The final gentleman

Chapter 726 Quiz

"Teacher William! Why did you get out of bed!"

In the corridor of the inpatient department, a nurse with a blood-red cross on her face happened to bump into William who was walking out of the ward alone, and quickly stepped forward to help him.

In her eyes, Teacher William is the most important person after the dean.

"I'm in good health. I'm going to see how Nash is doing. Can you lead the way?"

"Okay! Mr. Nash is currently in a parasite state and is being soaked in nutrient solution in the basement of the clinic. I will take you there."

Stepping into the only elevator in the clinic,

As the little nurse reached out and touched the button without a number at the bottom,

Click, click, click! The iron gate is closed,

The elevator began to descend after a slight tremor. I wonder if it was the nurse's imagination. She felt that the elevator was a bit slow today.

Just when she was trying to find something to talk about with Teacher William who was sitting on the elevator together, a head stretched out from behind her and quietly appeared next to her ear.

He whispered softly:

"The elevator is extra slow today~ It's a bit boring. Do you want to hear a story? Little nurse."


William's sudden approach and cold tone startled her, and the bloody cross on her face squirmed slightly, with many small dots protruding.

"What...what story? If Teacher William is free, I wouldn't mind listening to it."


"One night, a nurse who worked late at the hospital had just completed her routine rounds and was about to go back to the nurse's desk to rest. She accidentally met a "patient" who did not belong to that floor in the corridor.

After some questioning, it was discovered that the patient was not so clear-headed and was on the wrong floor. Out of good intentions, the nurse took the initiative to send the patient back.

But when they walked into the elevator and wanted to press the corresponding floor button, no matter how they pressed it, they only lit up the [-3] heading to the underground parking lot.

The elevator's downward movement cannot be interrupted.

When the nurse instinctively wanted to comfort the patient next to her, she found that the patient was not wearing a hospital gown at all and was not a patient in the hospital at all.

It was a woman wrapped in a large black windbreaker, a sun hat and a mask.

This reminded her of the story that has been making a lot of noise recently - [Human Body Collector]. "

When William's story comes to this point,

The little nurse, who was tense all over and holding the corners of her clothes with both hands, suddenly caught a glimpse of a woman standing up slowly at the corner of the elevator, facing the corner.

The image is exactly as described by William.


With a scream from the little nurse, William closed the book.

The elevator lights stopped flickering and everything returned to normal.

"Teacher William, I seemed to have seen a woman just now...just like the one in your story."

"It's okay, nothing. I was just conducting a small test. Thank you for your hard work."

Ding dong!

The elevator also arrived at this time. William waved his hand and said, "I can find Nash's location by induction when I get here. Go back and do your business."

"My dear..." The little nurse ran up in a sprint and gently held William's clothes. The fear still lingered in her heart. She didn't dare to ride the elevator alone, "Let me take you teacher there, too. It’s just a matter of following the clinic’s rules.”

"All right."

William's goal has been achieved. His right hand holds a wisp of the essence of fear that was extracted from the little nurse, and this feeling of fear being stripped away has always existed.

As long as William wants to do it, he can even take away all the "fear" from the little nurse.

However, this is not necessary. All he wants is a test.

This urban legend quiz can be applied to different scenarios, can be combined into theater performances, and can quickly conquer fear.

If the fear can be restrained from the blood nurse transformed by Chaos, it will be enough to prove the value of this thing, and it can be said to be a perfect fit with William's theater.

The deepest ward is pushed open,

Nash, who was in the form of an amoeba, was immersed in a pool of silver light. There were multiple fleshy gaps on the surface of his body, and his consciousness was in a deep sleep.

The "second body" with only the upper body left opened its eyes, and Yi Chen took the initiative to give comments:

"Nash is a very good guy. He has always been dedicated to catering to my movements. As long as I give any action instructions, he will convert them into corresponding movements immediately, and even the intensity will be perfect.

As expected of an assistant actor~

How about this guy being mainly mine from now on, William?

If I want to retrieve my lower body from the Dead Sea, I still have to spend a lot of time reaching the depths. Before that, Nash needs to be an important support for my lower body. "

William did not agree directly but asked, "Do you regard Nash as a friend or collaborator, or do you regard him as a pure prop or a dog?"

"Hey! Although I don't have a very good personality, I'm not that mean... I also fell into your body and learned a lot of gentlemanly things.

Although Nash likes to be a dog, I still treat him as a collaborator. "


Yi Chen looked at the parasites soaked in the liquid and changed the topic, "William, you will be doing a show next, right? Using the good things you just got, you might let a different kind of fear spread in the old world. Woolen cloth."

When he said this, William immediately became serious, "Yi Chen, our vision has been raised with this operation. We have a higher vision and can see farther. I am going to speed up a little... and talk to the leather factory early." touch."

"Oh? Are you going to open your theater in front of the leather factory as soon as you return to the old world?"

"That's not the case, and the two of us are still in a mutilated state. If we are not careful, we will be caught by those blood people. Yi Chen, do you want [Death] to improve quickly?"

Yi Chen immediately understood the meaning, "Do you want to separate from me and let me go to the [original tomb]?"

"Anyway, we have achieved split action, and you don't like the "performance" thing. Let Nash accompany you to the [Original Tomb]. With the help of the relationship we have established before, you should be easily accepted. Being deep in the original tomb should speed up your understanding of death.

I, on the other hand, went to do my own show, swallow my fear and try to recover my right eye.

If both parties make progress together, it will be faster, right? Come back to me after you retrieve the lower half of your body. If my right eye is not complete yet, I will trouble Yi Chen to retrieve it again. "

"Eyes...are you looking for Little Grape?"

"No need to look for it~ As long as our theater becomes bigger and stronger, Little Putao will naturally come to see me after hearing the news. I wonder how it will fare on its own."

Old World, Large Neutral City, City of Lights - Ignacy

Due to the fall of the evil sun, extremely dark places appeared all over the old world. It has gradually become a trend to explore these dark restricted areas and search for war relics.

Lamp City, the largest lighting sales city, was the biggest beneficiary and developed into a large city in a short period of time. However, in recent years, patients' desire to explore has gradually declined, and many other cities have also begun to develop lighting fixtures, causing the status of the Light City to be shaken and the flow of people to decrease month by month.

In order to consolidate its positioning and attract tourists,

The Light City has tried to carry out various activities, including some lighting design competitions, lighting competitions, and even recently used the "Evil Yang Firewood" that was the foundation of the city's creation as a gimmick.

A special competition called "Dark Arena" was held.

Since the arena is designed without any light source, and the venue materials will absorb the light source independently, individuals will choose a special lamp provided by the Light City before the game to participate in the competition to promote it.


This competition unexpectedly attracted many interesting outsiders, and even some anti-Evil Yang organizations, who were preparing to use this competition to completely wipe out the evil Yang fuel.

There is also a very interesting contestant who refuses to choose any lamp and uses his own ability to illuminate. In his hand at any time, there are four ancient eyeballs of the same size but completely different structures and colors.

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