The final gentleman

Chapter 826 Old Enemy

Regarding Art’s sudden exit,

The blood people sitting opposite were all furious. The other party's poor acting was obviously a provocation, as if to express that even if Art didn't need to play, the human in front of him could deal with the two marquises.

The emperor glared at Art with his twin eyes, glaring at this guy who treated the duel as child's play and had no respect for the blood people.

If it weren't for the soul contract signed before the game, the emperor would have directly killed this disgusting clown with his sword.

However, the two people on the court did not have much emotional changes.

Gluttony Gratoni's target was originally Zed, and the Joker's funny exit had nothing to do with him no matter what the intention. He just wanted to fight Zed at full strength and bring a perfect end to the last battle that failed to end normally.

Jealousy Enwei breathed a sigh of relief. He had roughly seen through the clown's true nature.

The structure of the "Human Ladder" designed in the opponent's body is beyond imagination. To kill this guy who is comparable to the Knight of the High Table and is the only controller of malignant tumors, it will cost too much to pay.

The other party's deliberate departure made him feel a lot more relaxed. After all, he didn't want to waste everything on a performance-based gamble. Enwei's goal was the upcoming new world.


The man in front of him who was tearing apart the blood coffin also made him frown slightly.

"While I was watching the battle, I had already carved a blood coffin in the "Thinking Blood Realm", and finally performed it with complete chanting, which was enough to completely imprison a king's being within 45 minutes.

It actually broke open in more than ten minutes. No wonder Gratoni valued this human being so much. He didn't stop for a moment during this period, only living in eating and training. 』

"Gratoni, should we work together to deal with this person, or do you want to decide the outcome with him alone?"

Gratoni just said calmly, "If he picks up that arm, we will work together to kill it quickly... If he doesn't pick it up, I will deal with it alone.

If I accidentally lose, please help me deal with it, Enwei. "



Just as the blood-colored coffin was completely broken after trapping Zedd for eighteen minutes, the huge fragments fell to the ground and quickly turned into blood and were taken back into Enwei's body, becoming younger.

Zed did not stop the blood from returning, but was just performing exaggerated preparation exercises. His eyes also caught a glimpse of Art's arm that was intentionally left on the field.

On the viewing platform, Art also held his mouth with both hands and shouted exaggeratedly:

"Mr. Zed! This is my original arm. It contains a bunch of strong men who were defeated by me in the old world and a special gift I left for you. It can perfectly fit your original corpse.

Hit them over the head with my hand!

I'm really sorry. My stomach hurts so much. I feel like I'm about to give birth to a baby. Please understand. If there is a next time, I will definitely cooperate with you. "

However, Zed didn't listen to Art's nonsense at all, nor did he think about it at all.

Whoosh~ I came to the arm in an instant, and looked at the arm that was still greeting him on the ground. It seemed that the arm had self-awareness, and it was just a kick to lift the leg!


Three circular waves of air swayed in the air,

Ouch! ! Art screamed in the audience, covered his broken arm and started jumping around comically.

The dust disperses,

His arm was inserted straight into the wall on the sidelines, sinking deeply into it, with only five fingers remaining outside. Although there were some fractures, the integrity was not destroyed.

This made Zed a little surprised. The kick he just kicked could completely turn his arm into powder, but his arm still maintained its integrity, which is enough to show that Art had prepared all this a long time ago. He had even decided to quit before the game. ' and the idea of ​​'holding a hand'.

In this case, he put his arm aside for now. Maybe he really needs to use it then. After all, he has to face two marquises. The marquis embedded on Gratoni's back may even have higher overall strength.

Who knows,

Just when Zed was thinking about how to fight one against two,

Grrrrrrrr~ all the blood vessels inserted into Gratoni's back were detached.

Marquis Enwei said with a smile,

"Although we blood people had a bad impression in the early days of the old world, we have been trying to change it now, trying to use the character of the nobles to suppress the bad qualities of the blood plague.

Nowadays, we will not take advantage of others’ danger.

Since Mr. Zed did not choose to accept the clown's gift, I will watch the next duel until you and Gratoni decide the winner. "

Upon seeing this, Zed responded with a very elegant gentlemanly salute, then took out two clips from his pockets and clamped the sleeves rolled up above his elbows.

Stretch your arms forward and lower your center of gravity, as if you are trying to engage in some kind of wrestling.

Gratoni opposite actually made a similar gesture and spoke at the same time:

"This day has finally come! Mr. Zed, how have you spent this year? Have you done any special training for me?"

Seeing that Zed didn't respond, Gratoni was very pleased: "You really don't like to talk anymore...or have you put all your "concentration" on me?

bring it on! "

The auxiliary mouth on the palm makes a quick bite and makes a tentative attack first.

Deep in the space that cannot be seen by the naked eye, a mouth that can swallow a whole person appears on the side of Zed's body. It opens a bloody mouth full of dense teeth and bites down a mouth full of blood plague.


The space split open and blood spilled out.

Zed's posture remained unchanged, and he still maintained his forward leaning motion with his center of gravity lowered. It seemed that he was not bitten at all. However, there were slight scratches on his right arm, and his wrist was also slightly rotated.

William and Art both stared and stopped joking.

There were only a few earls on the Blood People side, and the 'Seventh Marquis' could really see clearly what they had just done, which was very fast, simple but extremely pure.

"This human's movements...can be so detailed." The emperor couldn't help but praise him.

Just now, Zed just made one move to avoid biting.


When the swallowing mouth hidden in the depths of space is about to fall,

Zed's wrist rotated slightly, and with one super-fast slap, it was like a "small mouth" that directly swallowed up the space, slapped it out of position, and bit it somewhere else.

The main mouth of Gratoni's face could not help but open wide and sigh, "You guy!"

Zed's pale face covered with black cloth finally loosened, and a dry voice came from his throat,

"I recognize Mr. Gratoni's strength, and I also recognize you as my old enemy... After the Zion Incident, I walked out of my gym for the first time and went to find others to spar with.

Because I know very well that it is difficult for my body to break through the upper limit of hardness in a short period of time, and it is difficult to completely resist your bite.

We can only find other ways.

Unfortunately... there happens to be a space master in Zion, and he has a deep understanding of space. "

"Hahaha! Yes, this is what an old enemy should look like."

Immediately, Gratoni's blood was so high that all the mouths on his body had their tongues sticking out, and blood was seeping out from every corner of his mouth.

Two completely different melodies sounded at the same time,

A dark and low sound, accompanied by the sound of the corpse's joints cracking,

An excited and passionate sound, accompanied by the slapping sound of blood and flesh,

Two frames emerged at the same time,

Each of the auditoriums also raised a protective barrier to avoid being affected by the ensuing battle.

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