The final gentleman

Chapter 776 Detection

Physical examination.

Yi Chen knew very well what these monks said. They said it was for safety reasons, but in fact they wanted to conduct a comprehensive physical test to see if the two of them might be infected with the monastic virus and accept the possibility of iron chains.

Arriving at the gate of the monastery, the leading monk pulled out two special metal goggles from his body. There were two ten-centimeter-long needles in the goggles.

“Due to the special requirements of the monastery, foreign visitors need to wear ‘eye protection’ when entering and moving inside the area.

To make sure you don’t take note of the monastery’s internal route and see things you shouldn’t.

After putting on the blindfold, we will lead you to the physical examination room. As long as the examination is completed and there are no problems, you will be directed to the public area to move around freely.

In view of your contribution, you can also apply to visit some relatively secret areas. "

After Yi Chen took the so-called eye patch, the other party emphasized again, "Remember to insert the spiked part completely into the eyeball and touch the brain."

Just as Yi Chen was carefully observing the special features of the eye patch, Nash, who was standing beside him, had already put on the eye patch and inserted the needle completely to touch the brain.


Nash instantly fell to the ground and twitched slightly. After a few seconds, he got up with great difficulty. His whole body was swaying as if he had drunk fake wine.

"Boss Yi, this thing will directly destroy the brain's balance and sense of direction... It's a bit uncomfortable to be honest."

Obviously, the blindfold not only closes the vision, but also erases the perception of the environment, ensuring that the next path traveled cannot be remembered.

Put on a blindfold,

Buzz! Strong tinnitus and dizziness immediately swept through Yi Chen's body,

But he stood still, and his whole body was even in a normal state of relaxation, as if he had had such an experience before.

More importantly, such a blindfold is of no use to Yi Chen.

Now he can not only capture environmental conditions through the five normal senses, but also directly obtain environmental data by breathing the air. Even the physical status of several monks around him can be transmitted to the brain through the purple lungs.

It was also the first time for the leading monk to see someone wearing a blindfold without any reaction at all. He couldn't help but wonder if it was the effect of Yi Chen's half-metal prosthetic body.

After making sure that the two of them had put on their blindfolds, the chain door slowly opened.

"Hold the chains. It will take half an hour to walk to the physical examination station. After all, it's been a long time since we've had 'VIPs' like you come to our door."

Holding a chain growing out of the back of the leading monk, he formally entered the Monastery of Pain.


Every time you take a breath, you can instantly get detailed environmental data in your mind.

The corresponding thing in front of me turned out to be a complex maze structure.

The walls on both sides of the maze are exquisitely carved with various paintings of hellish aesthetics. Some paintings even reminded Yi Chen of the punishment in the orphanage.

However, as one mural after another was captured by Yi Chen,

He found that these paintings not only expressed the humanities and art of the monastery, but also contained important information related to the monastery.

For example, something that interests Yi Chen very much is "the origin of iron chains".

Judging from the content given in the mural,

The chain structure in a monk's body is not born with it, most of it is acquired. The source of these iron chains is not smelting, but comes from the individuals themselves, obtained by cultivating individuals.

Generally divided into two categories,

1. "Planting chains", there are plantations in many areas of the monastery.

Some low-level sinners suffering from metal-related diseases,

Or the pilgrim who failed to become a monk but voluntarily became an embryo,

Or the corpses of monks who died in battle,

They will all become the 'culture medium' of the plantation, and iron chains will be cultivated in these people through the unique cultivation method of the monastery.

Under special circumstances, the individual used as a culture medium will be completely integrated with the chain, and a self-aware "chain larvae" will be obtained, which is very precious and extremely rare.

2. "Self-cultivation"

Monks who have practiced in the monastery for a period of time will go to an exclusive plantation to bury themselves when the metal protein in their bodies reaches a certain limit and they are willing to do so.

Every day, a trainer will pour "water" for the monks.

