The final gentleman

Chapter 769 The End

【Malignant tumor】

As the largest source of epidemics in the old world, Cancer Palace must always ensure the development of future generations and the consolidation of overall strength. They will not give up all possible reserves of strength.

Except for those suffering from malignant tumor cancer,

Because judging from the development of cancer palaces through the ages, the value of patients with malignant tumors is definitely not worth their own risks. Once out of control, it will induce a regional outbreak of malignant tumors, and even some patients with benign tumors will be converted.

There have been many regional lesions caused by patients with malignant tumors in history, and the cancer palace was forced to issue the "Malignant Exile Order".

Since the development of Cancer Palace, many laboratories have been established to study malignant patients. They have tried to increase stability through physical, mental or some psychological hypnosis methods, but they have all ended in failure.

Judging from the experimental results, once patients with malignant tumors lose control of their emotions due to something, their bodies and souls will begin to proliferate without limit and cannot be stopped unless they are completely killed.


This is what happened to Art, [out of control]

At the same time, it was also the largest vicious loss of control in the old world since ancient times.

The fake moon jointly created by Lorian, Reagan and the Duke Chamber of Commerce was actually engulfed by cancer cells in less than a minute.

A river of pus filled the theater,

Naturally, it also overwhelmed a special audience in the theater, [Cancer-faced Kamski] who was sent by the Lord of the Cancer Palace to investigate intelligence.

When the out-of-control Art smelled this extremely familiar scent, his thoughts were brought back to the palace of cancer.

Art was born in the "proliferation room" at the bottom of the cancer palace.

Since the [Cancer Palace] and the [Forest of Rebirth] are inextricably linked, although the desire of cancer patients is not as strong as that of sheep, it is not much different.

Therefore, before the old world was blocked by rules, the Cancer Palace had very frequent births. In order to control the population, most newborns would be piled up in the proliferation room.

There is a strict screening system there,

There are no teachers, only supervisors,

Every few hours, a hose that releases nutrient solution is lowered from the top of the growth chamber. Only newborns who can grab the hose are qualified to survive.

Those cancer babies who starve to death are cleaned up on a large scale once a week, loaded into large trucks and dumped into the pus lake.

Art did not have these talents and was even quite deformed when he was born.

The head is larger than that of ordinary babies, and it is irregularly large and extremely ugly. He was obviously a baby, but wrinkles were already appearing on his swollen body.

He was no match for those healthy newborns. It was difficult for him to crawl. He didn't even get a sip of nutrient solution, and he was pressed at the bottom.

However, because Art was unable to move and his swollen body had more energy reserves, his death rate was slower than that of other babies who had not eaten.

When the dead babies fell next to him and began to fester and pus, Art instinctively began to suck.

After the staff of the Cancer Palace sorted out the well-grown children at the top, the rest were loaded directly into the car. Art, who was still pressed at the bottom, was also loaded up as a corpse and discharged into the pus lake outside the cancer palace.

Following a large number of corpses, he sank to the bottom of the lake and continued to eat the essence of the corpses that had settled for countless years at the bottom of the lake. There were even a few cancer crystals that had been deposited for thousands or tens of thousands of years.


Art grew up in a lake of pus and gained a unique ability.

However, those he kills will not die completely, but will turn into pus and be inhaled into Ater's body, becoming a part of him.

The monitors of the Cancer Palace also quickly discovered the abnormality of the Pushu Lake, discovered this extremely special baby, and brought it back to the Cancer Palace for re-evaluation.

All tests reached S level or even exceeded the test limit. The only pity was that a malignant tumor in Art's body was found in the final test.

Considering the special talent shown by Art and his current state that is not out of control,

The Lord did not directly exile such a young child, but allowed him to live a normal life in the Cancer Palace as a commoner, without privileges, and to grow up like others.

At only ten years old, Art was specially recruited into the recruit camp of the Knights of Cancer. His performance quickly surpassed those so-called geniuses, and he even completed some tasks as a recruit that even the Knights of Cancer found troublesome. Task.

Such a performance, although eye-catching, can also arouse jealousy.

After all, paper cannot cover the fire.

Art's ugly appearance and weird abilities are often discussed in private, and people suspect that he may have a malignant tumor that makes him so different from ordinary people.

His only friend collected some of Art's body cells for testing while sleeping together.

Soon word spread among the recruit camps that Art had a malignant tumor.

He began to be ostracized and bullied,

Even one day, a good friend who had always cared about Art pretended to ask him out for a drink. By the time he woke up, Art had been tied up in a secret room where he would not be discovered by the outside world.

In front of them were all the recruits who had trained together, but at this moment they were wearing devilish smiles.

On the grounds that he wanted to see the self-healing effect of malignant tumor growth, he began to inflict the cruelest torture on Art. Among them, the person who did the most cruel torture was Art's only friend.


Art took the initiative to apply to leave the recruit camp.

When the Lord learned about this, he also sent a tumor attendant to inquire privately about Art's specific situation and whether he had been ostracized or treated illegally.

However, Art denied everything, saying that it was his own fault and that he could not adapt to the life of a recruit.

Before long,

The annual regularization process in the new military camp has arrived. Art's former friend was successfully selected into the Knights, and the people selected were also familiar faces.

Witnessed by tens of thousands of people in Cancer Palace, when the Knights crowned these new recruits,

A ball of meat fell from the sky, instantly killing the five selected recruits with absolute crushing strength. These newcomers who are about to enter the Tumor Knights don't even have the most basic ability to fight back.

He even cut off his 'friend's' head and defecated in front of everyone.

The knights responsible for maintaining order were also counterattacked when they stepped forward to stop them. One of the knights even had his armor penetrated and was almost killed.

It wasn't until one of the High Table Knights at the scene took action that Art was suppressed.

This matter is no small matter, the Lord also came to the scene in person,

She could only sigh helplessly when she looked at the young man in front of her, who had high hopes for him, with a clown-like face smeared with blood and an extremely perverted look in his eyes.

After learning the cause of the matter, the Lord denied the death penalty and ordered Art Kramer to be permanently exiled and unable to enjoy any services from the Cancer Palace.

Since then, the Lord has also made major changes to the screening mechanism of the Knights, requiring the character of each recruit to be tested from time to time.

Although the face of the Lord in the red dress could not be remembered clearly, Art still had extremely rare mood swings.

Growth ceases.

The abscesses that permeated the theater and seeped out of the surface of the false moon began to flow backwards and retreat behind the stage.

Everything returned to normal, and the audience immediately checked their entire bodies to ensure that they had not been viciously sown.

Just when William, as the host and director, was about to say something,

Two footsteps came from the background,

One is Yi Chen, who is supporting his body with crutches.

The other one is Art who is putting on make-up and returning to his original state.

Art displayed his disgusting yellow teeth to the maximum extent and took the initiative to take Yi Chen's arm and bow to the audience, signaling the end of the performance.

"Oh! Since I didn't explicitly stipulate the matter of 'tearing apart the tent', Mr. Yi's behavior is not considered a violation. It's a pity~ The final show failed to determine the winner, and both sides did not score.

Mr. Yi and I each scored one point in the first two shows, so this show ended in a draw,

Although it is a bit regretful, but... I believe everyone will enjoy watching it. "

Art's eyes were fixed on the special pretender, "Your name should be Kamski, right? I read personal information from the tumor on your body... Please say hello to [Lord] for me when you get back."

Of course, if you want to relay what happened here, please be sure to transfer all the detailed scenes without any processing or cropping ~ otherwise I will kill you. "

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