The final gentleman

Chapter 847 Origin

The advancement of patients is inseparable from the diseases in their bodies, and all changes in symptoms will be directly related to the Focus of Infection in the Old World.

It can even be said that every advancement of the patient is getting closer to the center of the disease.

This is particularly prominent in the path stage. The patient finds a [door] suitable for his or her disease and goes to a [transfer station] near the center of the lesion, where silver silencing and arrangement are performed.

The staff at the transit station serve the World Will directly.

The sick people who reach the silver circle at the same time are also called the old sick people, and are the real sick people recognized by the will of the world.

If a silver circle patient wants to advance further, the difficulty will be several times or dozens of times more difficult than the previous promotions put together.

Only the truly outstanding ones can gain the "qualification" to climb the steps connecting the core of the disease. Going to the end of the steps means reaching the deepest part of the world and the source of all diseases.

There, the patient will complete the final and most primitive "original gene" related to the origin of the world.

Physical diseases will be thoroughly developed as never before, and even gene expression will be obtained that can be controlled to a certain extent and affect the rules of the world. This is why the epidemic master cannot be shaken by local individuals.

Only the arrival of external forces can break the original pattern of epidemic masters.

The so-called "qualification" is not so much the qualification to become a plague master, but rather the qualification to complete the original gene.

Patients living in the old world regard this process of climbing the ladder to the core of the disease as the highest goal, thus naming it "The Final Ascent (The Final Ascent)"

At this moment,

Art Kramer, whose pupils were shining with golden light, was walking towards the deepest part of the world on the stairs made of the Blood Lord's remains.

Every step he takes is "down to earth". If you look closely at Art's soles, you will find that at least a thousand "believers" who have been absorbed by him maintain a lifting posture.

The road to ascent is not easy, especially for people like Art who are not recognized by the disease and are even recognized as carriers of malignant diseases. The repulsion they receive is considerable.

But Art had already been prepared.

From the time he was betrayed by his companions and from the time he was eliminated from the Cancer Palace, he made up his mind to establish a special organization, an organization that could compete with the so-called epidemic area.

He knows very well that new qualifications will not appear in the old world now, and he also knows that even if he does become qualified later, it will not be his turn.

Therefore, the only way to 'rob qualifications' can be taken,

Art's first step was to find the [Abyss] that should not exist in the old world, that is, the special organization created by the First Abyss - the "Circus of Fear."

After all, such a person was spurned by various epidemic areas, and the organization that hunted him was in line with his preferences, and the manifestations of diseases derived from the dark side of the old world, such as the First Abyss, were also very similar to his.

However, after getting along for a long time,

Art found that the extreme darkness corresponding to the abyss was not suitable for him. What he was after was not this darkness, but the lustrous flesh-red color of the tumor, the ruddy growth that could breed the whole world.

The unexpected invasion war brought a huge opportunity to Art.

With patience, strength and the infiltration of malignant tumors, he obtained the divinity of the outside world, and it was also a very rare divinity in heaven.

With this divinity, he can manage malignant tumors more easily and naturally, and even established a ladder system in his body to instill faith in the losers he absorbed, so that they can better serve him and become the old ones. The world's first being able to completely control malignant tumors.

Art is also getting closer to his ultimate goal.

He used his vacation at the circus to privately find malignant patients wandering in the old world, challenge them, win and absorb them, integrating all the scattered malignant tumors in the old world.

Even his title changed because of this,

The Last Malignancy-Art.Kramer (The Last Malignancy)

Just when he was about to try to break away from the circus, develop Smiley Face Clubs around the world and create his own clown circus, absorbing others and relying on quantitative changes to reach the level of the epidemic master.

A 'confidant' suddenly came to visit, it was William who was a colleague.

Informing Art of the important "Blood People Carrying the Coffin" information allowed Art to see a more secure opportunity, and he also made up his mind to achieve his ultimate goal in advance.


