The final gentleman

Chapter 740 Reunion


There was a sound of broken objects in the Duke's Castle, and at the same time, the castle as a whole was heating up.

Golden Mask rushed to the scene of the incident immediately, and saw that William, who was wearing sterling silver single-sided glasses, had been completely smashed into the wall, and half of his face was also burned by the evil sun.

And what was lying on the bed was a complete evil-yang-eyed corpse.

1. The face is burning and covered with scorch marks, and every eye as a node is burning with fire.

2. The left side of the body maintains a human shape, while the right side of the body is completely alienated, with six arms of different lengths and thicknesses growing out, covered with scorch marks, holding together the metal desk lamp that was torn off the bedside.

3. The metal desk lamp that was grasped by six hands at the same time also changed accordingly. The scorch marks spread and the entire desk lamp was cursed by firewood, or was affected by some kind of spell and suffered a "forced disease".

The pathogenesis of inorganic substances is relatively slow and the success rate is low. However, the current desk lamp is transformed into a disease weapon in an instant.

The lampshade disappears,

The original light bulb also exploded.

Instead, a cursed firework burned on the lamppost,

Combined with the six arms below that have different structures and do not belong to the same person, it seems that all people are holding a torch together to drive away the darkness in the world.

"Evil Yang Carrier!"

Golden Mask instantly estimated the risk value, and also judged that the evil sun carrier on the bed was in a very problematic mental state, and that it was more likely to burn the room on fire, and even cause irreversible damage to the Duke's castle.

One shot at the snap of a finger!

You can see a drop of golden liquid flying straight towards Little Grape's face from your fingertips. As long as it attaches to it, it can instantly form a golden mask and suppress it.

The moment the gold liquid, which is faster than bullets and difficult to notice, approaches,

Half of the eyeballs on Little Putao's face turned quickly. Just by taking a glance, the golden liquid boiled and evaporated in the air.

Even the golden mask standing at the door felt a burning sensation spreading throughout his body.

Just when Golden Mask was about to show off his true abilities,

William's voice echoed in the room: "Being deeply involved in an acting role can indeed indicate that a person is serious enough about acting, but it cannot be called a professional actor.

A truly professional actor should know how to distinguish between acting and reality. This is reality, and I will not cut off your flesh.

Welcome back, little grape. "

The words were mixed with the epilepsy virus, which went straight to Little Putao's brain like ripples, forcing him to calm down his tense mental state.


The flame on the lamppost dims and disappears,

The six corpse arms holding the lamppost also slowly retracted and turned into a normal right arm structure.

Grip slowly sat up from the bed and put on his hood to hide his terrifying scorched multi-eyed face.

vomit! Vomiting out four "corpse eyes" with different shapes, wrinkled and shriveled like walnuts, from the body, he placed them in his hand to stabilize his mood.


He was still immersed in his previous acting,

He even subconsciously glanced at his legs and feet that were broken during the drama, and then looked up at William, with eyes like looking at a pure pervert.

at the same time,

Another person walked in at the door, it was the dentist Jessica who had just emerged from the performance room.

As soon as he saw the woman with white hair and a mask, Grip immediately became stressed again. He felt as if he was about to be eaten by the woman, and began to condense curse flames in his palms.

"Little Putao, this is Miss Jessica from [Dental Pavilion]. She played my wife in the drama just now. In fact, we are just teammates.

If you don't mind, she can check your physical condition for you. "


William could see that Grip was deeply affected, so he motioned with his eyes to the others to leave first, leaving only the two of them here.


The door was locked, and Grip slowly calmed down.

Bang bang bang~ William clapped and walked towards the head of the bed.

"As expected of Little Grape, your acting talent is really good. From the beginning to the end, you are immersed in the perspective of an alcoholic detective. And it passed the levels I designed smoothly. Welcome to join my theater."

After the applause, he came to Little Putao,

William pointed to his cheek, "Can you please take away the evil inflammation from my face? It hurts so much."

Grip rolled his eyes, and the evil inflammation that burned his cheeks immediately retracted his eyes.

Then, Grip's face opened its mouth, which was also covered with scorch marks, and even ashes floated out. A core eyeball was contained in it, and he spat out shriveled words.

"William, in addition to the power of Lorian, is there something else integrated into this show set in Lupu? Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to have such a big impact on me.

It's hard for me to contain the negative emotions in my body now, and I want to kill you as a perverted ghoul. "

William said lightly, "Yes, the discomfort you feel is exactly the important message I want to convey in this public performance.

"Fear recycling" is just a job in the circus, and I would like to take this opportunity to inform the old world of something. "

"What's up?"

"The real danger is coming, and it's the evil you feel, little Putao.

The reason why this performance is so deeply rooted in people's hearts and why it can make individuals feel uncomfortable and negative emotions is precisely because I used this thing. "

After that, a storybook was thrown directly at Little Grape, who instinctively moved away and let the book fall on the bed.

Even without seeing the content in the book, Little Putao can still feel the strong [evil],

The evil yang firewood in his body even burned spontaneously to dispel the influence of such evil thoughts.

Even in the peripheral vision of Xiao Putao, he could vaguely see something slowly appearing in the corner of the room. The other person seemed to be holding a spoon in his hand.

When he saw the woman caught in his peripheral vision, even at this stage, Little Putao still felt extremely dangerous.

Uh-huh! William stretched out his hand and the storybook returned to his hand, and the woman disappeared.

"William, that was just now!"

"The threats outside the world far exceed the dangers we have experienced..."

"Outside the world...have you already begun to contact? Wait!"

Gradually calming down, Little Putao suddenly noticed William's 'abnormality' and noticed that he was wearing special silver glasses on his right eye.

Little Grape, whose eyes are particularly sensitive, finally realized what William meant by 'threat'.

"William, your eyes!!!"

“It’s worth buying an eye for this book and a new understanding of the world. After all, most people will never come back alive.

Okay~ Little Putao, you can go down with me to have something to eat first. It’s just the preliminary program for now, and we will also perform on the moon by then.

By the way, let me take a closer look at your current illness. "

At William's invitation, the two of them walked out of the room one after another and headed to the dining area of ​​the castle.

In the process of going downstairs, Little Putao, who was walking behind, was always in a state of emotional tangle, seeming to be considering something very important and very difficult to make a decision.

When he completely walked down the stairs, Little Putao still said it.

"If it's just your eyes that are missing, maybe I... can help you fill them."

William stopped but did not turn around, "Little Putao, I can probably tell during the acting process that you are already accustomed to living independently, and I am afraid it is difficult to adapt to the state of being parasitic on me.

It's never easy to fill a concept, and there's a good chance you'll be tied to me permanently. "


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