The final gentleman

Chapter 716 Unrealistic Existence

Under the watchful eyes of all the cultivators of the Stone Temple, the old man, whom they respectfully called [Lord], personally led the four special visitors to the center of the city, to the most dangerous area.

As soon as he walked out of the brass gate of the stone temple, Nash rushed back from the bottom of the mountain, knelt down on his knees and cried loudly,

"Wow! Boss, I know I was wrong! I didn't believe you, but I thought I wanted to block the attack for you... I really won't dare to do it next time.

If you are still angry, you can whip me here in front of everyone and humiliate me. "

The more Nash talked, the more excited he became, and he even started to take off his clothes.

This scene was also seen by the old man, who couldn't help but sigh at the open-mindedness of young people in the lower world.

"Nash, be normal and remember your identity as an actor."

"Yes boss! Ahem!"

Nash immediately fastened his buttons and stood beside William solemnly. Except for his wandering eyes, the rest of his posture looked like that of a bodyguard or security guard.

"You go ahead, I have something to talk to Jessica about."


William deliberately slowed down and fell behind the group.

There was no need to explain at all. The moment the dead man's makeup was lifted, Jessica's mouth bit over, gently biting the flesh with her teeth, and licking her tongue at the same time to quickly treat it.

"Miss Jessica, this old man's method is not pathological... but a magic-like technique that can instantly strip away the air I use to breathe and the oxygen left in my blood.

If I weren't proficient in death, it would be really dangerous. "

Jessica, who was gently biting William's abdomen, responded, "It's indeed dangerous, but it's only like that if I've seen it once.

I can change the shape of my body in a short period of time, and the phages are responsible for the transportation of various nutrients. I don't need to breathe, I only need to eat nutrients regularly.

However, this old guy should still have many abilities related to [Qi], which is quite powerful, but he is just a broken body no matter what.

His most powerful point is probably his training method. He can secretly cultivate so many silver circle patients, which is very amazing even in the old world.

The outside world is really interesting. I really want to dissect this old guy. "

“Focus on what’s in front of you and see what could possibly injure the old man to such an extent that it would even require moving the entire city to suppress it.

The qi flowing through the city is something I have never seen before. It seems that the [despair] of the entire city is related to that thing.

When it appeared in this modern city, all humans felt the onset of despair at the same time. Instead of dying immediately, their flesh and blood was taken away bit by bit, and they were helpless as they watched themselves and those around them die slowly. "

Jessica was not worried about what she would encounter next. After completing the medical treatment, she put on the mask again and expressed her gratitude, "Thank you, Mr. William, this trip was really interesting."

"Miss Jessica, if you like to explore new things, you can register your name in my [theater]. You can join our adventures at any time if you are free in the future."

"Okay, as long as I get out of here alive, I will keep my name."

Currently, everyone is only on the last street left from the center of the city.

This is also the closest surveillance point for Gu Long Lung users. After squatting on the highest point of the surrounding buildings, they nodded to the old man and then continued to turn their eyes to the center of the city without moving away for a moment.

The concentration of the breath that permeates here has reached a very high value.

Whether it is Nash who is walking in front and is essentially a parasite, or Jessica who is essentially a tooth next to William, or Lorian who has a special physique, they can all feel a sense of 'stripping'.

Not only the body was peeled off, but even the soul seemed to be torn apart from the depths and passed away.


A wave of ripples rippled across William's clothes, and the originally dark black suit began to appear vein-like bulges, showing a yellow color.

The fabric material of the entire suit has also changed, and it feels like old skin to the touch.

The moment this costume was formed, the feeling of detachment disappeared from William's body instantly.

Dentist Jessica also widened her eyes, "Leather cultivation! This is a method only known by the "Twelve Disciples"... William, what is your status in the leather factory? "

"It's nothing, I'm just familiar with a big shot in the leather factory."

Nash, who was at the front of the queue, immediately followed up, "The boss is a real genius! It's not normal for the plague area to want to have anything to do with him, it's a big fuss."

The old man with the cane just watched the changes in William's skin silently, nodded slightly and continued to lead the way.

Cross the last street,

The city's "Central Park" is suddenly in sight.

At first glance, the park looks normal, but when you look closely, you will find many problems. For example, some trees do not fall on the ground, but grow on benches or trash cans.

The jogging trails and stone paths that run through the park are intermittent and irregular.

You can even see obvious mold penetration. The branches of some trees pass through another tree, and some trees even grow directly on top of another tree.

It's not an illusion, but a real scene.

"The space is out of order?" William, as a half-stargazer, could see the problem in the park at a glance, "And it's not just the space that's out of order, many of the regular parameters are abnormal."

Just when William was wondering, the old man with a stick was already walking towards the inside of the park.

"I'll go in first. If you can't find the center of the park within five minutes, it means you are not qualified to handle this matter at all."

