The final gentleman

Chapter 899 Handover

[City of Shells] is a transfer station for all worlds. Many times, some special items or individuals will come here for turnover. These special items transferred from other worlds often need to be sent to special isolation laboratories for storage.


The things Yi Chen applied for were not just ordinary "forbidden objects", but extremely rare "original sin forbidden objects" that had changed important life paths and created the supreme evil god.

Just as Jin Lung Tianzun deduced, if it weren't for the current dangerous situation and if Yi Chen wasn't directly related to the evil god, it would be impossible to give him this kind of thing.

Just getting this thing here was a huge risk.

Yi Chen came to a pure white spherical building similar to a stadium. The shelter organization of God's Domain temporarily took over the place and replaced it with bald employees to ensure that there would be no problems in the handover process.

"Mr. Yi, please take off all energy-sensing objects on your body before coming into contact with special forbidden objects. If you are conscious, you cannot carry them.

If you don't have clothes, we can provide lab coats here. "

"Bring me a lab coat, and the things I take off will be kept by myself. I just need to guide 'them' to a rest area."


Although the bald handover officer felt that there seemed to be something else on Yi Chen, he guessed that there should be only one at most.


After a weird parasite crawled out of the ear hole, it quickly expanded when it came into contact with space.

The swollen and enlarged parasite was also anthropomorphic at the same time, standing firmly on the ground with its legs, and its two stray eyes were shaking rapidly and could not focus.

The clothes on Yi Chen also moved like a reptile, directly transferred to Nash's body, turning into a set of plaid short-sleeves and beach shorts.

Finally, some ash continued to float from Yi Chen's head, like a miniature sun rising above his head.

The appearance of the little grape actually directly triggered an alarm in the entire experimental area. As the little thing landed on Nash's shoulder, the danger index immediately disappeared.

Naturally, it also attracted a large number of containment personnel. They were completely relieved after it was determined that the source of the danger was the controllable object carried by Yi Chen, and it passed the recruitment of Jin Lung Tianzun and the Pharaoh's test.

"Boss Yi, we are waiting for you! I wish you all the best."

It can be seen from Nash's expression that he wants to go with him to see something that may be related to the origin of death.

However, as long as Yi Chen can bring this thing back, it doesn't matter if he comes into contact with it later.

Yi Chen put on a pure white lab coat that was insulated and completely close-fitting. After passing a series of tests, the handover officer blocked him in front of the last door.

"Mr. Yi, please remember that the forbidden object you are about to come into contact with is the most direct threat to even gods. Once you lose control for more than three seconds during the contact, and there is an obvious suicide situation, we will forcibly terminate the contact and deprive you of it. right to use.

Moreover, we may not be able to prevent death in time, and you may be dead by the time we arrive.

Let me confirm for the last time, do you want to touch "███'s hanging rope"? "


"Okay! The end of the passage behind me corresponds to the room where the rope is."

The handover officer moved out of the way, and after the hydraulic door engraved with the secret text opened, a deep cylindrical passage appeared in front of him, estimated to be three hundred meters long.

The moment he stepped into the passage, Yi Chen heard the sound of the waves that he was all too familiar with.

Although he was stepping on a cold passage, he felt wet gravel filling the spaces between his toes.

In fact, anyone who tries to get close to the rope will have a similar feeling.

However, when other people smell this sense of death, their bodies will tremble unconsciously and activate the danger alarm clock set in their brains to wake up and escape immediately.

When Yi Chen determined that the object he was about to touch was related to the origin of death, he unconsciously speeded up his pace and even ran between the passages.

This picture was also transmitted to the monitoring room. In the opinion of the experimenter, this was probably the induction effect of the rope, inducing the individual to rush over and commit suicide.

As Yi Chen arrived at the end of the passage, the hydraulic door here had failed and needed to be opened with a manual rocker.

When the door slowly opened and Yi Chen looked inside, his pupils immediately zoomed in and out, and his movements became stiff.

An ancient gallows was built inside.

Going up the broken stairs, there was a wooden bench in the center of the gallows with a hemp rope hanging on it, which was also the important handover object this time.

Even an ordinary person can clearly feel the strong death aura when seeing this hemp rope, and will be frightened to the point of incontinence.

Looking at the hole between the hanging ropes, an irresistible pulling feeling came over him, pulling Yi Chen to climb up the broken stairs, wanting to put his neck into it as soon as possible.

The people in the control room shook their bald heads one by one, showing different disappointments.

Because Yi Chen's performance was no different from that of the previous experimenters. If he couldn't resist the desire to commit suicide, let alone touch or even control the rope.

"It seems that this only believer is not very good either... What a pity!"

"Don't make a conclusion in advance, wait until the end. Go ahead and don't interfere in any way."

The handover officer responsible for going to the hotel to accept Yi Chen was more trusting of the other party because he had personally contacted the other party and saw many strange things from Yi Chen, as well as an inexplicable sense of danger.

In the middle of the screen, Yi Chen has stepped onto the gallows and is about to commit suicide.

If he had followed the behavior of the previous experimenters, he would have stood on the wooden bench prepared there and then hanged himself.

But Yi Chen did not use the wooden stool. His body floated up on its own and slowly sent his neck into the rope hole.

The handover officer noticed something, "Hurry up and adjust the "sensing parameters" of the screen to the highest level! "

As the knob is adjusted, the real picture becomes blurry, but there are a lot of black shadows between the pictures.

As if they were decapitated corpses, they were currently kneeling on the ground, each reaching out to lift Yi Chen's body and send him to the middle of the rope. It was like some kind of weird death ritual.

"Hanging yourself was not induced by the rope at all, but Yi Chen's own decision!"


As his neck was completely pinched, the deceased let go.

Yi Chen, who had hanged himself, was struggling crazily on top. He was still in the living state he had retrieved from the library.

This living body gradually dies as the hanging progresses and sinks into the sea. Due to the action of the rope, it will sink to a very deep place, even reaching the burial place of the god.

When the physical body is completely dead,


The surveillance screen suddenly dimmed, and after a burst of electromagnetic interference, a ghostly face that occupied the entire screen suddenly flashed, startling the staff.

When the scene returned to normal, there was no one inside, and the rope tied to the gallows had also disappeared.


Just when the employees instinctively wanted to sound the first-level alarm, notify all experimental areas and doors to be closed, and establish a blockade.

Boom, boom, boom!

The door of the monitoring room was knocked at this moment.

Along with the invasion of the breath of death, a face actually penetrated the metal door and invaded.

Yi Chen condensed the human form in the form of a concept, stood at the door, looked sideways at the handover officer in charge of this project, and pointed to his pocket.

"I've put my things away, can I leave?"

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