The final gentleman

Chapter 882 Malicious Infiltration

[Evil] Wanting to fully penetrate a world is actually not that simple.

Just like the old world where the patient lives, there is "world consciousness", which is the heart of the disease.

There are even many organizations that serve world consciousness, such as the [Pain Monastery] on the surface of the world or the housekeeping team hidden inside the world that is responsible for opening up pathways and promoting patients.

As long as world consciousness exists, the world will not be destroyed so easily.

Even when the evil sun fell, the rules were blocked, and the authority to reproduce was completely stripped away, the center of the disease could still drive the world to wander among the planes, looking for worlds with similar attributes and similar species to parasitize to ensure survival and ensure the cure of the disease. Diversity and the ability to evolve.

[Desire for survival] can be used to describe the self-preservation ability of world consciousness. Once the world is violated, this ability will be passively activated.

Although the ordinary world cannot be compared with the living lesions, the will of the world still exists.

When the [evil] between planes erodes the world, the consciousness of the world will be alert immediately and stop its spread at all costs.

The world seems to be similar to everyday life, but it is actually sheltered by world consciousness.

For example, Yi Chen and the others came to this world numbered [1910] in order to find William.

After the world consciousness senses the danger, it activates a regular defense within the sun, allowing the sun to have the effect of suppressing evil, thus forming this world pattern of "safe day and dangerous night", and the humans living here also They were all unconsciously receiving warnings from the consciousness of the world and strictly followed the curfew.

Another very important point,

The foundation of the simulated world is all kinds of [people]. As long as people are alive, have no evil thoughts in their hearts, and dispel the dark emotions accumulated in their hearts under the sun, this world can continue to survive.

However... once something goes wrong with some special groups of people who are highly connected to the world, malice can be completely projected onto the world through these special groups of people, and the consciousness of the world will also be shaken.

The murderer from twenty years ago was named [Li Zhao], and he was a special human being.

When he was ten years old, he moved to a resettlement building with his divorced mother.

At first, the residents living here found that Li Zhao's mother seemed to have mental problems and was extremely controlling over his son.

Every day when he comes home from school, his mother will look through his schoolbag and ask him who he talked to today. She firmly opposes his contact with anyone of the opposite sex, even adult women who live in the same resettlement building.

Many times, his mother would secretly follow Li Zhao to and from school. Whenever she saw him talking to a female classmate, she would rush up and slap Li Zhao, and then use extremely unpleasant words to scold the girl away, ensuring that this Girls will no longer associate with their sons.


On the way home from school one day, a serious car accident suddenly occurred behind him. When Li Zhao got closer, he discovered that the person who was caught in the bottom of the large truck was his mother who was secretly following him.

At this moment, he laughed louder than anyone else.

In fact, the mother's 'controlling nature' did not exist before, nor was there any mental illness.

His father had long noticed something was wrong with him and left home immediately after this incident, but his mother was still unwilling to give up on him. The so-called desire to control is actually to supervise Li Zhao and ensure that he will not attack other women again.

Without the shackles of his mother, Li Zhao's inner nature began to be released.

His innate murderous nature allowed him to successfully commit crimes and get a large sum of money from his victims in an era when information was underdeveloped.

He used the money to buy the entire resettlement building and started a hotel business, starting his true criminal path.

Only a small part is registered in the newspapers;

He killed at least seventy people. In addition to those who dumped the corpses and fed them to the dogs, there were also some truly beautiful and complete corpses that he buried in this building.

Even every day he would pass by these corpses and talk to the wall.


Li Zhao, the wild cats and dogs he fed around him, and the whole building felt integrated.

The serial murders of twenty years ago were never solved. The entire city once lived under the haze of Li Zhao's killings. For a long time, women did not dare to go out alone.

Any outsider who sets foot in the area where the hotel is located will be felt by Li Zhao immediately, and they will also feel an inexplicable sinister wind.

It seemed as if this [land] had already been assigned to Li Zhao.

Times have changed and the buildings have become dilapidated.

There are fewer and fewer people coming to stay, and the improvement of criminal investigation capabilities has also made Li Zhao smell danger many times.

After embedding the last corpse collection to complete the entire building, Li Zhao chose the golden basin to wash his hands, but he still engaged in stroking, licking and even some impulsive behaviors in front of the walls where corpses were stored every day.

As malice spreads into the world,

Li Zhao, who had the evil buried deep in his heart, was inspired by evil immediately, but his perseverance was extremely tenacious.

He did not sink directly, he had completed the entire work, and now he just wanted to end this life in an ordinary way.

Unfortunately, the evil that is gradually penetrating is still slowly affecting him.

With the arrival of Jin, a foreign beauty, the malice accumulated in his body exploded instantly, and he once again sank into the viciousness of the past.

And under the inducement of evil, he made a deal and gained inhuman power.

However, things become different.

In Li Zhao's decades of inherent knowledge, the woman who should have been easily suppressed by him now had his limbs broken without even touching her skin, causing him to kneel on the ground.

Even if he wanted to look up and take a look at the face of the woman in front of him, he could only see half of her face, and the calm smile that only he could put on.

At this moment, Li Zhao's self-confidence and belief as a murderer collapsed, and his will was loosened.

On the verge of death, he chose to hand over his 'property' with a very simple condition, asking the other party to kill the woman completely and bury it in the building as the finishing touch to his work.

malignant penetration,

Some kind of special [evil] substitute Li Zhao took over this building and this area, and the malicious value of the world increased by 1%.

Blah blah blah!

The downpour began to penetrate the building, and streams formed between the buildings. The walls gradually shattered under the soaking of rainwater, and the bodies that had been buried inside were revealed.

Each one has a perfect figure, a shaved hairstyle, wide-open blood-red eyes, and seems to have endless hatred for the world.


When the man with a round hat, who was taller than a human and taller than a human, walked up the stairs, the body immediately contained water droplets filled with resentment from his seven orifices and was absorbed into his body. The rest of the body turned into powder and dispersed.

despair! despair! despair!

The large-sized leather shoes stepped on the water-soaked passage and arrived at the door of Jin's guest room.

Crunch~The door opens!

Zizzi... In the house where the power should have been cut off, the TV was flashing with snowflakes.

And there was a long-haired woman sitting in front of the TV, motionless.

The slender being could clearly sense the breath of life emanating from the woman in front of the TV, but when he got closer, he found that the so-called woman was just a collection of cancer cells wearing clothes and having hair.

Just when he was about to use the rain to sense targets who might be hiding,


The video player on the television suddenly started playing.

The snowflake spots switched to a bleeding smiling face, and a different kind of malice that didn't belong to him began to spread in the room, and creepy laughter could even be heard in his ears.

Little Fatty is still sick. He may have to take leave tomorrow. Let me tell you in advance.

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