The final gentleman

Chapter 858 Lesions

The lowest level of the Tenth Abyss.

At the deepest part of the swollen cathedral, with golden liquid flowing all over his body, the word "epilepsy" was gradually carved on him.

Even if Art actively chooses to face this epilepsy, the carving process is still very difficult and slow.

After all, once the carving is completed, all cancer cells will lose the absolute freedom they once had, and the tumor emperor's divinity will also be deprived of his initiative.

The most basic fragment of the gene in Art's body is trying to synthesize proteins as much as possible to prevent this process.

The communication between William and Art seems to be 'friendly', but it is limited to using friendly words.

In essence, this is education, and it is William's face-to-face, one-on-one professional education.

No matter how you try to beautify this process, it is also the ‘punishment’ imposed by the winner on the loser.

William transformed himself into a sculptor and personally sculpted the walls in the church that were bursting with fluid and sprouting tentacles at any time.

When the final carving was completed, the church bells tolled.

The ongoing 'self-destruction process' was forcibly withdrawn by a binding force from the spiritual level, and the fireworks that were supposed to bloom at the bottom of the abyss came to an abrupt end.

William's epileptic brain immediately received a series of extremely important information reminders.

≮The education is a great success, it is detected that special students are entering relevant identities and conducting personal assessment≯

The basic information has been entered into the Admission Brain Network and is displayed as follows:

【basic situation】

Name: Art Kramer

Age: 8207 years old

Height: Due to the characteristics of the disease, the height can vary freely. The most common height is 178cm.

Disease level: Quasi-pandemic owner (qualified)

Entrance evaluation: SSS (the highest level), because this student is the only existence in the entire old world that can effectively control malignant tumors, and is also the last malignant tumor under the restrictions of the old world rules. At the same time, he combines extraterritorial divinity with malignant tumors. It is only a matter of time before a brand-new product becomes the master of the epidemic.

≮Please select the education mode for this new student≯

1. Further education and training

2. Ordinary cultivation

3. Tasting training

There are only five places for the first type of further education, and Zhu Ou has occupied one. He has made rapid progress in a short period of time and has a certain degree of epileptic thinking, which can accelerate the learning of knowledge. At the same time, he can get in touch with the teacher at any time to discuss some knowledge difficulties. .

The second type of ordinary training is naturally the most common student training model, open management, allowing students to stay in their original power or travel around the world to study independently.

The third type is a pattern inherent in the genes of epilepsy, which is different from William's view on education. This kind of cultivation will completely absorb the students' brains and turn them into the teacher's own nutrition.

Of course, today's William has been optimized above the conventional one, enabling a more gentlemanly and efficient tasting.

That is to say, students’ personality, thinking, memory, related abilities, etc. are all used for their own purposes through tasting the brain.

Art Kramer is a very dangerous individual.

Even if William uses "chat" that speaks directly to his heart to make Art willing to be educated, there are still risks. The fact that the so-called "Joker Virus" has been thoroughly studied is just William's bluff.

That kind of thing is still sealed in the deepest part of the Lunar Clinic, and it can only barely obtain some virus targeting information to locate other infected people.

The "Joker Virus" is a companion disease that was accidentally born by Art in his extremely crazy state after thousands of years of iterations based on malignant tumors. In William's opinion, it is of extraordinary value.

Naturally, William would not completely retain such a dangerous figure and combine it with himself, otherwise he might be accidentally attacked by Art and capsize.

Except for Yi Chen, he would never let anyone else perfectly integrate with him.


Although he made a verbal promise to retain Art's consciousness, he would never retain his physical body... Even his consciousness was strictly controlled by education and was not perfect.

What William really needs is Art's "tumor" and the "evil" in his soul.

The former is used to realize the completion plan on its own, using the 'infinity' of [Tumor] to fill its own empty and perfect body, becoming a "Gestalt" in the true sense.

The latter is the stepping stone used to contact those malicious condensations hidden deep in the main material plane.

The consciousnesses of William and Art danced freely in the library,

But the body under the abyss began to "taste". Even though Art's body was weak, even though he had just been suppressed from the edge of self-destruction,

But his essence has not changed, he is still the final malignant tumor.

As the golden lines flowed into William's missing concept of the right eye, the seeds that had been sown in advance quickly sprouted and grew, and a brand new right eye was born to complete the missing concept of [right eye].

Not only that,

These golden lines gradually spread throughout the body, outlining every corner of the body.

The Gestalt body designed by William during the silver period was traced and filled, and the so-called vacancies were gradually filled by malignant tumors.

the most important is,

As Art in front of him was completely absorbed from body to soul, a "concept" that was invisible to the naked eye was also transferred from Art to William.

A "qualification" was transferred twice in one day, which is unprecedented in the development of the entire old world.

The crazy dance ends here,

William's consciousness, which was dancing with Art, was transferred directly from the library to the depths of the world, and began to carry out the ultimate dream of all patients - [Ultimate Ascension].

However, he did not work as hard as Art, and the efficiency and speed of his ascent were all improved based on Art.

The lowest level of the tenth abyss,

All the 'students' who were Abyss people and had dark characteristics who were sent here by William have all arrived under the call of the Tenth Abyss, thousands of them.

They formed a multi-layered circle around William, lifted up the skull, and 'thrown' a cranial nerve out to connect to William's epileptic brain, conducting their "graduation exam."

All the knowledge that they had studied in the abyss for so long was poured into the teacher for review.

The seemingly insurmountable steps in front of William were soon covered with a layer of students' "brain pads", making them smooth, comfortable, relaxed and comfortable.

In the process of ultimate ascent,

The galactic epilepsy brain at the core of William's illness also began to gradually grow larger and became more unstable, like a star that was about to end its lifespan.

For this reason, William also opened the entire skull to let the brain float out and gain a more relaxed space.

"Is this the feeling of the ultimate ascent? With Art's memory, the students' foreshadowing, and the final completed Gestalt body, it's really going very smoothly.

I don’t know what the scenery will be like at the end, and I don’t know if the disease will recognize me as the new epidemic master. "

As William stepped over the final step covered by a brain pad, his body also disappeared from the Tenth Abyss... just like when he first arrived at the Tenth Abyss and disappeared after finding the door to the way.

Come to the center of the old world, the core of the disease.

It is the center where neurons are connected throughout the world and is the origin of all diseases.

William deliberately did not pry into the memory of this area in Art's head, just to witness it with his own eyes.

The scene before him did not disappoint him.

"Is this the origin of all epidemics? The first epidemic actually expressed the properties of liquid gold..."

The center of the lesion was not that big, like a closed mountain cave.

There are living tissues like stalactites hanging from the surrounding walls, constantly secreting golden liquid.

The liquid flows downward due to the sloping ground, and finally gathers in a pool in the center.

There is a person suspended above the pond, or a pure gold "biological template".


But with human body structure,

However, his torso shows a dynamic DNA helix structure, rotating at a constant speed.

It seems that the "original gene" that unlocks the ultimate potential of the disease can be obtained in the body of this template, and William is also the first lunatic to come here.

As William approached the biological template, his vision changed many times with distance and angle, and he felt like he saw all the sick people in the old world, and even some sick species that he had never seen before.

As he approached the edge of the golden pool,

The so-called 'template' opened his one eye from his face and carefully observed the special visitor in front of him.

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