The final gentleman

Chapter 758 Steel Wire

The appearance of the clown circus brought the atmosphere to the highest point.

As for Art's overestimating behavior, as a director, William not only did not reject it, but also appreciated it very much. His eyes even lit up when he saw the circus of tumor flesh forming.

"This is not a circus building simply created with tumors, but a [field] similar to a horror storybook, and Art has the right to make rules in such an area.

How was it created?

Is it a qualitative change caused by the infinite stacking of malignant tumors, or is this guy Art mastering some kind of skill that I don't know about?

Lorian's Moon and Dreamland does have a bit of a "field" feel, but it's not as complete as Art's. It's really interesting! Saw something new again. "

As a director, William has opened up a new movie-watching function at this moment, and all viewers receive voice prompts in their heads.

"The barrage function has been unlocked, and viewers can choose to switch it on or off. After turning it on, you can convey your thoughts in the form of text to the top of everyone's viewing screen.

High-quality barrages will be screened out and displayed in red text for a period of time.

Please actively distribute barrages. 』

Inside the clown circus.

The red flesh curtains spread out in equal measure, covering the space.

Yi Chen didn't look at the wire rope in front of him for the first time, but focused on the tent... He tensed his right arm and threw a flying ax.

The throwing ax, which was strong enough to slice through Art's head, only tore a slight gap when it hit the tent.

It was not enough to tear open the opening to the outside world. The entire tent was like an endless quagmire of tumors, even threatening to swallow the axe.

With a move of his right hand, the ax was retracted... it was broken into bursts of death mist and stored in his arm.

"Hey~ Mr. Yi, you can't get out until the performance is over! It's better to concentrate on the next performance. My performance focuses more on the duel between us, at least a little more interesting. I believe you will like it. of."

Art is still his original image, standing on the platform on the opposite side of the wire rope, explaining the relevant rules out of good intentions.

"This performance is divided into three performances! As long as Mr. Yi can persist in completing three performances, my circus door will be open for you, and I will even give you a parting gift."

Although Art was explaining, Yi Chen's eyes were still looking around the tent, as if he could see a possible breakthrough point.

When Art saw this, he also scratched his nose, "Don't you listen to my kind explanation? You will suffer a big loss, Mr. Yi. I don't want to use the rules to simply win against you. It's too boring."

Yi Chen, who was looking around while maintaining his breathing rate, responded softly, "I'm listening~ I don't have to look at you to mean I'm listening to you, right?"

Art squeezed his nose and made a sound of pus bubbles being popped.

"First show, Wirewalking! (First show, tightrope walking)

We are required to step on the wire rope at the same time and compete on the rope, whether it is the release of symptoms or physical confrontation! Any means can be used.

Once you fall due to yourself or the other party, you will be labeled as "falling".

The label will be forcibly attached to your soul, causing the gravity effect you will experience in subsequent performances to increase, thereby affecting and limiting some of your actions.

Three falls means failure. "

Yi Chen asked, "What are the conditions for success? Let you fall three times."

Art nodded, "Yes! There is another condition, that is, if you pass me and reach the terminal platform, completing the entire tightrope walk will be considered a success.

in addition,

There are a few things to note. It is prohibited to fly, move in space, or jump more than one meter, otherwise you will be labeled as a "violation".

Illegal labels can make you uncomfortable! A label will forcefully and randomly block one of your active joints. "

Yi Chen's eyes looking around finally returned to the wire rope, "Can we start?"

"Finally, I would like to remind you that tightrope walking is a technical job, so you must master the "balance". "

"You talk too much, Art."

Art was not provoked verbally and responded with a smile, "I just don't want you to die too quickly~ Look at my gestures and step on the tightrope together!"

At the same time, those viewers who turned on the barrage function also saw a red and eye-catching selected barrage at this moment, with the following content.

"Walking a tightrope requires maintaining absolute balance. Even a slight deviation in balance, or any psychological imbalance of consciousness caused by fear of falling, will lead to a fall.

It is almost impossible to regain the balance point in an imbalanced state.

Most people who participate in tightrope walking will fail if they do not have experience and sufficient psychological quality. 』

It was Yuehen Lorian who posted this barrage.

He also did this when he was introduced to the clown circus by Art.

Lorian didn't take it seriously at the time. When he stepped on the tightrope, the action of drawing out the sword caused his body to lose balance and fall instantly.

After falling twice in a row, Lorian managed to survive through on-site surgery to change the balance plug in his brain.

At this moment,

The tightrope walk officially begins,

Art raised his right arm high and stepped forward with the sole of his foot.

Yi Chen took his right foot out at the same time and stepped on the cold, steel-hard wire.

When the squeezing feeling of the rope from the soles of the shoes was transmitted to the soles of the feet, the extremely familiar touch pulled Yi Chen's thoughts back to the past, back to the depths of the dark orphanage.

He started walking on a single-plank bridge in physical education class at the age of three, and learned to walk on a tightrope at the age of four.

Moreover, the tightrope walking in the physical education class is also very cruel. The rope is all ten meters above the ground. If you are lucky, you will only break your leg. If you are not lucky, it will hit your spine or the back of the head and you will be sent away directly.

The most cruel thing was when they were seven years old. The sports inspection required orphans who were seven years old or older to take three items for testing.

And one of the projects that Yi Chen was drawn happened to be tightrope walking.

This time, he and other high-quality orphans who lived to be seven years old were led to a special room. The bottom of the wire rope here was no longer the ground but a sharp knife standing tall.

The teacher in charge of the project also said in a very "humane" way that if you accidentally fall and are not stabbed by a sharp knife, you are lucky and can start over.

Yi Chen and twenty other orphans walked on the wire rope together, five meters apart.

Those who can live to the age of seven are considered high-quality orphans. They usually have no problem walking the tightrope...but this time it is different. They have the dual pressure of sports inspections and death.

As one of them made a mistake and fell, screams echoed in the sealed room, and everyone's mentality changed.

As other children's calves were still shaking, the wire rope also began to sway, and more and more people fell.

The teacher in charge of the project shook his head helplessly, not out of pity, but out of boredom at the thought of having to work overtime to clean up so many corpses.

When Yi Chen and the other nine people arrived at the opposite side and thought they had passed the test, they were patted on the back by the teacher again.

"Congratulations, you're halfway done! Let's go back the same way, come on!"

The journey back becomes different again. Your eyes will unconsciously look at the companion below who has been pierced by a sharp knife, at the companion who is not shaking and screaming, and at the turbid blood overflowing on the ground, as if you can smell the taste.

In the end, only five people successfully passed. Except for Yi Chen, all of them knelt on the ground and vomited crazily.


The moment Yi Chen's soles landed on the wire rope, his eyes actually closed.

There is no taking of weapons or any unnecessary movements.

Even breathing became more stable than usual,


Exhale gently and move forward.

He closed his eyes the whole time and walked step by step towards Art on the opposite side.

All the killing intent and death hovering around Yi Chen have dispersed, and now he is just a simple tightrope walker.

Even Art was stunned by this scene.

He had never seen anything like this,

Any participant who is invited to walk on the tightrope, no one can maintain balance when they first step on the tightrope. Even a slight 'sway', whether it is the body or the mind, will be infinitely amplified by the [field] and cause imbalance.

In Art’s eyes,

It is simply impossible for Yi Chen, a guy whose body is not sound and relies on parasites to complete his body, to achieve balance.

But the situation in front of me is completely different.

Only stability, quietness and purity emanate from Yi Chen.

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