The final gentleman

Chapter 914 Cruise Ship Rules

"Wow! This is so comfortable~ Mr. Yi is so lucky!"

Liu Xinzhi was shocked by the presidential suite as soon as she entered the room. She fluttered and landed on the soft big bed that was three and a half meters spacious.

Although she is already a potential Fujiang, she is still essentially a housewife living in a small county town. She basically lives between her home and the vegetable market, and has never traveled.

Naturally, I couldn't contain my emotions when I saw such a top-notch luxury suite. I kept beating my feet on the bed, sniffing the scent of the pillows and the bed.

Relatively speaking, Piao didn't show much change in his expression. He just walked into the house calmly and checked every corner habitually.

Of course, she was still holding an umbrella, covering her face under the umbrella.

Yi Chen stopped at the door and did not step into it. The "hotel stress disorder" was still taking effect, and his inner instinct refused to enter the sealed room of this hotel structure.

A warm hand gently pulled him in.

"Mr. Yi, why are you so embarrassed? It doesn't matter. Sister Fei and I won't eat your food. Besides, isn't it the 'threesome' you promised?"

Since there are rules on the ship that do not allow killing, we can enjoy the journey with peace of mind.


Liu Xinzhi stood up on tiptoes and whispered against Yi Chen's earlobe: "If the three of us want to sleep together at night, the priority must be mine."

"This sea journey is definitely not easier than taking a shuttle bus. There will be multiple cruise ships all over the world heading to the beauty pageant island. It is impossible for everyone to land on the island smoothly."

Yi Chen's words made Liu Xinzhi look confused, "Don't the rules say you can't kill people? Then what's the danger?"

"It might be something else. Just pay more attention to it."

"I'm pretty awesome, don't underestimate me!"

Liu Xinzhi has multiple eyes sprouting from her cheeks, and the back of her head is slightly raised to reveal a woman's face. By observing the situation behind her, she can indeed achieve the effect of seeing six directions with her eyes and hearing all directions with her ears.

At this moment, the sound of shower came from the bedroom.

A slender and lubricated arm stretched out from the crack of the door, gently shaking to signal the people outside to hurry in. Indeed, there were too many blood stains along the way, and there was a strong smell of blood everywhere on the body.

"Mr. Yi, let's go wash it together! Let's see who can help you get cleaner, me or Sister Fei."

Just when Liu Xinzhi wanted to pull Yi Chen in, the arm she was pulling suddenly turned into a wisp of death and disappeared.

The next second, Yi Chen appeared on the viewing balcony, threw the blood-stained clothes into the sea, and put on the nightgown provided in the guest room, overlooking the general situation of the sea.

He is death, and blood, a symbol of life, will not stick to his body.

When Liu Xinzhi was about to go to the balcony to continue her invitation to 'bath together', she suddenly found that the balcony was crowded with people, pairs of pale soles stepping on the ground, and the door was completely blocked by the smell of death.

At the same time, there was a voice: "You guys, wash it, I've already washed it."


Yi Chen, who was lying on the balcony guardrail, stared at the sea, turning a deaf ear to the female voices that kept coming from behind.

The cruise ship officially set off at midnight and sailed to the mysterious island designated by William for the final beauty pageant.

At the same time, the radio sounded in every room and corner of the cruise ship.

"Ahem! Hello ladies who have passed the preliminaries and officially boarded the cruise ship! We must have met in front of the TV before. I am the host of Smiling Black Hole TV and the only person responsible for this world beauty pageant. Man, William.

Next, please temporarily stop your hands, feet, head or other organs, stand up your ears, dig out the earwax inside, and adjust the deepest cochlea.

I will read out the [Cruise Rules] which will be directly related to your ability to make it to the final pageant.

1. "No conflict" - I believe you have heard it when you boarded the ship. Fighting with each other is prohibited during the entire voyage. Any direct or indirect attack will be discovered by me!

