thousands of meters away, in a relatively clean resident's home.

The principal also took off his mask, revealing his beautiful face.

Perhaps because of the long-term communication with the stargazer, her pupils actually took on the shape of a cross star, and even shone with her breathing.

Such eyes stared at William and saw something different,

In addition to the aggravating aura of the abyss carried by William himself, there seems to be something parasitic in his brain.

Without waiting for the principal to ask questions, William directly asked Nash to temporarily release his parasitic state.

Gajigaji~ A transparent amoeba squeezes out of the ear hole and condenses into a human form in a short time.

"Hello, Stargazer! I am the boss's deputy, Mahat J. Nash."

Deslin immediately felt a threat and decisively looked at this strange old world patient with starry eyes.

In Nash's body, the principal saw some ancient cells that could produce various strange proteins infinitely, efficiently and without restriction, and finally came to an extremely dangerous evaluation.

"Deputy Department? What do you mean?"

William also quickly explained: "That's it, I am the lead actor in the circus, and Nash is the assistant actor. We both run this department together, and he is very capable.

By the way, principal, why did you take the initiative to come here? Is there any urgent matter that needs to be dealt with in Zion? "

"The blood people have been cleaned up, and Zion has basically returned to the status quo. The reason why I came here is because you are... very dangerous."

"Am I in danger?" William's eyes widened with confusion on his face.

Deslin snapped her fingers directly in front of William.

Star grains burst out from the fingertips and merged with the 'qi' around William's body, and finally a star map was quickly formed on top of William's head.

"Look up and see for yourself, how messed up is your star map?"


William looked up and saw a lot of strange galaxies moving erratically above his head.

Some star fields are still shrouded in thick fog and cannot be seen clearly. Some planets have strange shapes and are even experiencing strong magnetic field storms. Some planets are even sticking to each other.

"This is?"

"Everyone has a corresponding star map of the future, and the direction of the galaxy for most people is very regular. But yours is in chaos, and some planets even exploded.

This indicates that you may experience very dangerous things in the future... What are you going to do when you come back this time? "

William briefly talked about his current preparations to go out alone and his desire to go to the moon, and invited Lorian to join the theater.

Desline frowned and looked at William like an idiot,

"Do you have a low emotional intelligence? You deceived others like that in Zion, and even almost killed them, and now you have to run to ask others for help? Are you really afraid that others will kill you back?

No wonder your future horoscope is in chaos, but one thing is strange... your level is higher than when you fought against the blood people, and you also have such a deputy.

Even if Yue Hen wants to kill you, it won't be so easy to form such a chaotic star. "

When Desline said this, her and William's thoughts suddenly overlapped and they thought of a key point.


Deslin thought thoughtfully, "Garen was taken away by the moon, and there is no news yet.

It is necessary to consider the possibility that Galleon has been assimilated by the moonlight... If Galleon's power is borrowed by the moon, it will indeed be enough to threaten your lives.

I am with you in this action! "

"Principal, don't you need to be in charge of Zion?"

"Don't underestimate other prophets. When I left, a prophet immediately took over my job. Moreover, since this matter involves the first gentleman, I have the responsibility to deal with it.

Moreover, if there is any danger, I can take you to escape quickly. "

At this time, Nash on the side suddenly interjected: "The predictions of the stargazers are not wrong. If it is really so dangerous, the degree of danger will be greatly reduced if there are stargazers accompanying us."

"I have to trouble you again, principal."

"Would you like to go back to Zion first and bring more people there? For example, call your teacher Zed?"

"No... I still plan to resolve it peacefully. Teacher Zed's condition is not completely stable. Lorien and Garen are both good at targeting psychology. Once out of control, the situation will become extremely complicated.

It's just the three of us. If we can't reach an agreement, we can choose to escape.

It’s just that the position of the moon I feel seems to be on the other side of the ocean. Does the principal have any good way to cross the ocean? "

"Crossing the sea? The ocean is the first place where infection occurs. The current sea is basically the same as the ocean in the old world. It is the highest "dead zone" within the gray domain level we have given.

However, this level is only for reference by open source gentlemen, and we can ignore it.

Head to the coastal areas first, looking for corrupt cities that have become deeply diseased.

With your relationship, you, me, or this parasite should be able to borrow or buy a ship large enough to cross the sea. "

"Is there no way to teleport through the stars?"

"Why don't you ask the stargazers in the old world if they can cross directly to the [Arc Sea]? William, you can actually ask such a stupid question,

Okay, if you're in a hurry, let's leave now. "

Deslin walked out and drew a starry sky formation in the middle of the road.

White light shines... Buzz!

A newly developed automated high-end carriage from Zion appeared in front of you.

The black horse responsible for pulling had obvious signs of modification.

In addition to the exoskeleton armor and the electric core embedded in the back, the horse's head has obvious signs of a craniotomy.

William also saw the clue at a glance, "Is this... stuffing the head of a condemned prisoner into the skull of a horse?"

"They are condemned prisoners who have been domesticated and have animalistic diseases."


William walked towards the carriage and tapped his ear hole gently with his finger. Nash immediately understood and got into his brain, continuing to maintain a parasitic state.

Deslin couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable watching this scene, "Hey! Can the parasite in your head sense the outside world?"

"When necessary, I will directly block his perception, such as during the next drive."

"That's good~"

Desline finally showed a gentle smile that only appeared when she was with William, and stepped into the carriage with her long legs, which corresponded to a luxurious double bed.

The horse gallops and the power is activated. As long as it is on a barrier-free main road, it can reach a speed of 200km/h, greatly shortening the time required for the journey.

I took my little Fatty to play this weekend, so this is the first update.

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