As the old man disappeared, everyone looked at each other and immediately followed him.

William once again grew a needle-pricked iron chain from his palm to connect the team, "Everyone must stay connected, the space here is chaotic, and we may be separated if we are not careful."

Nash and dentist Jessica both readily accepted William's proposal, but when the chain approached Lorian... Buzz! The chain penetrated directly.

Lorian, who has been following everyone, turned out to be an illusion.

In other words, at a certain period of time, Lorian replaced himself with illusion.

"This guy Lorian...forget it, let's go in first. I believe he has his own considerations."

When everyone officially set foot in the park, a strong sense of dissonance hit them. It felt like they had entered a game scene full of errors and disgusting loopholes. Moreover, they would jump short distances while walking, and even return to the park again. Entrance.

After walking around the outside of the park for a minute, William concluded that it was impossible to reach the interior by walking normally.

"If it's Principal Deslin, maybe she can slowly adjust the space and find a way to go deeper. My words are not enough, so I have to use special means."

The chain pulls,

Pull Nash and Jessica directly into the abdomen.

"Abyssal Parasite"

William himself also swallowed the abyss in his abdomen, using the abyss as a passage to go directly to the 'deep space'. Even if the outer space is chaotic, as long as it is deep enough, a stable space level can be found.

It crawls forward like a parasite in the stable deep space, reaches the coordinate point corresponding to the central area of ​​the park, and then crawls out again.


A black hole appeared out of thin air,

Three individuals stained with mucus climbed out of the abyss. They were now inside the park, with a green lake full of lotus leaves in front of them.

There is obviously nothing on the lake, but everyone can feel a strong adsorption feeling, and the skin all over the body begins to ripple, as if it is about to be torn off.

Across the lake is an old man leaning on a stick.

When he saw William and others arriving at the center of the park at the same time as him, his head, which was connected to the lungs, was also surprised. He accelerated his stick and gathered with the three of them along the lakeside track.

"Yes, it seems you are more capable than I thought... By the way, your silver-haired friend seems to be missing?"

“Maybe he has his own ideas, or maybe he doesn’t want to come in here.

Don't worry about him, let's deal with the matter in front of us. By the way, all the breaths are gathered in this lake, but I don't seem to see anything. "

William's naked eyes could see through the lotus leaves into the depths of the lake. There was nothing inside, not even fish or shrimp.

The old man explained, "Ordinary senses cannot see it, and the things I have tried my best to seal do not exist in reality, and are not even bound by rules.

Whether you can see 'it' or not will determine whether you can help me.

I founded the Lung Temple and taught breathing techniques in order to enable apprentices to capture the 'conceptual existence' of the non-material plane through special gas flows.

I'll give you five more minutes. If we can see the "truth", we will take action. "

"Doesn't exist in reality, is not bound by rules, and exists as a concept? What on earth is it?"

"I will naturally explain it to you afterwards. If you can't feel it, there is no need to explain... Just concentrate, young man."

Without Little Grape, William would not be able to activate the special perspective.

[Eye] This path was denied, so I chose to close it,

William entered a meditative state, letting the mental power of the epileptic brain spread as much as possible, covering the entire lake, trying to capture something invisible, but the end result was still nothing.

"You can't even capture the mental power of the epileptic brain?"

William reopened his eyes and looked at his teammates. Jessica was grinding her teeth at different frequencies, while Nash was shaking his eyes at an ultra-high frequency, both trying to see something that didn't exist in reality.

"William, can't you see this?" Do you want me to come out and help..." Yi Chen's voice sounded in his mind.

"No, I'll do it myself." 』

William immediately changed his thinking,

He turned his head and looked at the old man aside, carefully observing the pulsation of his lungs and the breathing between his nose and throat, and then using physical perception to capture the subtle changes in the old man's trachea.

Start learning and imitating using the physical rhythms you learned from Mr. Rabbit and matching his acting skills.

The old man naturally noticed William's behavior and noticed that William was imitating his breathing.

"You don't accept the transformation of your lungs, you don't accept my teachings, and you want to directly imitate my breathing? You are... hmm!"

Before the old man finished his evaluation, he discovered that William exhaled a unique kind of breath from his mouth. It was a kind of breath that could only be exhaled by practicing the breathing method to a certain level.

William smiled and seemed to have found a rhythm with his breathing.

As the air that filled the lake surface was breathed into his lungs, William gradually smelled a 'concept of despair'. When he opened his eyes again, the picture in front of him completely changed.

There are no lotus leaves at all on the lake, but fleshy lotus composed of pieces of flesh and blood peeled off from the human body, built on each other.

There is a coffin buried in the deepest part of the lake. The surface is covered with mysterious symbols for sealing. The whole lake is also filled with the special aura exhaled by the old man.

Uh...uh...uh~let me out

William also heard intermittent harsh bubble sounds, as if a rotting corpse was speaking to his ears.

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