The final gentleman

Chapter 831 Viciousness and Dead Corpses

When Gratoni fell, he also swallowed Zedd's right arm whole, temporarily blocking the concept of his right arm so that it could not regenerate in the following battle.

Even though he admired Zedd very much, Zedd could never win this duel.

The battle between the two of them had just come to an end when an even stronger pressure swept over them, and a soft flesh-like film instantly covered the original corpse ground.

The entire field is filled with thick blood mist, and every breath you take will taste blood.

A "field" generated by the blood plague secret method is covered, covering the gray on the scene and suppressing the concept of "nothing".

At the same time, the blood mist in front of Zed suddenly condensed into more than a dozen slender arms,

Use palms, fingertips, back of hands, punches, etc. to hit different 'blood levels' on Zed's body.

Zed, who had just finished a high-intensity battle with Gratoni, had not had time to adjust. His body was hit more than ten times in a row. He flew directly to the sidelines and crashed into the wall.

Between the blood mist,

Enwei, who was given the name [Jealousy], floated out in a suspended posture half a meter above the ground. The posture he showed actually exuded wisps of divinity that did not belong to the old world.

Art, who was watching the battle, immediately became interested when he saw this gesture.

"I just said that this guy seems different... It's a pity that William, your friend is too powerful and won the first game~ Otherwise, I will definitely try my best to have fun with Marquis Enwei in this game. It's a pity~ It's a pity !”

"Jealousy, blood-brain, king's counselor..."

William read out several titles and looked at the "perfect body" floating out of the blood mist.

The flesh is woven with pure blood vessels, bright red and outlined with regular deep red lines.

The red hair is scattered,

The bleeding right foot was perpendicular to the ground, and the left foot was folded 90° at the knee joint and across the front of the right leg.

Put your palms together in front of you, with the staff hanging by your side.

The most special thing is the shape behind it. Dozens of thick blood vessels are slowly and slightly squirming behind it. At the end of each blood vessel, a blood-soaked palm emerges.

Each hand is holding different gestures, and it looks a bit like the "Thousand-Hand Guanyin".


Enwei has not changed his main image. He still has an old and decrepit body, and still has the hairstyle of a strong man. He can obviously rely on blood to nourish his body and regenerate his hair, but he does not do so.

It seems that he is obsessed with his true appearance.

The defeat of Gratoni made Marquis Enwe realize the danger and let him directly use his new trump card.

He has always been the one among the "Seven Marquises" who is least good at close combat and fighting alone. In ancient times, he has always hidden behind the army and used various secret techniques.

But with the defeat of the Blood People's army, there were not many corners for Enwei to hide, and his shortcomings were immediately highlighted.

Therefore, in the days after the war, Enwei, in addition to suppressing the bad nature caused by the blood epidemic, has been trying to find ways to make up for his "weaknesses".

And the posture he is showing now is the answer sheet he handed over after thousands of years in the new world.

In the arena,

Zed, who was hit in the front by several consecutive blows and crashed into the side wall, has climbed out again. ,

A large amount of blood spurted out from Zed's mouth, and there were even some strange scraps, pieces of meat, and even writhing blood worms.

There is no such thing as blood in corpses... These blood-related 'vomits' seem to be formed by the blow just now, and the blood plague penetrates into the body through external blows.

In other words, this is a "curse blow", and some kind of curse has fallen on Zed.

The battle with Gratoni had already pushed Zedd to his limit, his body was overloaded, and he even lost an arm.

The unsuspecting frontal attack and the invasion of the curse caused Zed's body to loosen, and the gray mood dissipated.


Continuous vomiting finally emptied the blood-red curse from the body temporarily.

An indescribable feeling of weakness swept through his body. In Zede's perception, multiple ghost images of Marquis Enwei floating in the blood mist even appeared.

At this time,

William's words rang in his ears,

Zed's face, which was covered by a black bandage, suddenly turned to his side. The "clown arm" that he kicked away happened to be inserted here, and he was even actively waving to him.

No time to think about anything,

Bloody arms may appear again at any time in the blood mist lingering around, and a special blood plague curse may be cast at any time.

Grab that weird clown arm,

Click! Resolutely bordering on the broken arm, the long-awaited malignant tumor contained in the clown's arm proliferated instantly and completed the grafting.

Both muscles and nerves are well integrated,

Art immediately trembled violently in the audience, his eyes kept rolling up and he looked extremely excited. Apparently he took this opportunity to feel the structure of Zede's body, and felt how powerful the gray body like a demon cave was, but also because of the high altitude. Intense fighting and full of holes.

"Ouch! Mr. Zed really used my arm... I thought he would still sneer at me even if he lost the battle.

By the way, before Mr. William Zed came on the stage, you seemed to have said something in his ear, right? Is it related to this matter? "

William smiled and put his arm on Art's shoulder,

"Of course it's relevant! I guessed that Art, you would definitely let it go. According to your character, you 100% want to lose this game, and then you can see me fighting against the emperor.

Of course, it would not be a good idea for you to withdraw directly, and you would definitely leave some means behind.

I told the teacher that you are a very trustworthy 'confidant' I have met recently. Although your appearance is not very good and your behavior is a bit strange, you are definitely a good person who can be trusted. This time at the door of the Blood People The collaborative performance was only possible because of you, Art.

I hope the teacher can accept the methods you left and strive to win the second game.

After all, I am still very afraid of Dadi. Even if Mr. Yi can really arrive on time, I still have no confidence... Anyway, the teacher has bought enough time, and our children are almost done.

The teacher can use this to win the second game, and then Art absorbs the teacher's body. When you and I reach the peak at the same time, we can successfully implement the final plan~ Isn't this better? "

Art also showed a rare joyful smile, "Hahaha~ William, you are indeed a person who can accomplish great things, even the teacher who worked hard to train you can completely betray you!

You are indeed my best friend. I like you more and more.

In this case, I really can't bear to watch the emperor kill you.

Well, let's see what Mr. Zed and I can achieve when combined, shall we? Was he swallowed by the malignant growth, or could he control this power for a short time and kill two marquises in a row? "

"Speaking of Art, how many tumors did you put in that arm?"

"Not much, half of me! After all, Mr. Zed is very strong. If the amount is too small, it will be difficult..."

inside the venue,

Enwei, who showed his complete body, was stunned.

Because the body in front of him was gone, and the entire field was covered with tumors.

A malignant mountain of flesh covered with countless human bodies and covered with tumors rose from the ground. As the border of the arm, Zed was completely crushed under the mountain.


Accompanied by a low roar like a corpse demon,

The entire tumor mountain was dyed gray from the root and compressed and recovered toward a certain point, and finally returned to the form of an arm, and Zed himself was revealed again.

Apparently, Zed used sheer perseverance and physical strength to temporarily curb the growth of his arms.

However, Zed's appearance is a little strange.

Although he used [None] to temporarily control this special malignant growth, the 'Joker Virus' hidden in his arm still affected him.

The first is that this brand-new right arm is significantly larger than his normal arm, about three times larger than his normal arm, and is completely dragged on the ground, with protruding humanoid smiley faces covering its surface.

Zed's back also bulged slightly, as if wings were about to grow.

The most obvious thing is his facial change, which actually showed a red smiling face similar to Art's.

There is also an extra tumor filament growing on the top of the head, forming a 'flesh ring' structure similar to an angel's halo.

Zed's half-smiling look made everyone in the room a little uneasy, but Art was the only one holding his stomach in excitement.

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