The final gentleman

Chapter 885 Death Follows


What Rain Man sees and experiences is completely different from what onlookers perceive.

Yi Chen, who was leaning against the door, had never seen William appear from the beginning to the end, even though he had raised his perception to the highest level, even with the help of Little Putao's vision.

I just saw Rainman sitting on a wooden bench, watching the video tape full of garbled characters and snowflakes, and became more and more nervous as time went by. The rain outside the house also changed in intensity and intensity due to Rainman's state.

The same scene that Lorian saw through the moon in the cup was the same, and there was no trace of William at all.

Jin, who was sitting on the bed, did not take the initiative to sense it. She didn't care what kind of actions William would make, she only cared about whether she could kill this 'new enemy' in the end.

Only Reagan, with the help of the magnetic field covering the building and the direct connection between the socket and the guest room where Rain Man is located, captured a process of 'infection' that exists between concepts and in the unreal realm.

Although Reagan could not directly perceive it, he could roughly infer from the current pulses of the video player and the television that the process of 'playing the video tape' produced an 'unrealistic substance' that could be radiated directly through the TV screen. There is not even a radiation process on the viewer, but a direct impact.

The effect on the whole body of the moviegoer, especially on the brain area, is like a 'virtual pathogen' that can be transmitted without any medium.

Anyone watching a videotape,

Or being in a confined space where the videotape is,

Or hearing or seeing the pictures, audio, etc. transmitted by the TV will directly lead to the occurrence of ‘infection’.

Moreover, the infection rate of moviegoers will also increase with the duration of watching the movie.

However, the growth curve is not smooth, and is even extremely irregular. There will be a leap in growth at a certain node.

According to Reagan's speculation, the infected person should have made a certain decision at this point that led to the deepening of the infection.

Even as an ascendant, Reagan had never seen this kind of 'virtual infection' without a medium and without any physical pathogens.

Although he is now beyond the epidemic system, if he wants to infect others with Neisseria meningitidis, he simply cannot do what William is doing.

Even now, Reagan has been able to achieve 'spiritual carving', which can directly carve other people's cells through magnetic fields, spiritual threads and spiritual body contact, transforming ordinary cells into Neisseria. Even if pathogens are not needed, media and processes are still needed.

"Is this what William got in two years... A non-medium, non-entity pathogenic infection, which only requires the infected person to meet certain conditions to cause the infection to occur instantaneously.

He is worthy of being the master of the epilepsy.

Now William wants to kill a few of us. As long as some conditions are met, he can really do it. 』

After Reagan understood all this, beads of sweat like lubricant slipped from his forehead.

At this moment, Reagan suddenly read an abnormal parameter that should not appear. He immediately opened his eyes and looked at everyone in the room.

"The target may have escaped, but is in poor condition... Be prepared to pursue him."

As soon as Reagan said this, the status of everyone in the room changed instantly.

Microscopic parasites that were invisible to the naked eye immediately crawled out of Yi Chen's ear holes and enlarged to their normal state in a short period of time, wrapping around his waist.

【Rain Man's Perspective】

William's swirling face like a black hole pressed against his ear, issuing the final invitation.


The night rain covering the current neighborhood all stopped, and then ~ boom! All the rainwater gathered at one point, washed down towards the top of the hotel, penetrated the floor partitions and showered on the Rainman himself.

The rainwater falling in this form is extremely aggressive. Every drop of rainwater can conceptually 'penetrate', and the effect is equivalent to injecting pure water into the blood vessels.

It only takes less than a second for a normal person to turn into a huge human water balloon and explode on the spot.

Even some so-called gods will be 'watered'.

However, the main target of this concentrated rainfall is the Rain Man himself.

He realized that the situation in front of him was almost irreversible. If he wanted to escape, he had to give up something. I am afraid that only by completely destroying his own body could he escape from this [scare joke] that had already been completed.


Rain washes over Rain Man and William behind him.

The Rainman itself immediately began to expand like a water balloon,

William, who was standing next to the Rain Man, was not affected at all and still whispered in his ear, but this time the whisper was different from before.

"It's raining so hard!"

You're pretty good in [Evil], being able to be completely independent without the need for a conventional literary carrier... Since you don't want to be my student so much, I'll give you a chance to escape.

