The final gentleman

Chapter 910 Breaking out of the cocoon

Inside the screening room on the second floor of the cinema.

Yi Chen was standing here, with a completely charmed male corpse lying at his feet. In other words, the operation of the entire cinema relied on the charmed male body.

The main body of the charm is the ‘aggregate’ that is tearing apart the curtain and crawling out.

Different from Liu Xinzhi’s perfect combination,

Although this kind of monster individual with multiple heads hanging outside and multiple bodies spliced ​​together is also a potential Fujiang, it always feels like something is missing.

Perhaps she intentionally expresses this state of being aggregated into a monster, or it may be caused by a congenital defect.

But in any case, he is stronger than Liu Xinzhi. Judging from the number of heads hanging on his body, the opponent has obviously absorbed at least ten of the same kind.

If Liu Xinzhi herself had not lied, she had only absorbed one so far.

Yi Chen still only plans to watch the show. He needs to watch more and collect more information to accurately judge "what is Fujiang". Does the so-called Fujiang refer to evil, or is it a general term for a large-scale world phenomenon? Only then can it be eradicated.

He had no mercy or any intention of taking action. Even if Liu Xinzhi died here, it had nothing to do with him.

In Yi Chen's eyes, although Liu Xinzhi has not completely changed, she is still a potential evil and a target that he must kill during his lifetime.


Watching the monster tear through the curtain and rush towards me,

Looking at the movie theater where she was alone,

Liu Xinzhi instinctively called Yi Chen's name, but all she got was her own reply.

At this moment, despair swept through his body.

She knew very clearly that the monster rushing towards her had absorbed many people, and the form it expressed was beyond the scope of human beings, so it was basically impossible to win.

"Am I abandoned?"

Liu Xinzhi was alone and froze in place. She even had no idea of ​​resistance and was ready to become part of the woman in front of her.

At this moment,

Her nose picked up a smell, which belonged to Yi Chen on her clothes. This smell was enough to prove that they came to the cinema together and were separated for some reason.

The smell also reminded Liu Xinzhi of good memories.

Recalling the refreshing feeling of being cut in half,

Recalling the shyness of Yi Chen spying on the structure of his body,

"Yes! Mr. Yi will not abandon me. He looks at me so seriously. He must be isolated for some reason. I must find a way to survive and complete the remaining dates with him.

This is the date of true love that I long for most in my life, and I must not be disturbed.

Even if Mr. Yi left on purpose, he was probably testing me! Yes, that must be the case. He is such a powerful person, and only I am powerful enough to be qualified to fall in love with him. "

Suddenly, Liu Xinzhi's thoughts underwent a huge 180° change.

But at this moment, the monster that runs the entire cinema has arrived, and its huge arms are grabbing at her.

The moment he was about to be caught, whoosh!

Liu Xinzhi actually escaped in an instant, and at the same time, she jumped forward and took the initiative to get close to the monster.

She even thrust her hand into her chest during the jump and ripped out a sharp rib alive.


It penetrated deeply into the monster's head, causing the other person to scream in pain.

Liu Xinzhi also climbed up the monster's body, biting the flesh and blood with her mouth, and swallowed it into the body.

This scene made Yi Chen in the screening room dumbfounded.

Judging from his experience, Liu Xinzhi, who had clearly given up a second ago, was bound to die, but for some reason he completed the dodge and attack in an instant, and it was also a very effective continuous attack.

"Is it talent? Or was it driven by some kind of motivation that instinctively accomplished all this... It's kind of interesting. I hope you can survive."

The smooth attack at the beginning could not be sustained. Liu Xinzhi's approach directly angered the opponent, and the situation soon turned around.

Liu Xinzhi's fragile body was thrown heavily to the sidelines, feeling that all the bones in her body were broken.

But she still didn't give up. She borrowed the "crawling" ability she got from the previous woman and moved quickly along the side wall, no longer fighting the monster head-on.

They would even pull out the audience seats from time to time and throw them at the opponent to interfere with the action.

She wanted to escape from the cinema, but found that all the doors had been blocked while they were watching the movie, and there was probably a steel plate behind them, making it impossible to escape.

In order to continue her unfinished date, Liu Xinzhi's biological instinct forced her brain to run at high speed. Her eyes were fixed on the torn movie curtain and she saw the wires there.

A plan formed in her head, maybe this was the only way.

She was crawling very fast, even faster than the monster. She was about to reach the wire and was about to reach out and grab the wire to electrify the chasing monster.

A male employee who had been charmed for a long time actually hid behind the damaged curtain and placed a live wire directly on Liu Xinzhi's body.


Her body was completely numb, with burning and tingling all over her body, as if every cell was being pierced by needles, and she could even smell the fragrance of her own flesh.

" turns out that I am so delicious myself. What a pity~ I can no longer hang out with Mr. Yi, and I can no longer get to know the person who truly loves me.

If I survive, I must feed myself to Mr. Yi for a taste~ He will definitely like it very much.

Forget it, that's fine~ Maybe this beauty didn't belong to me from the beginning, maybe Mr. Yi was just a passerby, and he was just interested in my body structure.

That's right~ I am a married woman, how could such a handsome man be interested in me. "

The monster with more than a dozen heads has dragged its saliva to the front.

All the women's heads are arranged horizontally and open their mouths simultaneously. Their mouths are connected together and open a giant mouth that can swallow a whole person.

Just when it was about to swallow Liu Xinzhi, the monster suddenly froze, its body stiffened and unable to move... The pupils of the women's heads turned black one after another, as if they had seen something terrible.

Liu Xinzhi looked at the scene in front of her. Her charred body quickly shed its charred shell, and she killed the movie theater employees beside her with tears in her eyes.

She knew very well that this was definitely not a coincidence, and it was impossible for the other party to reveal such a flaw.

There is only one possibility.

"Mr. Yi!"

Some inexplicable power spread within Liu Xinzhi's body. With a new look, she jumped onto the monster's body, clasped the upper and lower jaws with both hands, and tore with all her strength!

Ka~ The huge force actually completely tore the monster's head open, revealing the extremely disgusting glued brain inside.

She took off her coat, like a girl before taking a bath, stretched out her legs and feet and stirred the monster's head, turning all the brains into paste.

Then he soaked her body in it, as if she was enjoying a hot spring bath, and then plugged in the wire just now!

Zizzi~ The strong current connected all the women's cells together, and the entire cinema fell into darkness again.

Screams and burning sounds filled the cinema,

Between the dark and huge balls of flesh, a tender and girl-like arm broke out of the shell, stretching out a flawless body.

More than ten eyes appeared on the girl's face at the same time and scanned the dark cinema. She seemed to have caught something and quickly stepped forward to hold the figure in the darkness.

The throbbing bloomed like a flower. When the girl stood on tiptoe and wanted to kiss the other person, she was blocked by her fingers.

Then at the request of the other party, he put on a movie theater employee's costume and continued their 'date'.

"I knew it was Mr. Yi! I knew you must be here..."

Yi Chen didn't respond, and just walked out of the cinema silently, with an idea already in his mind.


Not long after the two of them walked out of the cinema,

Suddenly, entire cities' televisions, radios, and even car radios were tuned to one frequency band.

Yi Chen also happened to pass by an electrical appliance store, where all the TVs were adjusted to the same screen without being connected to the Internet.

A ring-shaped image rotating like a black hole.

Then a bloody smiling face slowly oozed out from the center of the black hole.

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