The final gentleman

Chapter 692 Landing

"There is such a normal-looking island hidden in the silver ocean where even death can hardly spread. Is William's old sweetheart hiding in it?" 』

Yi Chen moved his body and sat on the bow of the boat as much as possible.

Because the face is wearing an abyss mask, only the exposed mouth can speak, and the vision is blocked.

Therefore, vision can only be provided through the 'second body' lying on the back, which looks like an underdeveloped, deformed human body hiding behind and peeping on both sides of the shoulders.

As the outline gradually becomes clearer, an island covered with green plants appears in front of us, covering an area so large that it even completely fills the eyeballs with a fan-shaped field of vision.

Since it was risky to look down at the sea, Yi Chen could only look up at the 'harmless sky'.

The weather here is also quite strange.

It is currently night time, with neither moon nor stars. Logically speaking, this area should be plunged into complete darkness, but the sky provides low-brightness white light...or moonlight.

It seems that light is emitted upward from the silver ocean, illuminating the black sky and then reflecting part of the light to illuminate the island.

It feels like a moonless night.

Although the overall light on the island is dark, it is still visible clearly. Otherwise, Yi Chen would consider releasing Thirteen from the 'circus tent' to provide lighting.

Everyone stepped off the boat one after another and stepped on the moist and soft sand.

Whistle rustle~

A gust of sea breeze suddenly blew, and the nearby leaves were fluttering, as if a group of native islanders were clapping their hands to welcome everyone's arrival.

Everyone was just about to walk towards the inside of the island when their steps suddenly stopped.

Whether it was Desline's star sensing, William's murderous intention fluctuations or dentist Jessica's tooth sensing, they all captured an extraordinary individual not far away.

A girl with long hair wrapped in a plain white dress was playing with the sand on the beach, seemingly piling something.

The corners of Desline's mouth twitched slightly, "I didn't see anything when I was on the boat just now. In other words, there was a gap between "getting on the boat" and "disembarking", or some kind of change occurred when "landing on the island" ...or we are trapped in a deeper illusion of reality.

The first level of illusion should be located at the junction of the outer ocean and the silver ocean.

The second level of illusion is the junction between the Silver Sea and the island. Landing on the coast means that we have sunk deeper. If my guess is correct... the ship we are on may have disappeared. "

Following Deslin's reminder, everyone's vision of the girl quickly moved behind them.

Sure enough, the wooden boat plated with stars had disappeared, and the [route of retreat] was completely cut off.

This leaves everyone with only the last option, which is to launch a complete exploration of the island, discover the secrets here, and break the origin of the illusion that shrouds the silver sea.

Of course, before officially setting foot in the island's dense forest, the girl at the beach who is playing in the sand needs to do some research.

Desline tried to perform star divination on the girl to determine her identity.

But when the star grains appeared in her palm, they were immediately interfered by some unknown magnetic field, disrupting the stars and interrupting the divination.

"Huh? Magnetic field..."

Deslin couldn't help but look at her feet and began to wonder what the island was made of.

At this time, a dark figure passed by Deslin and went straight to the little girl who was playing in the sand.

His hands were clasped behind his body, seeming to be grasping an extremely black spine, exuding the ultimate killing intent, a killing intent that William had never experienced before.

Deslin could even see countless sticky corpses lying on his body, entangled around him, dominated by murderous intent.


When the principal called out the name, Yi Chen gently waved one of his hands, signaling the two of them to stay where they were and let him find out.


The principal gave a concerned reminder and then retreated to Jessica's side.

Dentist Jessica has been standing still since getting off the boat, grinding her teeth slightly all the time. As a doctor, she is accustomed to staying behind, observing and providing assistance when appropriate.

Just like that, Yi Chen was alone, leaving heavy leather shoe prints on the beach, approaching the mysterious girl about twenty meters away.

Yi Chen chose to stand beside the girl, staring at the little girl's neck and asking friendly:

"Hello, little sister, how much do you know about this island? Can you tell me about it? If possible, please take us to find the owner of this island."

It seems like a normal question,

In the eyes of Deslin and Jessica in the distance, Yi Chen was like an executioner who could execute the girl kneeling on the ground at any time. You can even vaguely see that the girl has been fixed on the "Beheading Platform" where the murderous intent is concentrated.

Facing Yi Chen's question, the girl stopped what she was doing.

There was no response, or she could not respond because she did not have the language function. Her head slowly turned around and faced Yi Chen.

There is no face, and the bare face is full of circular pits...or moon pits. The whole face feels like the moon.

A strange illusion swept through Yi Chen's brain instantly, before the epileptic brain was broken.


Yi Chen decisively dropped the axe, and murderous intent and death blended together to form a guillotine...Click! The girl's strange head was completely severed, and the lunar-structured head rolled on the beach and fell into the ocean.

Headless corpses kneeling on the beach,

When the mixture of black liquid and death plague remaining on the neck was about to engulf the body, something strange happened.

A large number of dead fish spurted out from the neck, falling to the ground and turning into a pool of extremely foul-smelling dead fish.

These fish sweep away all the dead components around the neck, leaving the headless carcass untouched.

Immediately afterwards, a change occurred.


Silver strips drilled out from between the necks. They were numerous and extremely dense. They looked like human small intestines, fingers that had been forcibly stretched, or tongues that had been cut into strips.

Weird, even chaotic structural weaving occurs between each other,

A physiological structure similar to a sunflower was constructed on the little girl's neck, with a diameter of five meters.

In the center of the silver sunflower, there are girls' heads with shaved heads, arranged as densely as seeds, making people feel uncomfortable.

In order to support such a sunflower structure, the girl's thin body grew several extra legs and feet, and even dug into the beach.

The well-informed Yi Chen could see the essence of this thing at a glance.

"Oh? Did you do bad things with good intentions? The girl's moon-shaped head may be a "limiter". After I chopped it off like this, her chaotic nature was revealed.

This kind of monster that does not belong to the old world, with an aura of chaos and loss of control all over its body, should be a creature of the world under the jurisdiction of the insomniac Garen, right? "

Just when Yi Chen was about to kill again,

Hee hee~haha~

The heads growing on the sunflower structure began to laugh like children, and then peeled off and pulled out,

Heads fell to the ground like seeds,

Use the silver fingers, intestines or snail-like soft tissues connected between the necks to quickly squirm and swim into the sea next to it.

Heads floated on the silver sea, like a group of children playing in the water. They even gave Yi Chen a look of thanks on the shore.

But the next second, the sea surface fluctuated abnormally.

Some kind of transparent creature that reached 100 meters suddenly appeared and swallowed all the children's heads in one bite. In an instant, everything returned to calm.

Only the silver sunflower that had taken root on the beach and whose seeds had been hollowed out was left, as well as three people with different expressions.

I take a half-day break as usual on weekends. I’ll just update it today.

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