Run faster! My friends are very dangerous, don't let them catch you, otherwise you will have some juice. 』

As William's whisper ended,

The fully expanded Rainman exploded directly, destroying the entire guest room including the TV and video player, and sprayed out from the windows of the guest room like a tide.

at the same time,

A flesh-red figure also flashed out of the guest room at the end, actively bathing in the rain pouring down from the fifth-floor window like a waterfall.

It seemed like rainwater was washing over her body surface, but in fact what was washing away was just the red lotus sarcoma that kept growing on her body surface. By ingesting and analyzing the rainwater produced by the self-explosion, she tried to capture the other party's traces.

As the rain gradually stopped, Jin's expression became ugly.

"Tsk... He completely annihilated himself, leaving no trace behind. What method did that guy William use to scare this kind of thing into this?"

Reagan in the room still didn't move, but his mind went to an altitude of 100 meters, overlooking the area covered by the magnetic field, but still found nothing.

It seems that Rain Man is dead or has fled further away.

Combined with the analysis of the rainwater collected yesterday and what happened, Reagan's nearly perfect Ascendant's brain instantly came to a conclusion.

"Concept transfer, I am afraid that any human being who has been exposed to the rain may become a 'transfer object'... In this case, I am afraid that only Mr. Yi can catch up."

When Reagan gave this information, Yi Chen, who was leaning on the door a second ago, had disappeared.

In a residential building about five kilometers away from the hotel.

A young man who was in a hurry to go out the day before yesterday and forgot to bring his umbrella was playing games wrapped in his quilt. There were various cold medicines placed in front of his computer desk.

Ah sneeze!

As he sneezed, his whole body was stunned for an instant.

Immediately afterwards, rainwater overflowed from the seven orifices like drowning, and soon a round hat was built above the mouth.

As the young man drowned, his body was immediately forcibly taken over by [Rain Man].

The computer case in front of me also got water and short-circuited!

Zhi! With a burst of sparks flying, the display screen went black.

Rain Man, who had just completed his rebirth, froze before his smile was fully formed because he saw something 'dirty' on the dark display screen.

A black-haired man with strange insects wrapped around his body was standing behind him.

Not only that,

With the appearance of this black-haired man, the deserted bedroom suddenly became full of people. Dead people with missing limbs and even heads were crowded in the room, staring at the Rain Man in front of the computer.

He also felt a cold feeling on his neck,

Looking up, the ceiling turned into a cold guillotine.


However, the guillotine did not fall for a long time, but the voice of the deceased came, "Did William let him go on purpose?"


Taking advantage of the opportunity for questioning, Rain Man blew himself up again, flooding the room with rainwater.

As long as anyone has been exposed to rainwater within 48 hours, Rainman can copy and completely transfer consciousness, but there is a price.

Each time he is transferred, he is weakened.

If it is in full bloom,

Rain Man will inevitably compete with the dead in front of him, but after experiencing the threatening jokes, he has lost a lot of evil thoughts, and must run away and hide to slowly recover.

He was reborn again from the restaurant three kilometers away, but the black-haired young man exuding the aura of the dead walked out of the kitchen, still asking the same question.

“Did William let you go on purpose?”

transfer again,

This time, he went directly to the school seven kilometers away and was reborn in the body of a certain student. A young man with black hair also appeared in the empty seat at the back of the class.

I transferred several times in this way, but still couldn't get rid of this black-haired young man.

It seemed that some kind of death mark had already fallen when he and the young man looked at each other for the first time.

It seems that as long as Rain Man possesses others and causes death, Yi Chen can track him down immediately.

final transfer,

Rain Man spent his last strength and was reborn in the body of a homeless man deep in the street, extremely weak.

Not even two seconds have passed,

Chichi chicha~ From the depths of the street, countless rats poured out one after another. The black-haired young man still came out, still asking the same question.

Rain Man didn't answer, he just dragged his extremely weak body towards the entrance of the street.

Yi Chen followed closely behind, pressing forward step by step. He has seen that Rainman cannot carry out any further transfer, and all he needs to do next is to take his consciousness to the 'orphanage' for severe torture.


Rainman, who was on the verge of collapse, had just walked out of the street. As he was crossing the street, a large truck with a "delicious juice" sticker on it came roaring towards him!

Snapped! The violent impact completely shattered its body, scattering it into a puddle of uncondensable rainwater and a strange black round hat.

The large truck showed no intention of slowing down and fled away... However, the driver sitting in the cab had red lips and slightly raised corners.

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