Until the metal protein in the monk's body forms a complete iron chain under the guidance of self-awareness, this process is often tied to 'open source'.

"The acupuncture iron chain that William got was probably obtained through 'planting'. It is of high quality and combined with the plant disease that William originally suffered from. It has now been integrated into the skeleton structure.

William really should come to the monastery. It will be of great help to the growth of the body and the structural shaping of the Gestalt. 』

Through these murals, Yi Chen also had a general understanding of the monastery.

What is basically certain is that the type of chain determines the monk's position. After the monks reach different levels, open source or complete the path, the iron chains will also undergo corresponding qualitative changes.

In addition, individual monks will derive "special iron chains", which will give them a special status in the monastery. For example, Zion's special combat power-Doctor Asimov, each of his iron chains has a The structure of the scalpel.

Just when Yi Chen was immersed in the content presented by the mural, the body detection area arrived.

Nash was led to another separate room for separate testing.

"You can take off the blindfold!"

As the sound came, Yi Chen completely pulled out the needle inserted in his eyeball. In front of him was a cubic metal secret room with very dense pinholes on the wall.

The sound is transmitted through metal vibration,

“Since it has been detected that there is more than 50% loss of concept in your body, this test may aggravate your injuries.

Since you returned the important Hell Monk Card for us, we can waive your test after discussion. However, after you check in in the public area, a monk will conduct a one-to-one physical examination on you. "

"No, just check it out."

"Then please take off any metal devices that do not belong to you. The inspection will begin immediately."

As Yi Chen disconnected his spine on his own and let his upper body fall to the ground, slender steel needles began to drill out of the densely packed needle holes in the entire room. It was obvious that they were all going to pierce into Yi Chen's body, which was ten times more powerful than the Iron Maiden. needle punching density.

In fact, this mode of detection was no secret to Old World patients;

Most people know that this is a basic condition for visiting the monastery, which also leads to the fact that few outsiders are willing to go here.

Each needle inserted into the body will produce a strong pain sensation, thereby capturing the individual's physical information.

According to statistics from the monastery, about 79% of outsiders who visit for the first time will faint due to pain during the physical examination, and a large part of the remaining 21% will experience various physiological reactions.

But when these needles fell into Yi Chen's body, nothing happened. He just sat quietly on the ground, and even recalled the time when he was punished as a child.

As the steel needle vibrates at high frequency in the body,

The relevant physical values ​​are fed back to the [Information Cocoon Room] not far away, where thousands of iron chains are connected, and about every hundred iron chains will wrap around a white cocoon.

There is a slender arm extending out from the middle of each cocoon, close to the wall

The monk inside the cocoon will read the information based on the vibration, and then use his outstretched arm to carve words on the wall to convert the information into specific words.

As Yi Chen's physical information was engraved, it quickly attracted the attention of the entire information area, and even the supervisor here rushed over.

Since the body is more than 50% mutilated and has undergone relatively serious decay,

Yi Chen's physical attributes are all low, and he is very unsuitable for transformation into iron chains. According to his current physical condition, even putting the most basic iron chains into his body will cause the whole body to collapse.

But the strange thing is,

Although his body was as fragile as a candle in the wind, he got the highest score of [S+] in terms of potential evaluation. None of the monks present could get this score.

At the same time, I also got [S+] in pain tolerance.

There is another special point,

In the [visceral examination] column, there are a large number of signs of incomplete and missing organs.

However, the [Lungs] test clearly stated that the organs were intact, but no specific score could be obtained. It was just [? 】to replace.

The supervisor of the cocoon room decisively conveyed such special information to the depths of the monastery. A certain prison monk learned about it and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

"If such a person can regain the concept of losing his body, he will definitely become a top monk, and he can even try that ancient iron chain.

What a pity~ I don’t know what could hurt such a strong man like this.

But... why would such a person come all the way to our monastery? Is it because he wants to find a way to complete the concept? Maybe you can take advantage of this. "

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