The final gentleman

Chapter 807 Balloon Smiley Face and Ticket

The red and black circus tent was fully unfolded on the top of the mountain closest to the leather factory.

The flesh-colored mist that surrounded the tent slowly dissipated, no longer restricting the visual level, and under the gaze of the bloody nobles, people began to walk out of the tent door.


Dozens of "balloon men" walked out of the tent door with funny footsteps.

They all wear colorful suits made up of pieces of cloth of different colors. The most special thing is their heads, which are replaced by rubber balloons of different colors.

The balloon head is similar to the clown sculpture on the top of the tent. It uses red paint to draw an exaggerated smile and black paint to draw spiral patterns.

They held various decorative props in their hands, such as hanging colorful neon string lights all over the tent to further enhance the eye-catching degree of the tent, or laying colorful striped carpets in front of the door.

They also carried several meters long arrow signboards and placed signboards every ten meters on the mountain road between the suture gate and the tent to prevent the bloody people who would come out of the leather factory to watch the performance from finding their way. .

Of course... the blood people will not miss the opportunity for these balloon people to go out.

An earl who was attending a party at the Green Manor volunteered to bring dozens of ordinary blood people down from Skinnang Mountain, preparing to capture these balloon men alive and infiltrate their minds to understand the specific situation inside the circus.

The earl was also very cautious. He used the secret method of blood plague from a distance of dozens of meters. The blood overflowing from his palm turned into multiple long whips and directly wrapped around a balloon man who was knocking on a wooden stake.

Who knows,

The count has not yet carried out blood invasion, or even touched the opponent's balloon head.

Snapped! The captured balloon man exploded directly, with such power that it actually destroyed all the structures of the secret technique he used.

The blood people around him didn't pay so much attention, and directly suppressed and captured the balloon man. The balloon man was blown up on the spot and the sky was filled with blood mist.

What’s even weirder is that as the balloon man explodes, a brand new balloon man will come out of the tent without any time interval, and even the colors match.

The count could only resort to other means,

Or pop out a blood needle that is thinner than a human hair and inject it into the body without any pain.

Or directly control the blood in the opponent's body from a distance,

Or turn the ground under the balloon man's feet into a blood pool, and then use the blood to completely suppress the opponent when he falls into the blood pool, and forcibly block the self-destruction.

But no matter which method is effective, as long as there are any external factors, the balloon man will explode instantly.

Moreover, the count also discovered one thing. These balloon men had no consciousness at all. They only acted according to some low-frequency sound waves emitted by the tent. Even if they were really invaded, they would not be able to get any effective information.

In desperation, I had to return.

Among the green manors,

Marquis Enwei expressed his attitude: "According to what Nast said, after these guys have set up the tent, they will directly arrange for a baron to go in and inquire about the situation.

The Baron's brain is jointly controlled by me and you, Nasté, to try to bring out effective information. "

As the balloon man completes the exterior decoration and street signs,

Immediately above the leather factory, a baron dressed as a nobleman flew down quickly and landed in front of the first sign at the foot of the mountain.

This person's name is Grote. He has a delicate face and fair skin that can be broken by blows. Even now, he carries cosmetics with him.

It had only been a month since he became a baron, and even his insect-like mouthparts had not yet completely converged. A large number of whiskers were fluttering between his teeth, and his tongue was still like a straw.

He was very excited to be 'appreciated' by the Marquis this time, and he was determined to complete this mission and bring them back the information in the circus.

When the time comes, I will definitely receive the gift from the Seventh Marquis. Maybe I can complete the open source and advance to Viscount in a short time.

Thinking of this, he walked towards the main entrance of the circus with his head held high and an elegant gait.

I didn't encounter any danger or mental impact along the way until I arrived at the entrance of the tent, which was hung with colorful string lights but the interior was dark and deep.

For some reason, Baron Grote could vaguely hear bursts of laughter coming from the depths of the tent. There were a lot of laughter, overlapping each other, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and couldn't wait to get in.

"calm! Then quickly enter it and evacuate immediately if there is danger! 』

The voice of Marquis Enwei suddenly sounded in Baron Grote's mind, instantly waking him up.

After shaking his head suddenly, he walked straight into the tent.

The moment the baron stepped into the tent and disappeared,

Whether it was the "blood of jealousy" left by Enwe in his mind or the Slaanesh tattoo left by Nast on his body, all connections were disconnected, and not even a single bit of information could be transmitted.

This surprised the two people as the Seventh Marquis, and their vigilance was greatly increased. Just as they started discussing, they were preparing to let a count-level being who had completed the path and was good at self-preservation and escape to explore,

Suddenly a man came out of the tent door,

It was Baron Grote who had just gone to the tent, but his current state was a bit 'strange'.

First, the blood and marks left by the two marquises in his body were removed.

In addition, his facial features had an indescribable sense of dissonance, as if they had been moved or turned over.

The most intuitive thing is his clothes. When he walked into the tent, he was still wearing normal noble service, but now when he walked out, he was wearing it backwards.

There was a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth,

What's even more strange is that he walked down the mountain in a "backward" manner until he came to the [sew gate] of the leather factory, and then kept hitting the surface of the gate with the back of his head.

Snapped! Snapped!

Until the back of the head was broken and blood flowed out, the blood seeping into the door quickly verified the identity and opened the way to the inside of the tannery.

Seeing such a scene,

Marquis Enwei would naturally not let such a weird guy enter the leather factory. If some unknown pathogen spreads among the blood people, it would be quite troublesome to deal with it.

Swish swish swish~

Tough blood vessels immediately sprouted from the ground, binding Grote's body to prevent him from entering the leather factory.

Not far away, Marquis Enwei arrived in person, with a translucent blood plague cover covering his body to avoid unexpected attacks.

Then he touched Baron Grote's body with the noble cane in his hand,

This made Marquis Enwei's expression change drastically.

"What's going on! This guy's body... has been turned over?"

The rod allowed Enwei's perception to spread into the Baron's body, and it was discovered that the position of every organ in his body was reversed. Even the organs themselves felt like they had been turned over, showing a very strange organ shape.

Even the inner wall of the intestine is turned outside, and excrement is transported outside.

The strangest thing is that there are a large number of tickets stuck to the surface of every organ in the Baron's body, including three VIP high-level tickets that are the same as Enwei's.

At this moment, Baron Grote, whose whole body was tangled with blood vessels, raised an uncomfortable smile and said, "Marquis Enwei, I say hello to you on behalf of the teacher!

I don't mean any harm, I just follow the teacher's instructions and issue tickets to you.

The circus is ready to accept us blood people. The teacher has carefully arranged the performance venue and looks forward to everyone's visit! Marquis Enwei quickly informed everyone to come over. Don’t keep the teacher waiting for too long!

Teacher, he will definitely open your eyes and make you extremely happy. "

"You are enslaved! Are you actually enslaving the blood people in front of me?"

Marquis Enwei looked unhappy and immediately invaded Baron Grote's brain with blood, trying to find his relevant memories in the tent.

Who knows, just touch the brain! The Baron's whole head expanded rapidly like a balloon, and his originally restrained smile also expanded crazily.


When the Baron's brain exploded, a vortex was formed directly at the explosion point. It did not blow up the surrounding objects, but absorbed all the surrounding materials within ten meters.

Although Marquis Enwei was not affected by the protective shield, his expression became even more ugly when he looked at the tickets scattered on the ground and the vortex of blood that was torn out of the ground.

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