The final gentleman

Chapter 86 Ride

For this kind of support mission, you only need to arrive at the [Black Eye Stronghold], and you can get relevant information from the gentlemen stationed there who are involved in the incident in advance, without wasting time in the city.

Before leaving, Yi Chen had better go back to the college.

Inform his first mentor, Professor Chamberson, about this contact with Gethsemane and the mission situation.

After learning that Instructor Bailey was in charge of this matter, Chamberson didn't say much and only reminded one thing:

"Missions related to Gethsemane are often accompanied by a lot of killing. I don't have an orchard here, and I don't have time for you, William, to plant it to suppress the murderous malice in your heart.

I believe you will not be enslaved by killing and can find a balance. "

After bidding farewell to Professor Chamberson, Yi Chen immediately went to the prison deep in the teaching building to convey Bailey's words to Teacher Zed.

When he heard this name, Teacher Zed's body undulated slightly, and his words became less aggressive than before, and even became somewhat 'normal'.

"Bailey...she should be doing pretty well now, right? Her 'killing skills' are the best among our group of people. She just pays too much attention to some unnecessary details, otherwise she should be better than me."

"Well, she's currently serving as an instructor in Gethsemane."

"Training an executioner? That suits her quite well."

For a moment, Zed seemed to recall some past events, but was quickly suppressed. He stuck out his tongue and began to teach his most admired student.

“I didn’t expect that you would be exposed to the task of being an executioner so soon.

By then, a large number of killings will be inevitable.

You must not reject the torn internal organs and splashing blood, they are just another way of displaying the flesh.

You are just helping those self-deprecating people to show their "inner beauty". They will often be full of gratitude to you after seeing their true beauty.

to observe this process,

to enjoy the process,

To savor the process.

Slowly transform the killing into an inner feeling, and finally turn around to appreciate yourself... This will help you understand your own body better.

I once did nothing, just observed the structure of the corpse, and my physical fitness level increased a bit.

I believe you will be able to gain something with your talent.

Don’t even think about this bullshit ‘addicted to killing’ theory... just do what you think is right. "


"Go ahead, remember to kill a few more, and don't embarrass me, the former [chief surgeon]."

Yi Chen spent half a day preparing various supplies and medicines.

Tie up your hair and put up your collar,

Adjust armbands and ties,

Adjust the waistband of your trousers and polish your leather shoes,

The crow kerosene lamp hangs on the waist,

Take the black suitcase with the forge mark,

Going to the carriage gathering point at the gate of Zion City, the mission arranged by Gethsemane does not have any supporting services, and you need to find a way to get to the mission location yourself.

Jin has already ordered a special carriage here and has been waiting impatiently for a long time.

"You are so slow..."

"I'm really sorry that I was delayed a little in the academy. Jin, is the carriage you rented expensive?"

Yi Chen was a little surprised by the luxurious carriage in front of him, with various dark metal decorative lines, and the overall sense of concealment.

There are also three improved black horses responsible for pulling. The feather-like muscle distribution on the middle horse can be clearly seen, and it feels like it can take off directly.


The carriage space is much larger than the carriage for four people when I went to Twilight Clinic last time.

Open the door and take a look,

There are actually two soft beds inside.

There is also an adjustable kerosene lamp with hollow clover carvings hanging from the top to provide lighting for the carriage.

"It's a little more expensive, but the organization will reimburse part of it. For the rest, as long as we complete the task well, the silver coins we get as rewards are more than enough.

You should enjoy yourself when you are born in this world.

We could die at any time, and it would be boring to think about money.

Come on up~ The destination is a bit far away. We won’t arrive until tomorrow morning even if we set off now. "


The luxury carriage quickly drove out of Zion City Gate, carrying the two of them towards the [Black Eyes Stronghold] in Jose Valley.

The cabin uses special insulation materials and is equipped with the highest-grade buffer devices. Even if the wheels run over steep cliffs, you can hardly feel any vibration, and the interior is quite quiet.

Yi Chen sat upright by the window as he usually does when sitting in a car.

Jin had taken off his leather shoes and coat and was lying on the bed.

He even unbuttoned his belt, took off his entire pair of trousers, and hung them together with his jacket on the matching hanger in the carriage.

Two slender legs that were not fair, but were of exactly the right length and proportions, instantly ran into Yi Chen's field of vision, and the latter avoided them as much as possible.

There is something strange,

Even Kim seemed very casual, treating the carriage as her bedroom.

But she still wore the colorful mask and had no intention of taking it off.

Perhaps there is a very special reason why a certain facial organ was permanently stripped off like Zed.

Naturally, Yi Chen didn't ask much about this kind of thing.

at this time,

Jin, who was already lying down, suddenly sat up cross-legged.

"I seemed to have slept a little longer yesterday, and now I can't sleep at all... Hey~ William, how about telling me about your last mission experience or your anecdotes in the academy?"

Yi Chen originally wanted to refuse,

But thinking that he was riding in such an expensive carriage for nothing, he finally agreed to Jin's request and talked a little about the process of recovering the secret medicine.

Naturally, there are secrets about the clinic that cannot be revealed.

"Wow! Did you kill the seriously ill gentleman... Those guys named Edmund are also quite powerful! Let me meet them next time I have a chance. Maybe we can become good friends.

and after? finished? "

When Yi Chen talked about how Yuehen was operating behind the scenes and met Yuehen himself,

Jin, who was originally sitting on his bed, jumped over excitedly when he heard the word open source.

He instantly suppressed Yi Chen's limbs and controlled him on the bed.

The mask stuck to his body and kept sniffing, trying to smell the smell of Kaiyuan.

"The task given by the Gentlemen's Hall actually allows you to come into contact with open source patients? How exciting!"

"It's just a small probability event that happened to me."

Jin seemed to smell a special smell and waved his fingers in front of Yi Chen:

"Not necessarily~ It may be a minor incident to others, but William, you do exude a special smell.

Although I can't tell what [the smell] is, I can understand this smell as the subtle feeling when meeting for the first time.

It was this smell that made me interested when I first met you, completely different from other boring guys.

The open source patient may have smelled this smell before he showed up...

If that's the case, with William's special scent, you might be able to quickly draw out the powerful guy hiding behind. "

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