The final gentleman

Chapter 78 Blacksmith

Under the guidance of Chamberson, Yi Chen followed to the middle level of the street area, a street mainly selling and forging weapons [Metalwork-Street].

A large number of blacksmith shops of different shapes are set up here.

huge metal chimney,

A sultry environment that is more than 10°C higher than other neighborhoods,

The never-ending sound of hammering and shouting,

In such an environment, there are a large number of gentlemen who are accustomed to shopping here, looking for more suitable materials or weapons and equipment.

Many gun users like Edmund need to come to modern blacksmiths to customize special-effect bullets.

While walking on the street, Yi Chen noticed that Professor Chamberson was also looking around, unsure of which blacksmith shop to choose.

"Professor, is this your first time here too?"

"That's right. I came here with my teammates when I was young, but I rarely come here later... After all, I have no need for weapons. A magic gentleman like me uses "magic medium" more.

For example, spell-casting gloves made from special leather,

Accessories made from diseased crystals with magical properties, such as rings, necklaces, etc.

Or to be more advanced, use a large amount of skins and use secret rubbings to make magic books and so on. "

"I see, can I use this kind of thing?"

"Of course you can... make one or a pair of basic spell-casting gloves, which can effectively improve your control over plants.

If you don't plan to use "Gentleman's Skin" to upgrade your clothing, you can make gloves first.

It's up to you. "

"Let's settle the issue of weapons first."

"Hmm~ This store looks pretty good... It has a two-story structure, taking into account both material sales and weapon forging. Let's go in and have a look, and try to get it done at once."

【Vulkan's Forge】

A red and steamy sign hangs at the door,

As soon as you enter the door, you can see a group of strong young men wearing black leather aprons, with sweat dripping from their bronze muscles, banging on hot iron.

After briefly explaining their purpose to the receptionist here, the two were invited to the second floor.

He was personally received by an experienced old blacksmith.

Unlike the apprentice who hammers iron downstairs, the old blacksmith only likes to stay in the quiet room on the second floor, reading books and raising flowers.

When he learned that it was just Yi Chen, a new gentleman who wanted to forge weapons, he was slightly disappointed.

“There is no need for new gentlemen to find me for forging, any of my apprentices here can take over this job.

If there is a major discrepancy with expectations, or there is a forging error that damages the material, we will also double the compensation. "

"Can our apprentices here control this thing?"

At Chamberson's signal,

Yi Chen handed over the sealed box containing the [Moonnight Rat - Jesming Li] tumor-shaped crystal.

The old blacksmith took the box with his calloused palms and slowly opened it with squinted eyes.

A ray of bright moonlight instantly shined into his eyes, and he even slowly opened his squinted eyes, revealing a crescent moon between his pupils.

The seemingly beautiful crescent moon contains a fleshy embryo.

It's not disgusting,

Instead, the moon, which should have been dead, gained a touch of life.

“This is good stuff!

Did Professor Chamberson actually give such high-quality crystals to a new gentleman? Weapons made from this kind of material are difficult for newcomers to control. "

"This is a crystal made from the relatively complete corpse of a patient he killed with his own hands. It has nothing to do with me. I just brought him here to forge weapons."

"Is this the crystallization of a severely ill person? And judging from his appearance, he is quite a difficult guy to deal with.

No wonder Professor Chamberson has time to bring in new people. He turns out to be a rare talent... Okay! I, Bengus, have taken over the job.

Please fill out this forging intention form carefully. "

Yi Chen basically thought about what he wanted along the way and quickly completed filling it out.

Blacksmith Bengus looked at the wish form and said easily:

"The hand ax is slightly heavier in weight, the material is not limited, and the length is adaptable... I hope it can be adapted to various situations and fights with different types of enemies.

The conditions given are very loose, but are you really sure you want to use an ax?

With a figure like yours, a sword, long knife, or gun may be a better choice. "

"I'm used to using axes and swords, but I'm not used to using them."


But if you want to cope with various situations, you must have the characteristics of both a short hand ax and a long-handled ax. Our store happens to have such a technology that is compatible with both characteristics.

Here's a technical sample you can try. "

The old blacksmith took an iron rod that was exactly one meter long and handed it to Yi Chen.

It looks like an ordinary iron rod, but it is surprisingly heavy when it falls in the palm of your hand.

“This length is suitable for combat at close range and in narrow spaces… If you want to fight at a long distance or conduct a larger range of attacks, you need to increase the length of the weapon.

You should have touched the metal buckle on the iron rod, right?

Press it with your thumb,

Then perform a short speed pull-back. "


According to the blacksmith, Yi Chen said,

Press the less obvious buckle with a little force, and then pull the iron rod backward.

Clang! sparks flying

During the short distance (\u003c5cm) pull-back process, the iron rod that was originally one meter in length instantly grew to two meters.

“If you want to go back to the way you were before, just repeat what you did.

This sample only shows the changes in length. We can also achieve a certain degree of shape changes here, depending on your personal needs. "

"How much does it cost to use this technology?"

Yi Chen was still worried about money. After all, Edmund didn't have enough money yet.

"If you need to add changes in form, the price will be tens of thousands."

Just when Yi Chen wanted to refuse,

Chamberson pressed his business card directly.

“Do it according to the highest standards, and as long as there is no problem with the finished product, the money will be deducted directly from my account.

This technology seems to me quite good and worthy of this precious crystalline material. I also have some materials here if you can use them. "


In this case, the next step is to determine in detail personal intentions, the weapon's changing mode and form, and feasibility issues.

Once the design is finalized, materials still need to be selected, and the user's physical parameters must also be measured.

After all the above preparations are completed, it will take more than two weeks of manufacturing time. Once completed, we will notify you as soon as possible. "

"Okay, then William, you can stay here to further confirm the details of the weapon design. I still have something to do."

With Chamberson leaving,

The preparatory work of weapon forging has officially begun.

When the preparation work progressed to Yi Chen's physical examination, the old blacksmith Bengus accidentally discovered that this seemingly thin young man actually had a strange and strong body.

"Your body...shouldn't have been formed through regular exercise, right?"

Yi Chen smiled and replied: "I can only say that the process was very painful."

"No wonder you can kill seriously ill people, Professor Chamberson thinks so highly of you.

Since I am a talented person who has the potential to help mankind get out of trouble, I will do my best to create the best work possible.

To ensure that the final product is suitable for you, we may notify you at any time during this period to come over and try it out. Just stay in the city for the time being and stop running around. "

"No problem. I will basically stay at the college this month and won't go out. Thank you Mr. Bengus."

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