The final gentleman

Chapter 790 The deepest part

"This white mist of death is only effective on flesh and blood for the time being. It will not corrode bones. Instead, it is still compatible with my bones... Is it limited to my bones, or does it have affinity for the bones of all living things?"

Yi Chen looked at his almost completely fleshless arm. All the bones were normal, and even some parts with bone fractures had been repaired. All the bones in the body seemed to have been maintained in such an environment.

in addition,

Although Yi Chen did not resist the invasion of white mist, he still used the "water of the Black Sea" to protect him with two special tissues.

One is the brain related to the origin of death,

One is the important purple lung. The surface of the entire lung is coated with a black film.

A minute passed, and Yi Chen, who had almost turned into a skeleton shape, squeezed his palms without feeling any discomfort, "There may be other reasons that allow me to maintain the bone state normally, and even feel no different from the normal state... It's really Strange ability to die."

Nash was completely transformed into a bone worm at this moment.

The dagger stored in its body can be clearly seen hanging between the skeletons.

It was also the first time that Nash had become like this. He was a little nervous and a little excited, "Wow! I can survive normally like this, and I don't feel any discomfort at all. On the contrary, I feel a lot lighter."

"Maybe it's the resonance between the death we have and the death that exists here... After all, Nash, you have also received the gift of the black ocean, and the dead makeup posture I am currently wearing can be shared with you."

"Resonance! Does that mean it's possible for us to have a good conversation with 'that guy'?"

"Not necessarily...if the other person is really mentally ill, it's entirely possible that he's moody. I've seen a lot of people like this before. One second he might be serving you tea and water, and the next second he's already munching on food. Your flesh and blood.

Be vigilant and be prepared for possible death.

And we still have a puzzle to crack. "


The 'problem' in Yi Chen's mouth was the "Endless" at the bottom of the ladder of sin. When he came here, he had already begun to exhale purple energy, trying his best to sense the situation of this passage and find the right direction.

There are only two directions of passages in the front and back directions, and you can't catch the end at all.

This is the first time since Yi Chen came to the "Stairway of Sin" that the breathing method cannot capture and understand the environmental conditions here.

From a simple observation, in the long passage, there are metal prison doors every few meters apart.

These doors were unlocked, and some were even in tatters. Inside were all small cubicles of less than ten square meters, equipped with rotten and smelly toilets and beds.

Yi Chen only took ten steps and stopped walking. He already sensed a sense of disobedience. If he kept walking, he might get lost and never get out.

Sitting cross-legged,

Erase the distracting thoughts in your mind and think, analyze and speculate seriously.

Without the help of William's epileptic brain, Yi Chen was able to remember every detail about the prison in his mind, and even recalled the earliest conversation with the 'Princess' Angelica.

According to the princess' explanation, the former leader, who went crazy due to the war, was imprisoned in "Endless", but such imprisonment still failed to stabilize the other party's mental state and even caused a great prison monk to be killed for some unknown reason.

The former leader who committed a serious crime was executed, and the entire endless area was sealed off.

The criminals captured later, no matter how serious their sins, can only be placed in the "emptiness" area or executed on the spot.

"These words are very contradictory. If the original leader is executed, there will be no need to seal off the "Endless" area.

Besides, is it really so easy to execute a being that cannot be completely killed even by extraterrestrial coalition forces?

Or maybe the warden, with the assistance of other great prison monks, really executed the former leader, and even used the best means that the entire monastery could come up with. It is really possible to kill this person. The most special plague knight in history.

Maybe they really did it, really "killed\

,"It caused this person to sink to a deeper level of death, wandering in "Endless" with a death posture that surpassed the past, and even caused the entire Endless Zone to change, surpassing the concept originally created by the warden, and becoming no longer able to be used by the monastery. control.

The entire endless area is completely out of control.

Therefore, the monastery sealed such an important bottom layer "Endless" instead of sealing the original leader alone.

"Endless" is no longer suitable for any prisoners, and has completely become another place of the dead besides the original tomb.

If you want to go deep and advance in a new endless area, you cannot adopt the thinking mode of a living person. Regular walking is just standing still.

To reach the deeper levels of the land of the dead, one must adopt the ‘way of the dead’. "

After coming to the inference, Yi Chen turned to look at Nash, who was looking around with a serious expression.

"Believe me? Nash."

"Of course I believe it, but you..."

Before the words fell,

Nash only felt that he had been put on the beheading platform, shua! With the knife raised and lowered, Yi Chen actually beheaded him, killing him completely without any defense.

The mimicry that maintained the lower body and the insect body wrapped around Yi Chen quickly collapsed.

Yi Chen didn't hesitate at all. He folded his arms behind his back, making a gesture of 'self-decapitation'! Kill with all your strength, without any distractions.


Head dropped, pupils dilated

Two skeletal corpses, one person and one insect, fell to the ground, lifeless.

After a while, the white mist that filled the passage gathered towards the corpse. When the white mist dissipated, the corpse disappeared without a trace.

Between illusions,

Yi Chen vaguely felt that there were more than ten babies made of white bones, dragging him down until he reached the deepest point.


Open your eyes again,

Yi Chen and Nash fell on a staircase at the same time, and this staircase was built against the wall.

The current space is a regular hexagonal patio, like a bottomless abyss, with stairs surrounding the six sides and going downwards to the deepest point.

The strange thing is that this place is obviously deeper, but the white mist is very thin, and it does not even have much strong corrosive effect on the flesh, so that the flesh of the two people has grown back again.

"The guess is correct, "Endless" has been completely controlled by the dead. The white mist above is thick just to resist the approach of outsiders. Only the dead like us can set foot on it.

It's time to wake up Nash! "

Following Yi Chen's call, Nash quickly activated his spirit and combined with it, quickly walked up the stairs leading to the bottom.

For some reason, walking on such a descending staircase actually feels like heading into the abyss.

Yi Chen no longer used breathing methods to detect the deepest situation, but just walked with resolute eyes and no distracting thoughts.

I don’t know how long I’ve been gone,

My body has become so accustomed to the act of "going down the stairs" that I almost forget about regular walking on flat ground.

tread! The steps you take no longer fall on the stairs, and the 'deepest point' is in front of you.

Yi Chen couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the situation here clearly.

On the six walls corresponding to the regular hexagonal abyss structure, the limbs, torso and head are fixed with holy nails with a threaded structure.

The holy nails penetrated the palms, knees, heart and eyebrows respectively.

During the long period of imprisonment, these all turned into bones.


When Yi Chen looked at the skull, he could clearly feel something white looking at him inside the deep eye sockets.

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