The final gentleman

Chapter 836 Qualifications for Challenge

When the hemiplegic William returned to his seat, Art beside him joked: "Hey! It seems you understand Mr. Yi very well~ Just let him take the initiative to face this monster recognized by the epidemic master in the old era."

"Mr. Yi's appearance here means that he will definitely play. I'm just going through the process to arouse Mr. Yi's fighting spirit."

Art held the back of his head with both hands and blew up a head balloon in his mouth, "William, who do you think will win?"

"Great Emperor~ After all, he is an existence that everyone knows about in the entire old world. Even the Lord of the Cancer Palace specifically warned me about this issue.

Mr. Yi has just recovered the missing concepts, and it is still difficult to compare with such a big man.

However, it doesn't matter whether we win or lose... We have bought enough time~ Art, are you ready to accept the "qualification"? Our children should be almost infiltrated, right? "

Seeing William telling this directly, Art was so frightened that he quickly raised his white-gloved fingers between his lips.

"Shh! Don't let the other party hear us. If they know that we are secretly infiltrating, they will evacuate the circus at all costs.

The more time you buy, the better. Make sure everything falls into place after the performance.

In addition, I personally still trust Mr. Yi, after all, he is the only new-age character who beheaded me, and he is more interesting now.

How about we make a bet? I bet on Mr. Yi, but you bet on the Emperor? "

William quickly waved his hand, "Gambling is harmful to health! Come and watch the show, Art~ Let us enjoy it. This kind of showdown may not happen once in hundreds of years."

Bloody People Observation Tower.

Gratoni also recognized this young man who looked almost similar to William, but his appearance and aura were completely different.

When he was in Zion, when he dueled with William, the other party showed this form of death, but the death now and the death before were completely different levels.

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be a 'twin body', and the separated deceased looked 'bottomless', and even Grattoni's mouth could not taste anything from the other party.

It wasn't just Gratoni who felt something was wrong;

Slaanesh Nast and Envy Enwe both felt a real sense of danger from the sudden arrival of this young man who was similar to William.

The dangers posed by the Ascended One Regan, the Undefinable Corpse Zed, and the Circus Clown are all different from those who participated previously.

If you want to choose the most dangerous opponent, it is the young man in front of you.

Enwei made an evaluation based on surface perception, "This kind of death...even if compared to the Death Plague Knights, it is difficult for anyone to compare with it. My blood perception was swallowed up before I even got close to it." However, such a death does not belong to the original tomb, and it is also somewhat different from the earliest leader of the Death Plague Knights.

Who is this person from?

And the parasite wrapped around him is not weak at all, even comparable to [Holynest Protozoa], and it also exudes a strange metallic aura.

Wait, metal! ? Could it be that? "

As the "Blood Brain", Enwei instantly connected every detail. All the characteristics of this young man can be related to the monastery.

"Has this guy been to the deepest part of the monastery and seen the deceased who was even more exaggerated than the emperor?

According to Gratoni, this person was not his opponent in the human organization a year ago. To be able to reach this level in a short period of time is probably to go to the lowest level of the monastery.


Wasn't the deceased who was imprisoned at the bottom of the monastery crazy?

If you go to the lowest level of the monastery, how will you appear here? Shouldn't he be locked up by the warden? "

A series of questions appeared in Enwei's mind, and he quickly gave up thinking. Next, he only needed to watch the duel between this person and the emperor, and the problem would be easily solved.

"In the entire old world, even the [Plague Lord] needs to use some means to block the emperor's sword. There are no more than three sick people of the same level who can block the sword.

There was no point in dodging in front of that sword. As long as it is any life related to blood, even if it abandons blood during subsequent growth, it still cannot escape the 'blood judgment'.

Only those who can block the most basic sword slash are qualified to challenge the emperor.

Can this person be stopped? "

Just when Marquis Enwei raised this question, the mysterious sword wrapped in crimson cloth was already in the hands of the emperor.

Cut out with one sword.

There was silence in the room, and everyone focused their attention on Yi Chen.

For now, every time the emperor swings his sword, a large amount of blood will spill out, and the target will be cut in half, even the continuous connective mountains outside the tannery.

In the audience, William had already combined Little Putao with his own vision to get the clearest picture. He wanted to see how Yi Chen would fight against this special artifact.

"Mr. Yi! Can you stop it? When I was beheaded just now, there was absolutely no way to stop the blood from spilling out. The emperor's blood has penetrated into the rules. Just swinging the sword will definitely cause bleeding."

on the field,

Faced with the severed crimson,

Even though Yi Chen had just realized a deeper level of death, even though he had rewritten the concept of physical body with death, even though he had reached the depths of the sea of ​​death,

You can still smell the strong smell of blood, and you can still see a wisp of crimson soaking into the deep sea.

This ray of bright red is not simply blood, but a blood army of millions of people. They are driven by the will of the Great Emperor and crush all enemies who dare to stand in front of the Great Emperor.

"He is worthy of being the pinnacle powerhouse of the old era. The Duke emphasized to me many times that it is no wonder that he became the old enemy of Senior Baron and was awarded the title of [Great Emperor]."

Drops of blood spilled out from Yi Chen's body. Just when he was about to be chopped open, his right hand suddenly reached into the mouth of the parasite on his shoulder and pulled out the thing inside!


The circus tent rooted deep in the subspace suddenly shook violently, and the tent seemed to be about to disintegrate.

A crashing sound that had never been heard before rippled through the circus.

People who don't cover their ears will have blood flowing out from their ear holes.

The sound of collision was like countless iron cavalry colliding against steel. Halberds, iron helmets, and bones all collided head-on with some kind of steel blocking the army to the maximum extent. All the sounds were superimposed and emitted together.

If you can analyze the layers of sound, you can even hear an epic feeling.

on the field,

Yi Chen slid backwards for a full hundred meters, his back pressed against the side wall, and his feet made exaggerated skid marks on the ground. The side wall on which his back rested also had several tiny cracks.

Tick ​​tick tick~

A little blood flowed out from the back of Yi Chen's hands, waist and abdomen,

But his body was not cut off,

A special iron chain was blocked in front of his chest. It was pulled tightly and straightened by Yi Chen's right hand. The other end of the chain was connected to the mouth of the parasite.

Only one section is exposed, and the true state of the chain cannot be seen clearly.


The blood people were all shocked. It had been a long time since there was anyone who could block the Emperor's sword!

Only when the emperor's expression remains unchanged, in his opinion, this is decent, this is the meaning of a duel, this is the junior that the old enemy should train.

However, the emperor was also a little puzzled by this iron chain that could block the sword's attack.

"What kind of chain is this? It can block my empire."

Yi Chen just responded calmly, "The iron chains of the monastery."

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