However, this article needs to be supplemented. If someone really attacks you and is not removed, then this person is no longer on our ship, or even not a human at all. In this case, counterattack is allowed.

2. "Be careful of the sea" - Never stare at it for a long time because of your longing for the sea. Once you stare at it for more than five minutes, you may be noticed by the sea, and it will strongly demand that you become a member of the ocean.

3. "The non-existent room" - Please be sure to remember the house number of the guest room, the color and carving structure of the wood used for the door. It is very likely that after you go to other areas of the cruise ship, there will be an extra room in the guest room area that does not exist, and any key card can open it.

If you accidentally enter it, you may disappear forever.

4. "Our waiters are uniformly dressed" - All waiters on the cruise ship, both men and women, wear the same clothes and the exact same clown mask.

If you find that a waiter is dressed unusually, even if it is just a small part of the color, or there are extra marks on the mask, please stay away immediately and escape to a crowded place.

5. "There is no octopus here" - Whether it is the banquet hall or our food delivery service, although we provide a rich variety of food, no matter what kind of food it is, it definitely does not contain octopus. If you see something suspicious of octopus in your meal Please bring it to the nearest waiter immediately and they will help handle it.

6. "Don't sleep" - the total duration of the sea voyage is 24 hours, which means you will arrive at your destination at this time tomorrow.

Please do not fall asleep during this process, otherwise you will fall into a special dream caused by the sea, and you may even fall asleep permanently and cannot be awakened.

In order to cheer everyone up, the cruise ship provides various refreshing services, which you can choose according to your mental state.

7. "Sea monster with social phobia" - As far as I know, there is a terrible sea monster hiding in the depths of the sea. He suffers from severe social phobia because he lives alone all year round. As long as the movement on the ship is large enough and the number of people remains at a certain level, More than 80%, the sea monster would not dare to approach.

If everyone stays in their own rooms due to attrition in violation of the rules, it may attract the attention of the sea monster.

Once the ship sinks, you will never reach the island I have prepared for you.

I believe you have memorized it and taken notes. Please leave your guest rooms and go to the banquet hall to dine and get excited! Bring a glimmer of life to the dead sea. "

The notification ends.

Liu Xinzhi and Piao in the bathroom also walked out wrapped in bath towels, and their relationship seemed to get better.

"Mr. Yi! Let's go get something to eat quickly. According to the rules, it will be much safer if everyone gets together."

But no matter how they shouted, Yi Chen always lay on the balcony and stared at the sea.

Liu Xinzhi also suddenly realized the second rule, be careful "beware of the sea."

"Oops! Could Mr. Yi..."

Liu Xinzhi ignored the dead people crowding the balcony and squeezed towards Yi Chen.

Unexpectedly, Yi Chen gently raised his hand to signal her not to get close and not to look at the sea.

Obviously, Yi Chen was not affected and was just staring at the sea deliberately.

After staring for a long time, as some octopus tentacles emerged from the sea level, Yi Chen softly spit out a name.


"Who is Catherine?! It sounds like a foreign name!" Liu Xinzhi is quite sensitive about female names.

"It's nothing, you go and eat."

"Mr. Yi, aren't you going? The rules require us..."

"Just asking contestants, I'm not included, stop the crap."


Seeing Yi Chen's resolute attitude, Liu Xinzhi had no choice but to show a reluctant expression, hold her arm in her arms and hold an umbrella together and leave.

Not long after the two left, there was a sound of draining water from the bathroom.

Sea water overflowed between the cracks in the door,

Before the door could be fully opened, a wet woman was already sitting on the bed, exuding malice and evil. Her flower-shaped eyes were staring at Yi Chen on the balcony.

I'm so angry that my little Fatty was infected by mycoplasma again. He had a sudden convulsion in the kindergarten at ten o'clock this morning, which scared the teacher to death. He is now in stable condition. The entire pediatric clinic was full of people, all suffering from influenza A and mycoplasma pneumonia. I finally had to be hospitalized. I hope I can recover soon.

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