He finally stepped onto the ladder of ultimate ascent, no matter how difficult it was to cross, even if the remains of the Blood King instinctively stopped him, even if the disease in the old world didn't want him to get close.

Art also relies on his absolutely powerful obsession,

Relying on malignant tumors that are the source of cancer and cannot be controlled even in cancerous areas,

Relying on the divinity outside the territory and the system within the body,

Climb upward.

Finally, he reached the final stage, which also meant that the entire blood people system collapsed, and a new disease system would appear in the old world.


Art with yellow teeth came to the heart of the world and stood in front of the origin,

Different from the quasi-epidemic masters who have come here before, they are either respectful, cautious, or focused on accepting the original gene.

However, Art did not have any excitement, nervousness, seriousness, etc.

He was just laughing,

He smiled so comfortably, so unsuspectingly, so much that he almost forgot who he was and what he was doing, and so much that the whole lesion was overflowing with the clown virus created by Art.

Then a person appeared in his mind, a person who had reached out to him but was aloof.

"Ah~ My beloved Lord. In this way, we will be on equal footing... In the world from now on, there will only be two epidemic areas left, your Cancer Palace and mine.

All other inferior diseases are not qualified to be compared with us. "

Art didn't face the core of the world in front of him, he just took off his clothes very calmly and showed the [Swollen Cathedral] built inside his body.

The original gene, coveted by countless diseases and regarded as the ultimate goal, was sent to the church like a holy object, placed on the altar and perfectly accepted by Art.

this moment,

Ancient memories of golden color flooded into the brain.

The frame suspended above his head already showed traces of golden thread, which meant that Art was already a "quasi-epidemic master" who had obtained the origin gene.

His eyes continued to ooze golden liquid, and his mouth opened to its maximum extent, "That's it, hahaha! That's it, this is the answer I've been looking for~ Infinite, endless, infinite! There is no such thing as malignant tumor, I am The most perfect cancer!

My cancer gene has been completed, and I only need to hide it, complete the transcription and final expression, and then I will officially ascend the throne of the [Epidemic Lord], and I will spread and cover the entire old world. "

Art originally planned to make a final breakthrough at the center of the disease. After all, he had reached the peak of the Silver Circle, and the process of going from quasi-epidemic master to epidemic master could complete the 'golden transformation' in less than a few days.

Who knows,

Buzz! A burst of repulsive force pushed him out, pushing him out of the heart of the world.

"Ah~ Even if I have climbed the stairs, you still refuse to acknowledge me? What a despicable world... Fortunately, I set up a shelter in advance."

Art was very decisive and once again [self-destructed] deep in the world.

Although he was very interested in William during this period of contact and even had a crush on him many times, he gave up the 'child' body that he had shared with William.

But the betrayal of his childhood friend has long been imprinted in the depths of his soul. Art will never trust anyone again. Even if this opportunity goes smoothly from beginning to end and William's betrayal is completely invisible, he still only regards William as a person. 'Interesting person' or 'collaborator'.


A powerful explosion occurred deep in the world, even causing the transfer station to sound the alarm.

Due to the characteristics of the clown virus,

As long as there is any patient infected with the clown virus in the old world, Art will be perfectly regenerated, and his vitality has exceeded the 'boundaries' given by the Cancer Palace and the Fertility Forest.

There is a Smiley Face fan club base that is so remote that even collaborator William and deputy clown Catherine don't know about it.

A young man who was laughing suddenly began to swell, and church bells rang in his ears.

It transforms into Art's appearance in a few seconds, and the completion of the original gene brings faster "cancer cell metastasis".

With gold flowing in his eyes and a crown structure growing on his head, Art quickly opened the secret door leading to the depths of the cellar and walked up the circuitous stairs to the deepest, airtight chamber.


A match was slipped and ignited, simultaneously lighting a black cigarette between someone's lips.

Cross-shaped smoke rings are exhaled from the mouth,

"Art, congratulations~"

The firelight reflected half of the young man's slightly weathered but smiling face.

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