The final gentleman

Chapter 875 Looking for William

Boom, boom, boom!

Yi Chen took the elevator to the 20th floor, which was the door of the guest room where Lorian was located. Since he had contacted him through his watch in advance, the door was already unlocked.

After knocking on the door for a while, he pushed the door open and walked in.

The scene in the house made Yi Chen feel a little bit indifferent, but his eyes still stayed firmly on Lorian.

With only a bath towel tied around his waist, Lorian, whose mermaid line was exposed, was lying on the sofa. Surrounded by a group of nurses with blood crosses were checking his physical condition, and there were even two people cleaning him with tools similar to toothbrushes. The red moon horn represents chaos.

"Is there information about William again so soon?"

Yi Chen did not respond, but directly threw the note he just found under the carpet at the door.

"1910... I just came to this world and know nothing about it~ How do I know what this string of numbers means? Does Mr. Yi have any guesses?"

Yi Chen touched the metal bracelet he was wearing and used his SSS-level recruit authority to call up a virtual world with the corresponding number Serial-1910.

This virtual world is very special. It was created no more than five hundred years ago. It is one of the last batch of worlds created and is close to the main material plane.

Even though most of the pseudo-world in the lower plane has been swallowed up by evil, this world still barely exists. However, even the newly created world, even if it is close to the main material plane, has a malicious value of 51%.

Worlds between 40 and 60% cannot be entered at will, and the relevant world application needs to be filled out.

Yi Chen said frankly, "It is very likely that it refers to this world. William may be watching us secretly."

Lorian dismissed it, "It's you I'm paying attention to~ I didn't receive any note."

"Want to come? Lorien."

"Come on, why don't you come~ I will respond positively to anything related to William. I want to see what conspiracy he is playing... Do you want to leave now?"

"Yes, the recruitment of the disease has ended. We will go directly to join Tianzun. Since the malice value of this world is already greater than 40%, we must need the guarantee of that old guy if we want to go there."

"Let's go."

With a wave of his hand, Lorien realized the perfect switch between the silver suit and the bath towel.

Relying on the effect of respiratory synchronization, Yi Chen naturally 'encountered' Jin Lung Tianzun and the five diseased personnel selected by the first draft on the way to the [Inspection Building].


When a person in the crowd saw Yi Chen's face, he immediately called out William's name and left the group on his own.

However, when she got closer, she discovered that this William was not that William.

"You are...the person in William's body...I heard the Lord talking about you! Mr. Yi, right?"

This person is none other than [Kim Almeida] whom I haven’t seen for a long time.

She was studying in the Cancer Palace, but the Lord personally visited the recruitment site and saw Yi Chen's performance and the other epidemic areas who were eager to try, so he directly called her to participate.

Jin's status is special, which is equivalent to replacing the cancer palace in advance to contact external forces. If there is a chance, he can even bury some cancer cells outside.

Today’s gold is no longer what it used to be.

Not only did he win the seat of the High Table Knight through a head-on challenge a year ago, but he also won an overwhelming victory in the recruitment process, which earned the Lord a lot of face.

The red lotus birthmark is still there at the corner of the eye, and the flesh-red single ponytail is tied at the back of the head.

This time she came here and specially changed into the organization's clothes. The upper body corresponded to a white shirt and a dark red leather vest, and the lower body was very close-fitting leather shorts and boots. The almost perfect slender legs were exposed between the trouser legs and boots. type.

Jin's already flamboyant and open character has been further amplified by her life in the Cancer Palace in the past few years. Now she ran directly in front of Yi Chen and sniffed,

"Sure enough, there is something like William... If my guess is correct, you and Lorian are planning to find traces of William together? Can you add me as well?

By the way, bring Reagan and Miss Faye with you~ Me, Reagan, and William used to be on the same team. "

Reagan was included in the recruiting team that came this time.

Yi Chen was more interested in Reagan than Jin, and knew that he had achieved some kind of ascension beyond the epidemic, and was currently mixed among the team and out of tune with the others.

I thought Reagan would stay in the hospital and live a happy life with Faye, but he didn't expect that he would come here as the first batch of military recruits.

