The final gentleman

Chapter 90 Trees and Nutrients (Second Update)

The process of walking between the high walls of trees went smoothly, and there was no other disturbance except the cry of the baby.

As the distance deepened, Yi Chen became more familiar with it. He only needed to stretch one hand straight in front of him to make the tree trunk in front of him move away on its own.

And in the process, Yi Chen also gradually discovered the differences between these high-walled trees.

The sap flowing on the tree trunks is indeed mixed with the smell of blood, which must be directly related to the nutrients absorbed by their roots... It is this kind of special nutrients that allows them to form such an unreasonable hundred-meter-high wall.

As for Jin, it was like he was on a trip, following behind him leisurely, and even had time to chat.

"I didn't expect that a man like you could control plants so well...are you planning to open a clinic in the future?"

"I don't have any plans for the moment."

"It's best not to have this plan in the future. [Clinic] is a thing used by organizations to constrain talents.

Like me, I try to minimize my contact with Zion. When the value of Zion is squeezed out, I will leave here. Will we be together then? "

"Focus on the task at hand, Kim."

"Boring man."

After walking through the tree walls for more than three hundred meters, I finally peeled off the innermost trunk.

What greeted the two of them was not a paradise, nor was there any sense of comfort that could clear the clouds and see the sun... Not only was there no sunshine, but they came to an even darker inner area without any light.

On the top of the nearly 100-meter high wall, the growth of branches is also unnatural, dense, intertwined and superimposed.

Countless branches and leaves combine to form a "cover", covering everything inside the high wall.

At the same time, there is also a mist component caused by ashing, which fills the gaps between the leaves and prevents any sunlight from penetrating, forming a closed area of ​​absolute darkness.

If an ordinary person walks in such a forest for two or three minutes, a sense of claustrophobia will sweep over his body like a crawler.

Yi Chen lowered his head and observed the ashes flowing between the leather shoes. The concentration was similar to that of Twilight Clinic, and it had reached the advanced stage... except that the coverage area here was larger and the affected area was deeper.

There may be abnormal patients like female doctors doing infusions and bandage nurses.

Under the influence of ashing,

The trees growing in the inner area no longer stand tall and upward, but grow randomly at various weird and twisted angles.

The branches are like human arms, and the dull dark leaves are attached to the surface of the branches like skin, or even embedded in them, which looks quite weird.

Some trees appear extra 'fat' due to ashification, and the middle part of the trunk becomes swollen.

Streams of thick light green liquid continued to flow out, and eventually penetrated into the soil and turned into nutrients again.


Large and dense fungi grow on the surface of trees and on the ground around them.

Some of the larger fungi have an opening at the top and can breathe like humans... Each time they squirm, they exhale spores that deepen the graying effect, promoting the mutation phenomenon in the forest.

These gray spores scattered in the forest can further obscure the vision. Even the light of the kerosene lamp will be limited, and the visible range is limited to about ten meters.

Due to the existence of the small grapes, Yi Chen's visual range can be doubled.

Suddenly a message came over from Little Putao: "It's very rich~ This place is not much worse than Twilight Clinic. William, you have to be careful." If you have bad luck later, you will really die if you encounter another open source patient. 』

"Don't be so arrogant, I'll pay attention." 』

Yi Chen stepped forward to a diseased tree that was bleeding pus, and tried to put his palms against the bark to feel the specific conditions inside.

"Huh? Tumor?"

There are actually flesh-red malignant tumors growing under the bark of the tree. It is this tumor structure that causes the tree trunk to swell and ooze pus.

Moreover, the surface of the tumor is also connected to the fluid transport structure of vascular bundles, leading to the bottom of the tree.

"There seems to be something connected to the lower root."

Who knows,

Jin also came over, directly put his fingers on the thick juice, put it on the tip of his tongue and tasted it carefully.

"There is a smell of blood and flesh! Is it really related to the roots? Let's see what's going on."

There was no discussion with Yi Chen.

Jin hugged the tree trunk with her arms, and red threads spread all over her arms... With explosive power, she forcibly pulled the tree out of the ground.

Yi Chen didn't stop him, but looked at the root seriously.

The picture that caught his eye made him frown and felt uncomfortable.

At the roots of the trees that were pulled out, the plump, lubricated roots were actually twisting on their own. They were more like the tentacles of an octopus than roots.

The roots of a living body are quite active, and they even want to turn around and pierce into Jin's arms, but unfortunately they are not long enough...

"What are these roots sucking?"

Yi Chen moved the kerosene lamp to the hole in the ground and looked at the bottom.

A drop of cold sweat overflowed on the surface of the forehead,

In the field of vision, a kind of 'larvae' that cannot be classified into current biology is buried underneath,

It has human-like limbs, but each are of different lengths, and have hooves, pads and other structures.

There are black hairs on the body, rudimentary horns, and a nose similar to that of a pig.

The whole thing is coiled together like mosquito coils, curled up at the bottom,

The holes all over the body are constantly closing and opening as the larvae breathes, as if they want roots to penetrate into its body.

at this time,

The larvae's eyes suddenly opened,

The pupils of the eyes are in the shape of a straight line, staring at the spy at the top,

The crooked mouth opened and closed to make strange sounds, as if it was in pain due to the missing roots.

"This guy is not a nutrient, but maintains a "symbiotic relationship" with the trees, providing each other with the nutrients they need.

Jin, put the tree back, don't scare the snake yet, our exploration has just begun. "


Jin rubbed his fingers gently,

A simple red lotus woven with blood thread is held on the fingertips.

As the fingers loosened, the red lotus fell down and landed on the surface of the strange larvae's body.

Take root on the body surface,

red line invasion,

throughout the body,


The larvae exploded like bombs, their flesh and blood evaporating.

Before long,

The trees that were pulled out of the ground began to wither and shrivel from the roots, and the entire tree died of old age in less than five minutes.

"For such a poor guy, [death] is the best gift~ Don't you think what I did is very gentlemanly, William?"

same moment.

Deep in the forest, somewhere is a secret and completely gray chamber.

An old man wearing religious attire and a bishop's crown inlaid with gold and green plant patterns woke up between the seats.

As he slowly raised his skinny palms covered with wrinkles,

A mysterious man in black robes gathered in the darkness and knelt in front of him.

"My Lord Bishop, what are your orders?"

"We have visitors..."

"Will you continue to send us nutrients? These humans are really generous."

"There is something different this time... let the inferior villagers greet them first, try their abilities, and start a test if necessary.

Our plans are still in progress, so proceed with caution, Theodore. "


The man known as Theodore quickly retreated into the shadows and disappeared.

The bishop woke up from his dream and seemed to be feeling unwell from sitting for a long time and wanted to adjust his posture.

After he finished moving his body with difficulty,

He reached out and opened his robe, revealing his fat and wrinkled belly.

The strange thing is,

There was actually an umbilical cord that was equally wrinkled extending from the bishop's navel, and the other end was connected to his seat.

seems to fix him here,

It is like using the transmission function of the umbilical cord to continuously absorb the nutrients under the seat for the bishop.

Through the gap at the bottom of the seat, you can vaguely smell the stench of corpses.

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