The final gentleman

Chapter 862 Parting ways (end of this volume)

The moment before William disappeared through the dream tunnel opened by Catherine, and when William said his last message, Yi Chen suddenly fell into the memories of the past.

Recalling that he had been imprisoned in the aquarium by William's main consciousness at first, sealed in the deepest part, the [Aquarium] and [Library] were separated by a secret passage with seven seals.

Until one day, William suddenly became proactive and took the initiative to go to the quite dangerous aquarium. Through the glass, he started chatting with Yi Chen, who was imprisoned in the deepest part, and gradually became familiar with him.

After getting acquainted with each other, he gradually released Yi Chen from his confinement, and even took the initiative to let Yi Chen walk out of the aquarium.

After the two had cooperated in the body for many times, William took advantage of the [Silver Turbidity] to specially carve out a 'second body' in the back area for Yi Chen to use.

Yi Chen also helped cover his eyes when wearing the Abyss Mask, and the relationship between the two became increasingly close, even like brothers.


Yi Chen did not miss this memory, nor was he reluctant to leave William, but suddenly discovered some "points" that were difficult to notice from these "intimate memories".

Especially after William joined the circus, every time he communicated with Yi Chen in the Hall of Thought, he would unconsciously imitate the other person's behavior and demeanor changes, imitating the evil brought by Yi Chen from the orphanage as the main material level. Facing the evil of [the death row prisoner].

He even vaguely remembered that sometimes William would disappear after giving control of his body to Yi Chen.

It seemed that he was going to the deepest part of the aquarium to do some unknown things... Even when his consciousness was changing, William was still wet all over.

It seemed that William had secretly slept in Yi Chen's coffin buried in the deepest part of the aquarium.

"Did William, through imitating me, stealing memories and frequent exchanges of ideas, take away part of the malice in me?" Seal it in the library of his main consciousness to improve his performance and gain Art's trust?

No wonder I feel like I'm not quite what I used to be, and my whole person is a lot "sunny". I thought it was because of the changes in my mentality brought about by traveling through the world and being exposed to the new world.

This guy really does whatever it takes to achieve his goal. 』

Black hair had spread across the theater, and Yi Chen used the last moment to ask the giant-like being sitting in front of him.

"Warden, what are your plans next?"

"What other arrangements are there? Art, the most wanted criminal, was successfully intercepted and executed by William before he became the master of the disease. According to the rules, he should be rewarded by the disease.

But now that he is ready to leave this world, you, who is his "twin", should be able to receive this reward on his behalf.

I have to say that your friend William is unparalleled in terms of [brain] attainments. If there is such a commotion, it will be difficult for the host at the scene to take action against the circus.

Let's go~ You probably don't want your skin to be seen by the factory director. "

"Thank you Warden."

The butcher's chain behind the warden directly tore a passage inside False Moon, leading Yi Chen and the 'Princess' Angelica who was receiving treatment in the clinic to leave together.

It should be mentioned that William's departure only took with him the theater and the candle puppets who were further educated and trained, but not the other recruited actors.

The two most important partners in the past, "Little Grape" and "Huangpi", both stayed in the old world.

Yi Chen, who is currently leaving with the warden, is sitting on the shoulder of Little Grape, with his small black hand on his chin, and the eyes in his mouth are slightly drooped on the tip of his tongue.

It bids farewell to William before performing its final performance of 'Dead Sun'.

William also urged him to follow Yi Chen after the performance, because the place where William was going next was not suitable for a kind-hearted person like Little Putao.

As for yellow skin,

He once signed a contract with William to take back the leather factory within five hundred years, because William and Yi Chen were originally one.

After William leaves, this contract can also take effect on Yi Chen, and it doesn't need to worry about anything.

Huang Pi also said goodbye in advance and agreed with William's path of no longer becoming a "factory director".

Even during the period of following William, Huang Pi's temperament and vision have changed. When he saw the outside world, Huang Pi's mind was no longer bound by the tannery, and his strong obsession with winning the tannery was diluted.

There was even a moment when it completely abandoned its essence as a product of the leather factory and its desire to control the leather factory, and wanted to see the outside world with William.

But in the end, I still couldn't say it.

However, Huang Pi also quickly figured out that when he took back the leather factory and became the epidemic master, he would also have the capital to see the outside world, and it would not be too late to join William at that time.

During this period, it has been watching Yi Chen's performance, and has long since recognized this young man who looks similar to William from the bottom of his heart.

Deep in the false moon.

As the entire theater was moved and disappeared,

After the boss picked up the letter left by William and read it quickly, even though his expression was still ugly, the negative emotions in his heart were quickly passing away.

The three chiefs stayed with the boss throughout the whole process.

The performance of Magician Jahn and Mr. Rabbit just now was noticed by others, especially the Emperor, whose eyes lit up. He did not expect that there was such a powerful existence under the Plague Lord.

The boss's attitude towards William is also changing the Lord's concept, and he has no intention of taking action.

"Boss, what did William write?"

Chief trainer Zoke asked. He was the only chief who did not take action just now, because he believed that his brother would never betray the circus, and he was also eager to know William's true attitude.

The boss did not respond, but whispered:

"Go back first."

Just when everyone was about to leave, the Duke's voice came again:

"The First Abyss's style of doing things is so upright. No one here is hostile to you now. Why don't you wait a moment and let me say something important, something closely related to the world."

"Speak quickly, Duke."

"Ahem!" The Duke cleared his throat and raised his voice, spreading it throughout the false moon area. "The crescent moon that controls the origin of this false moon. Since we are here, let's show our true identity and talk about it together."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Lorian immediately descended with a beam of light, followed by dentist Jessica. The latter's teeth were all creaking when she saw the First Abyss and the two plague lords.

"Duke!" Lorian still respected the Duke's attitude and bowed as soon as he appeared.

Everyone present also looked at Lorian, and felt a power from him that did not belong to the old world, a chaotic energy, which was not at all the same type of person as the former Silver Moon Queen.


William's performance not only made him the master of the epidemic, but also eliminated the biggest source of evil in the old world... and also accelerated the operation of the entire world.

I have spent a lot of money to make a deal with the future a month ago, and soon the gods from the outside world will come to us. "

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone present changed.

"Don't be nervous, their arrival this time is not to start a war, but to be friendly, and they may even give us some compensation for the war.

Regarding the [evil] matter, William informed the world during his performance half a year ago. I personally encourage everyone to put aside their grudges for the time being and focus on the real threat.

Everyone present is the overlord or core pillar of the old world. I hope you can spend more time thinking about this matter. The outside world may bring more development directions to the epidemic. "

The Lord asked with disdain: "Duke, in the face of the arrival of enemies, do you still choose to live in harmony?"

“No…I just remind everyone to focus on the overall situation and think more.

Of course, if these guys are still as aloof as before, I wouldn't mind letting them see the diversity of life.

When the time comes, if your Lord wants to mobilize troops, I will definitely provide you with the best war supplies. "

"Hmm...when will it arrive?"

"It won't take long, just be prepared."

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