It is estimated that Reagan has already recognized the threat of [evil] and knows that if he wants to live a stable life, he must eliminate the danger.

At King's wave, Reagan followed.

Reagan, in his all-metal posture, seemed to have figured out everyone's purpose, and said directly, "Let's act together after Jin and I complete the test of new recruits. My technological field should provide more convenience and find William faster." traces."

Jin waved his hand and returned to the team, "You two wait here!"

In addition to Jin and Regan, the other three in the team are the existences of the 'under the king', but Yi Chen has never seen them.

What makes Yi Chen feel a little pity is that the strong men of the circus, the Blood Emperor and his master White Death have not come, and Zed on the human side may consider the development of the organization. Since Reagan has already gone to the organization, he will There is no more space to occupy.

When everyone went to the checkpoint, Yi Chen also found Jin Lung Tianzun again.

The latter also looked confused when he saw Yi Chen, "Didn't my incarnation just finish chatting with you?"

Yi Chen didn't explain too much and asked directly: "Can the 1910 virtual world arrange for us to go there?"

"The malicious value of 51% has exceeded the normal safety range~ You need to fill out an application, and you recruits will basically not be able to get through.

Why do you suddenly want to go to this place? Give me a reason to convince you, and I will go through all the procedures for you directly. "

"William might be out there."

"……you sure?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but it's possible."

Jin Lung Tianzun nodded after thinking for a while, "Okay, I will handle the procedures for you, but there is one thing that needs to be agreed in advance! The manifestations of evil are various literary carriers, but the influence of evil is everywhere. Once you If you go to this world where the malicious value exceeds the minimum limit, even if you only go there for ten seconds, you will be tested when you come back.

If it is confirmed that you are being malignantly influenced, or even completely enslaved, you will be directly executed. "


Exhaling in one breath, Jin Lung Tianzun stepped on the golden breath he exhaled and escaped. It didn't take long to bring the temporary team's dispatch documents.

In the form of Jin Lung Tianzun's personal guarantee, four people are allowed to go to this world to conduct a malicious investigation, and the time cannot exceed three days.

After both Jin and Reagan put on metal bracelets, they came to the plane gate at the edge of the city again.

The document was pasted on the door to complete the verification, and the portal leading to the virtual world 1910 was temporarily opened. Just the portal presented in front of me gave me an indescribable sense of danger.

"Mr. Yi and Mr. Lorian both have experience in dealing with malignant carriers, so I won't give you any more advice. You must be careful about items in this world that can be used as 'carriers'.

Of course, in a world with a malicious value exceeding 40%, some malignant projections will also appear directly.

Hope to see you return safely in three days. "

Yi Chen was the first to walk in, and everyone else quickly followed.

Since this world is very close to the main material plane, there is no sense of shuttle when going to the lesion. In just an instant, the four people have completed the crossing of the world.

This side of the world corresponds to late night,

The settings of the virtual world are basically the same, and it is very similar to Yi Chen's world during his lifetime.

The location where the four people appeared was a bus stop, and there were even Chinese characters that Yi Chen was most familiar with written on it.

The moonlight was completely blocked, and the only light that could provide illumination was the lights on the platform.

Unfortunately, a night bus came slowly. The door was opened right towards Yi Chen and the entire carriage was empty.

"Go up and have a look."

Yi Chen's intuition made him choose to enter this bus, and the other people quickly followed suit, just when everyone randomly chose a seat and took their seats.

A sound of footsteps came from the car door.

There was actually a fifth person getting on the bus.

You know, Yi Chen and others have observed the platform, and there is no one else but them.

The person who stepped into the car was an old woman wrapped in black clothes and wearing pale makeup. She even had black flowers in her hair, as if she had just come out of a funeral, but there was no trace of sadness on her face.

The old woman deliberately chose a middle position closest to the four people.

Then he said in a strange and high-pitched voice,

"It's late at night, do you want to hear a story? Ever since the city's curfew was enacted, it's been a long time since I met such a lovely young man like you at this late hour."

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